FR: Track meet, 3 approaches.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
I wasn't originally going to go to this track meet because I wasn't running, but my friend on the team persuaded me to go by telling me that there we were going to approach girls there. First few hours of the meet were boring and this one friend of my talked about how he wanted to approach a girl, but couldn't. We keep saying that this dude doesn't have the balls to spit game and then he finally approaches this girl named Freya. Blah, blah, blah, now that the friend proved he had the balls, he wanted to see me approach a girl. I kept siezing up, until they finally told me to approach this Masa girl and I did. Here's how that went:
As always, I can never remember the whole conversation, so I'm going to give an unorderly summary of the conversation.
- I say "Hey, Masa, how's it going?" she says "Good", I say "Good? What did you fail a test or something?", she says "What did you say?" and I repeated it to her(Can't remember exactly how). She then tells me why she's really NOT in all that great of a mood, and we talk from there. I remember her telling me she pole vaulted and when I asked her what she was going to do over the weekend she said "Nothing", so then I started talking about how me and my friends are going to see Spiderman on Saturday. I eventually asked her "On a scale of 1 to 10 how good do you think you are?" she said and I told her she couldn't have low confidence, and at that point I initiated kino. She left saying she had to leave to this guy pole vault, and that was the end.
Later on, I approach this girl named Orit
-I open saying "Hey, Orit, how's it going?" she says "Good" I say "Good? What did you fail a test or something?" she says "No, it's just that I'm tired". Eventually we start talking about Spiderman and Orit tells me she's into it, when I ask her if she's going to see it, she says she doesn't watch many movies. I eventually discover this chick hardly ever watches TV and doesn't have cable. We eventually talked about her event the "2 mile" and I told her that I could never do the 2 mile. Blah, blah, I ask her how good she think she is, she tells me she's not really good compared to the other girls and I initiate kino, and tell her that she should just focusing on improving herself, rather than worrying about the other girls. We eventually talk about band and she tells me she plays the Alto Sax, I tell her I play Sax to and she says "I know" then I say "How do you know? You been watchin' me?" and she says "No, your just in the squad infront of me in marching band" and I tell her how I never noticed that.
Third approach sucked, I basically talked to a chick from another school, and the convo was kind of boring. I couldn't use the "Good? What did you fail a test?" opener because she didn't respond "Good" to "Hey, how's it going?" but "Yeah".

I know I already posted this in the HS forum, but I figure I'd get more help here.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
flows101 said:
GRATE MATE :D you are now one of the VERY FEW people on this forum who approach chicks keep it up mate.
Nice to know I guess.

The Motivator

Apr 12, 2008
Reaction score

ElStud, you claim that you are improving, but please tell me the difference between these approaches from 11 months ago, and the ones you are making now?

The Motivator

Apr 12, 2008
Reaction score

reply and answer me, stop trolling and ignoring important questions, im here to help you

In Motion

Senior Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
Basically... Everywhere
Dude, answer The Motivator.

Approaches were ok, not all that great. For the most part, girls and spiderman = BZZZZZZ, you just dropped out of the game with 0 bucks.

Also, why do I feel these girls names are getting stranger and stranger?

The Motivator

Apr 12, 2008
Reaction score
im going to bump this every day until you respond to what I said, actually RESPOND without calling me a hater, cuz im not