FR: The Track Meet.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
So we had a track meet today and I approached these girls from another school. BEFORE the approach they were already giving IOI's saying "Hi" and stuff and eventually I just approached them. So what happened was I went up there and immediately one of the girls is asking me questions(Questions = interest), but I started talking to one of the girls and telling her how much she resembles my ex girlfriend(No, I don't really have an ex, but lol that's the routine). And to be honest, I can't even remember much of the rest of the convo because it was mostly fluff and stuff but something random but interesting happened. This guy who I haven't seen since 4th grade comes up to me and asks me my name, then tells me how he remembers we use to go to school together and I kind of remembered him too(Since we've both moved to different school districts since). Then he said something like "This guys cool". Eventually, the girls just started asking me a bunch of questions and stuff. Then the hotter girl left because she had to go run an event. I also remember earlier in the conversation when a bunch of other girls from that school came and Susan(one of the girls) introduced me to them.

Later I approached another girl from that school, but lol it was still mostly fluff. At one point a girl who I guess was her friend came in and said "She's practically engaged" but then the girl said "No, i'm not!" and the conversation continued. Eventually I closed the set and got a hug from her. At one point in the convo I remember the girl who ****blocked saying that I knew Susan, the hot girl from the last set.

Didn't number close any of the girls, although I could've probably successfully done it.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
More to the point, why do you feel the need to share this and every other FR just like it with the rest of us? I fail to see of what benefit it is to anyone...

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
ElStud, I think it's great that you're doing a lot of approaches. Why not just make one thread that's an approach journal and keep all your FRs there?


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Ripper said:
More to the point, why do you feel the need to share this and every other FR just like it with the rest of us? I fail to see of what benefit it is to anyone...
I don't do this sh*t for you or no one else. The simple purpose of this is to be a record of what happened in the field. Don't start getting the misconception I'm doing this to benfit you or anyone else. And EVERY other FR? Please dude if I posted EVERY FR I'd have hundreds more FR's.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
Elstud, just keep doing what your doing. Ignore the haters, your 18 and making approaches which is more than can be said for the majority of guys on here. Keep at it, slowly start to escalate and you'll eventually have a solid complete game.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 19, 2008
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
ElStud said:
I don't do this sh*t for you or no one else. The simple purpose of this is to be a record of what happened in the field. Don't start getting the misconception I'm doing this to benfit you or anyone else. And EVERY other FR? Please dude if I posted EVERY FR I'd have hundreds more FR's.
your FRs make no sense then. I mean you're not bragging because you get nothing. Why don't you just keep it as a mental log and stop trolling this forum with your useless and pathetic approaches on 14 year olds?


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
ezily said:
your FRs make no sense then. I mean you're not bragging because you get nothing. Why don't you just keep it as a mental log and stop trolling this forum with your useless and pathetic approaches on 14 year olds?

Can you tell me how your comments improve the website and the mindset of its posters please because I don't see anything from it? If you don't like someone, then ignore them, your negativity and everyone else's is whats bringing down the site.

edit: when I was in HS it wasn't totally abnormal for an older person to want a person in a younger grade. You have to remember we are talking HS'ers here not adults.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 19, 2008
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
MacAvoy said:

Can you tell me how your comments improve the website and the mindset of its posters please because I don't see anything from it? If you don't like someone, then ignore them, your negativity and everyone else's is whats bringing down the site.

edit: when I was in HS it wasn't totally abnormal for an older person to want a person in a younger grade. You have to remember we are talking HS'ers here not adults.
dude, it's elstud. You said yourself the point of this site it to help people and improve the mindset of others. Elstud is doing the exact opposite with his FR. They provide no one with any help. He doesn't even get a number in most of them and he never goes into any detail about what this so-called "interest" is that he gets. Elstud, is also completely negative when it comes to people who try and help him. I honestly don't know why he's on this forum. He doesn't take anyone's advice and all he does is post useless ****. I think most people would agree with me on this. If you don't believe me just look at some of his past threads and posts.

Yes I realize he's in HS, but he's gaming little kids. That's lame. He's 18. Seniors who went out with freshman when I was in HS were considered the absolute biggest losers. Elstud gets kicked out of A&F for doing creepy approaches, he never gets any action, and he gets girls to tell on him at lunch for 'approaching.' So I really don't get why you're defending his style. It's so incredibly bad almost every single time. And whenever anyone tries to give advice he just mocks the poster as a hater. He can't take any criticism at all. He's such a baby.


The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
So, we're discouraging him from approaching and doing FRs... I don't get that. No one's really consistently good with approaches until they get to their thousandth approach. It's good that he's taking action.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
ezily said:
dude, it's elstud. You said yourself the point of this site it to help people and improve the mindset of others. Elstud is doing the exact opposite with his FR. They provide no one with any help. He doesn't even get a number in most of them and he never goes into any detail about what this so-called "interest" is that he gets. Elstud, is also completely negative when it comes to people who try and help him. I honestly don't know why he's on this forum. He doesn't take anyone's advice and all he does is post useless ****. I think most people would agree with me on this. If you don't believe me just look at some of his past threads and posts.

Yes I realize he's in HS, but he's gaming little kids. That's lame. He's 18. Seniors who went out with freshman when I was in HS were considered the absolute biggest losers. Elstud gets kicked out of A&F for doing creepy approaches, he never gets any action, and he gets girls to tell on him at lunch for 'approaching.' So I really don't get why you're defending his style. It's so incredibly bad almost every single time. And whenever anyone tries to give advice he just mocks the poster as a hater. He can't take any criticism at all. He's such a baby.


I asked about YOUR comments not about the OP. Can you tell me how your comments improve the site? Or does your maturity involve calling a kid names instead and putting him down instead of trying to help him.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
MacAvoy said:

I asked about YOUR comments not about the OP. Can you tell me how your comments improve the site? Or does your maturity involve calling a kid names instead and putting him down instead of trying to help him.
Don't worry about ezily dude, infact, just ignore him. He does absolutely nothing but hate and argue. Haha, I could get laid and this dude would still find something to hate on.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2007
Reaction score
MacAvoy said:

Can you tell me how your comments improve the website and the mindset of its posters please because I don't see anything from it? If you don't like someone, then ignore them, your negativity and everyone else's is whats bringing down the site.

edit: when I was in HS it wasn't totally abnormal for an older person to want a person in a younger grade. You have to remember we are talking HS'ers here not adults.
I'm pretty sure I have actually seen ezily try to help El Stud, but he just gets defensive and denies any advice ezily had tried to give.

And yeah, to an extent, its not abnormal at all, alot of my junior friends are dating freshmen. A senior going for a freshmen is a little off though.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
admit it. seniors dating freshmen is just lame. Freshman and sophmore girls were always in the friendzone, my own personal cheerleaders. What's he gonna do in college? Date sophmores in highschool? Stop gaming at school bro. Get out into the wider world and try your skills there. Enjoy school.

ps. seriously...go ask 5 people you trust what your rep is around school. I dare you to do it and post back here.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
The point that I'm tryin to make gentlemen is that cutting this kid down isn't going to help him. My mom taught me that its better to bake with sugar than salt. If you see some holes in his game, be a DJ and point out in a productive way how he can improve his game.

You are suppose to be older, more mature men, why act like children cutting each other down? Be a DJ, lead by example, not by showing how cool you are fighting on the internet. (Read signature)


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
LostAndConfused said:
I'm pretty sure I have actually seen ezily try to help El Stud, but he just gets defensive and denies any advice ezily had tried to give.

And yeah, to an extent, its not abnormal at all, alot of my junior friends are dating freshmen. A senior going for a freshmen is a little off though.
So you date every girl you get the number of? Interesting philosophy cause that's exactly what you're telling me here. Listen, I don't want to hear any advice from any of you or any little "comments" unless you've read the whole damn post. Clearly you didn't because I stated in the opening post of that topic I was interested in her.

Also, most of the so called advice given here isn't advice. It's you guys pushing YOUR believes about seduction. "Seniors shouldn't go for Freshman" aint advice, that's some dude pushing their believe on me. When someone tells me how I should change my game even when I got a SUCCESSFUL number close and the girl was obviously interested, that's pushing their beliefs on me. "Don't talk about Rock Band" wtf dude? I talked about Rock Band and not only was the girl still interested and I got the number. Another thing, if you haven't tried sh*t infield, don't jump on a dudes d*ck and tell him it doesn't work, especially if YOU haven't tried it infield.


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
got a hug from her
This here is what is wrong with your mentality. You did not "get a hug from her", you gave her a hug. This shows me that despite you saying that you believe you are high value that deep down you do not believe it. Once you get that subtle shift in your mentality you will be golden.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
robstar said:
This here is what is wrong with your mentality. You did not "get a hug from her", you gave her a hug. This shows me that despite you saying that you believe you are high value that deep down you do not believe it. Once you get that subtle shift in your mentality you will be golden.
Wrong, I hugged her and she hugged back. If I gave her a hug and she didn't hug back I wouldn't of said "Got of a hug from her", smarts. It's funny that you always think you're right though despite knowing nothing about me.


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
Dude, nice work with the approach, but I'm pretty sure you have better things to do than sit on the internet and record your social interactions, especially when nothing important happened and its not part of a journal or anything like that. Sure, you could record all you interactions and analyze everything and then turn socializing into some math like equation. And then you could become like mystery and get laid through a fake persona but have completely screwed up inner game and no real character. But this site is about more than that.