It should be a requirement to have proven experience to post and give advice on this forum, that way we can weed out guys who don't know what they're talking about.
Travel memoir21 said:
True Love requires sacrifice my friend
Explain please.
- Do I need to explain what Love is to you? Love is not selfish. If you read The Scriptures, Love is kind, Love is giving and full of gratitude. You damn well know this intuitively. Your role as a Man is to provide for your future family the best means of life as possible and you can't do this by going trying to Sports fvck your way to get a quality woman. No, there must be some time and as a screening and bonding, process. It seems to me you need to do some internal improvement and work on changing on some parts of your character in order to get what I'm trying to tell you,
Define what is a true quality woman?
- A Quality woman is a decent woman which you've managed to woman to attract who is loyal, kind, god conscious, and most of all would make a GREAT Mother to your children. Being a great mother to your kids would one of the most important reasons why you selected her to be your wife. You want to be ensure your kids get raised by the best type of Lady to shape their character.
What do mean by tactics? Give examples
- Just the many crap, given by this site like Routines, gimmicks, pick up artist tactics by PUAs that is manipulative. You should act confidently and normally and NATURALLY as Man when your talking to her and your confidence is stemming from who you are and your lifestyle, passions and goals etc. Sure you can tease and play around, but it has to be congruent to your confidence and masculine authenticity.
Travel memoir21 said:
This is called Delayed Gratification, it applies to many aspects that is important in life.
Travel memoir21 said:
screen for good character
Can you give examples?
- You screen for good character by not trying to get in her pants so early in the stages of dating. By trying to get to know her, having fun with her and taking some time to get to know her and delaying instant gratification and learning to appreciate modesty, god conscious behaviors such as appreciation, moderation and GIVING. Look, I know most of the women here in the states are crap, but I'm in South East Asia right now.....and I can honestly say this type of approach works with a lot of the traditional women here. Man, I've been dating around and flirting around and it's so laidback compared to the complexities and games you must do in The West. So I suggest you be open to go fishing in a lot of these traditional nations.
Travel memoir21 said:
and having a positive, good goals and lifestyle.
Again, this can be different for different people, what are examples of these things?
- A Positive Good goal and Lifestyle can be defined as not selfish, it's God Conscious and coming from a place of bliss and faith, it's a goal that benefits others and improves the world. Sure you can work on yourself, have financial goals, fitness goals, relationship and spiritual goals etc.....but if your most important goal your thinking about is not helping others and having something to achieve that is bigger than oneself and making this people around you, society, your community a better place....then you've missed the mark buddy. Cause life doesn't revolve around you, it revolves arounds God and doing his will and being a servant.