FR - Stay in the set with this IOI


New Member
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Dirty South
2set, a HB8 and FB4. Rolled up to their table and JUST SAT DOWN (I love this opener, I've used it many times and it just works). Was running Natural Game, She did say Hi first and I just started to vibe with her. No patterns/routines except Pimp My Tractor (I love that on the country girls around here). Vibed on and off for about 45 mins, the main tip I have here is that

a lot of the time, the HB was not showing direct interest in me. However I kino'd early and had my hand on her chair barely against her ass and she never showed any problem with it.

Exchanged numbers half way through the set and got a kiss close.

So guys, even if you aren't getting all of her attention, find a way to gauge her temperature before thinking your need to eject. She may be attracted to you inside but just not sure how to react to whatever type game you have going.

If she's fine with your hand against her backside, then
- in MM you are in A3, screen her and go to C1
- in Natural Game you have her IOI, keep your strong intent
- in DYD ease up on the ****y, be funny and cool, she's hooked
- in GM/Gunwitch – Well, find a bathroom for the ho, if she has put up with your **** thus far and lets you rub her ass then you might as well F-Close

Heh... Sarge on.


Spirit Fingers

Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
Hey man, props on the kiss, but let me clear one thing up.

A big part of Natural Game is *not* looking for IOIs. Actually, this is something you did well -- despite not having any 'traditional' IOIs like her asking where you're from, touching you etc. you physically escalated.

Looking for IOIs comes from an approval seeking mindset, although you are doing it covertly. Natural Game players escalate regardless of whether or not there are IOIs, unless interest is very obviously not there. If there is any doubt, escalate regardless of whether or not there are IOIs. This FR is a good example of that.
