FR - Reckon I bombed it - Text and FB convo.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Ok, I've been on this site a while, but been haven't really put much of what I've learnt into practice, resulting in this mess haha.

However I've decided I'm just going to go for it from now on.

Here we go.


Met this girl (HB6.5) last year, she's had a boyfriend pretty much the entire time, but they broke up around a month ago. Always a fairly flirty relationship with lots of kino. A friend has told me to go for it, and I said I would. He has given me the first shot, and if I fail he's going in, pretty decent of him. We break up from uni in a month, and then she's going to Spain for a year abroad, so I'll probably never see her again.

Sent her a text couple weeks ago after seeing her really briefly at when walking to lecures at uni.

Gunner - Guess what I noticed today?
HB - That you're really lady?

I don't reply just yet.
10 mins later

HB - What did you notice?!?!
Gunner - Haha no I'm not a lady. You changed your hair.

(Just after sending this I realised I should have let her sweat a little longer, replied with something along the lines of - 'Nothing much just something about you')

HB - New hair, new me
Gunner - Looked good. New you?
HB - Thanks :) yeah I'm single now
Gunner - I saw, good to know

Conversation ends.

(I'm thinking I shouldn't have said her hair looked good, instead just should have left it that I noticed it'd been changed)

So onto today. I decide to hit her up on FB just because I've been bored and thought why not.

Gunner - Wassup HB
HB - Hi Gunner I'm at '---' how are you?
Gunner - What you buying? I'm good, just chilling.
Gunner - Or are you working?
HB - I'm working
HB - Are you going ----- on Thursday?
Gunner - Yea I will be, you going to be there?
HB - I've got exams, but I don't really want to miss out
Gunner - When are the exams?
HB - Then and then
Gunner - Hmmm, I give you permission to come out, you've got plenty of time to revise.
HB - I've also got one on the ----
HB - Why thank you Gunner
HB - I've got 6 exams, I'm dying

Gunner - Your welcome, 6 seems a bit much
HB - Yeah they don't finish till the ---
Gunner - You should come out, celebrate being halfway through exams
HB - Yeah, I went out friday as well after an exam
Gunner - And you didn't invite me?!
HB - It was only me, ---- and ----(Both girls)
Gunner - I see, I've got nothing on until ----
HB - Egh I'm jealous, I've done my orals, just got the writing left
Gunner - Bet you smashed the orals
HB - It's my speciality
Gunner - Says who?
HB - My oral teacher
Gunner - Might have to meet this teacher, unless your good to give presentations?
HB - I'm good, I did performing arts btec
Gunner - Just a btec? Hope your performances now are better than that
HB - It was equivalent to 4A's!!
HB - I was amazing

Gunner - I still don't believe you
HB - My performance as a boy was Oscar worthy
Gunner - Still don't believe you, might have to schedule you in for a demonstration because I think your bigging yourself up
HB - Umm no
Gunner - Shame

And that was it. Pretty poor if I say so myself, I think I might have misjudged her IL haha. Anyways, I'm still going to see this girl on thursday. I think the best course of action is to remain civil and wait to see her reaction to me in person.

Obviously this did not go smoothly, and died instantly. Just looking for advice on howelse I could have gone about it.

Thanks guys



Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
Gunner26 said:
Ok, I've been on this site a while, but been haven't really put much of what I've learnt into practice, resulting in this mess haha.

However I've decided I'm just going to go for it from now on.

Here we go.


Met this girl (HB6.5) last year, she's had a boyfriend pretty much the entire time, but they broke up around a month ago. Always a fairly flirty relationship with lots of kino. A friend has told me to go for it, and I said I would. He has given me the first shot, and if I fail he's going in, pretty decent of him. We break up from uni in a month, and then she's going to Spain for a year abroad, so I'll probably never see her again.

Sent her a text couple weeks ago after seeing her really briefly at when walking to lecures at uni.

Gunner - Guess what I noticed today?
HB - That you're really lady?

I don't reply just yet.
10 mins later

HB - What did you notice?!?!
Gunner - Haha no I'm not a lady. You changed your hair.

(Just after sending this I realised I should have let her sweat a little longer, replied with something along the lines of - 'Nothing much just something about you')

HB - New hair, new me
Gunner - Looked good. New you?
HB - Thanks :) yeah I'm single now
Gunner - I saw, good to know

Conversation ends.

(I'm thinking I shouldn't have said her hair looked good, instead just should have left it that I noticed it'd been changed)

So onto today. I decide to hit her up on FB just because I've been bored and thought why not.

Gunner - Wassup HB
HB - Hi Gunner I'm at '---' how are you?
Gunner - What you buying? I'm good, just chilling.
Gunner - Or are you working?
HB - I'm working
HB - Are you going ----- on Thursday?
Gunner - Yea I will be, you going to be there?
HB - I've got exams, but I don't really want to miss out
Gunner - When are the exams?
HB - Then and then
Gunner - Hmmm, I give you permission to come out, you've got plenty of time to revise.
HB - I've also got one on the ----
HB - Why thank you Gunner
HB - I've got 6 exams, I'm dying

Gunner - Your welcome, 6 seems a bit much
HB - Yeah they don't finish till the ---
Gunner - You should come out, celebrate being halfway through exams
HB - Yeah, I went out friday as well after an exam
Gunner - And you didn't invite me?!
HB - It was only me, ---- and ----(Both girls)
Gunner - I see, I've got nothing on until ----
HB - Egh I'm jealous, I've done my orals, just got the writing left
Gunner - Bet you smashed the orals
HB - It's my speciality
Gunner - Says who?
HB - My oral teacher
Gunner - Might have to meet this teacher, unless your good to give presentations?
HB - I'm good, I did performing arts btec
Gunner - Just a btec? Hope your performances now are better than that
HB - It was equivalent to 4A's!!
HB - I was amazing

Gunner - I still don't believe you
HB - My performance as a boy was Oscar worthy
Gunner - Still don't believe you, might have to schedule you in for a demonstration because I think your bigging yourself up
HB - Umm no
Gunner - Shame

And that was it. Pretty poor if I say so myself, I think I might have misjudged her IL haha. Anyways, I'm still going to see this girl on thursday. I think the best course of action is to remain civil and wait to see her reaction to me in person.

Obviously this did not go smoothly, and died instantly. Just looking for advice on howelse I could have gone about it.

Thanks guys

Too much fluff man. You tried to keep the convo going but shouldve cut it short.

Once she wasn't sure if she was going I wouldve dropped the convo with a "well if you make it you should look out for me"

Or something of that nature.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
Yeah there wasn't anything inherently bad about the convo, it's just, well, exactly what Purefilth said. Went on too long.

Until you're in a LTR, texting and facebook is for making plans or contacting them about something specific. i.e. "Finally saw that episode of <whatever>, it was hilarious." and that's pretty much the convo, unless you add on, "Drinks tomorrow night?"


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2012
Reaction score
not necessarily. what about the people who meet a girl online and she lives in another country?? most people keep in touch on text or fb chat and chat for hours every day if they like you


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
lamobatsman said:
not necessarily. what about the people who meet a girl online and she lives in another country?? most people keep in touch on text or fb chat and chat for hours every day if they like you
Those people are wasting their time.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
lamobatsman said:
not necessarily. what about the people who meet a girl online and she lives in another country?? most people keep in touch on text or fb chat and chat for hours every day if they like you

pdx1138 said:
Those people are wasting their time.
I agree with pdx...been there, done that, it is a complete waste, a fantasy of a relationship.


Too much yakkity yak, man. Keep it simple and ask her on a date with a time and place. All that cutesy talk gets you nothing, feeds her ego, and wastes valuable cell phone battery.


Don Juan
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
I'm really new to all but yeah , I agree with the above posters.

There definitely is some IL going on there , but you made it too long.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score

No more texting gunner - go for 5 back and forth MAXXXX!!
(that means you send 3 maximum)


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks for the replies guys, pretty reassuring.

I agree I kept it going too long, that's a lesson learnt.

Haha Purefilth, texting KILLS relationships. I'll just see her in person on Thursday now if she's out, no more texting for me.
