FR - Quick - what would you do? (girl 1 'for sure' vs. girl 2 maybe)


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
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A few nights ago I went out with some friends and met a couple cuties, both 'single'.

Girl 1 is a 7.

Girl 2 is a 7.5, maybe 7.75.

Girl 3 is a friend's gf. I mention her because all 3 of them are best friends.

So we went out for a few drinks. Girl 2 is kind of an AW and had a bunch of guys hitting on her. I played it cool, and she showed interest in me ... BUT ... Girl 1, while quieter, showed more interest - she bought me drinks and was focused just on me. We hit it off pretty good (we're both bartenders so plenty to talk about) and a group of us came back to my place to afterparty. I ended up making out with Girl 1 so the other 2 knew what was up, but although Girl 2 had a dude with her she wasn't really feeling him. Still, not much I could do at that point. I did isolate her and talk to her for a bit, but that was it.

At the end of the night Girl 1 ended up in my bed. We made out, I got most of her clothes off, kinda messed around, but no sex (she was on the rag and was very self conscious about it).

Fast forward a few days. Girl 2 is cool with hanging out this weekend, though it would have to be daytime for me. She was somewhat into me on a sexual level (kept feeling my abs and telling me how sexy it is - I'm in great shape), but not super talkative, so I'm going to label her a 'maybe'.

Girl 1 wants me. She wants to hang out this week, and I haven't accepted yet. I might play the busy card. I also have way more rapport with her since we made out, I sucked on her tits, she slept in my bed, etc. Girl 2 I didn't do anything with.

So here's my dilemma. Since they're bffs, there's a very good chance I could strike out with both before I even tag one. I don't know how their communication is, but I assume they tell all, so if I mack on them both there's a possibility I'll end up with nothing - kind of like hitting on too many girls in one night and going home alone. Here are my options, as I see it:

Option 1) Hang out with Girl 1 this week, seal the deal. Can try to still get with Girl 2, but chances are it won't happen. If I had to pick, I'd pick Girl 2 though.

Option 2) Delay Girl 1 (busy card), attempt to hang out with Girl 2. If we don't hang out this weekend, forget about it (low interest) and hang out with Girl 1. If we DO hang out, I pretty much have to tap it, otherwise nothing is happening. HOWEVER - there's a downside to this. Even if we make plans and Girl 1 finds out, it could turn out that Girl 2 doesn't hang with me and Girl 1 loses interest because she finds out I'm into Girl 2.

EDIT: Option 3) Kind of like #1 above. Hang out with Girl 1, seal the deal, then give it some time and go for Girl 2 after it 'doesn't work out' with Girl 1. I just have a feeling that Girl 2 has enough guys after her at this particular moment (all the ones that were there that night actually) so I could just end up spinning my wheels with her for a minute. Ugh decisions.

So that's my issue right now. I'd rather have the hotter one, but it's less of a sure thing. I've been in similar situations and it's a good problem to have, but still a problem. If I do delay Girl 1, I can't delay for too long or it'll fizzle.

What would you do?


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."

Or "A bird in your hand is worth two in her b$sh lol."

I'd go with #1. But that's me. I'm less of a risk taker and don't think a half point in looks either way is a big deal. Plus it's more fun to pis off the better looking one because its a bigger blow to her ego lol. Plus the quiet one is probably a bigger freak in the sack :).

For you, it doesn't really matter. It sounds like you could replace both of them easily. If you REALLY want the hotter one, go for it. Just know its a gamble because of the obvious AW risks and not give a F either way.


Don Juan
Aug 10, 2011
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It is beyond me why you would want to bother with a girl you labeled an attention ***** who might not be that into you if there is a different girl who is almost as pretty who is really into you and you have a lot in common with her.

Getting **** blocked by one girl or the other is pretty likely, in my experience, when dealing with 2 girls who are good friends who both like you. I would play this one safe. Pursue girl one. Unless you are hoping for both for bragging rights, there are a lot of ways this could blow up.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Option 4) Show them this thread and see what happens! :) lol. haha

Girl 1 seems a little too gung ho. She might get real clingy? Just a thought.

If you are looking for some dependable poontang then Girl 1 would probably be the one.

You know what, if you are just looking for girls to bang and they aren't that hard to come by for you, then I'd go for broke and go after #1 and #2.........may the best girl win! ;-)


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
Reaction score
I should clarify that I'm not looking for commitment or even regularity. I'm 'putting in work' and given my lack of free time as is, I'm not hurting for sex. After X lays I also developed an abundance mentality, so even if I go a while without getting my d!ck wet it doesn't phase me. I'm also not worried about clinginess; don't know why that's an issue for guys. If a girl is too much into me I just ignore her and she gets the hint, it's pretty easy. I just want to tap them both. Another small issue: I set up a date for the same weekday already with another girl from POF (looks to be about a 7), so may need to cancel/reschedule that.

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
"He who chases two rabbits, ends up with none."

I'd focus on girl 1. I don't know how many times I've stepped on my own dyck while wearing track shoes (figuratively speaking of course!) when trying to game two chicks.

A couple of years ago I was in a similar situation. Girl 1 was a 6 face-9 body cvm junkie who was very interested while her friend was a 8 face - 7 body who had been mildly flirtatious at best.
Girl 2 was definitely the one I wanted but in a moment of weakness (when Girl 1 pushed me into a bathroom at a party and practically begged to blow me), I caved. A few months later I made a move on Girl 2 and she expressed horror that I would hit on her after screwing her friend a few times.

In saying that, there were never any guarantees with Girl 2 and I'm not even sure she would've fvcked even if I hadn't fvcked her friend. So I'm glad I went with the definite lay, who happened to be a demon in the sack, if not a little nutty....


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2012
Reaction score
If you've got plenty of other options, I'd go for the cuter one and/or the more interesting and fun one.

In other words, if girl 1 has a better personality, go with her, else take the chance at girl 2.

If options were even semi-limited though and you could use another definite girl on the list, stick with the definite anyways.

Mr. Bond

Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2008
Reaction score
Okay - think of it this way.

I think we both know that sex with girl 1 is much more likely because she's not an AW and girl friends talk to each other about what happened.

BUT, if you are truly in a mentality of abundance, then you will go for the one you really want. Sure, you are likely to lose both. But you should play to win instead of playing to not lose.