Well I've always thought neg'ing is the one area that I really need to improve on considering my g/f is super high maintenance. I realized this weekend how HM she really is. I've known all along it takes 2 hours for her to get ready (shower, makeup, hair) in the morning. I was quite shocked :crazy: though when I found out she uses like $15 shampoo, $15 conditioner and $30 bottle wash.
She truly has been spoiled as the only child, private school and all. I told her to do my dishes since she was ready before me and she was like "I have to do work at home, its not happy land you know.
Back to the topic though. I didn't realize till yesterday how much of a neg'er I already am. She was upset that I called her toes "funny" looking the other day, she brought it up again. All in a good way though.
Another example, not so much neg'ing but more C&F. She kept prying about my ex who I have a kid with. I did most of the child rearing when my daughter was born, (aka middle of the night feedings, staying with her overnight in hospital when only a few weeks old).
HER: So what did ex do all day long?
ME: Suck c0ck.
She never knows what to expect me from. I hate her prodding so I either don't answer her, or I avoid her ? by using C&F. I think I've gotten down to the point where most of the time I am not thinking about it but it comes naturally to me.
The thing I noticed though is that I seem to go from one extreme to the other. I'm either the C&F jerk type or all lovey dovey. There isn't too much in between. She knows I love her to death but she also sees me as this arrogant, funny prize. I hate going shopping with her but we have been doing alot of it for my new place, so I make sure I act like a bit of an AS5 when we are out. She is almost embarrassed but gives me those little hits telling me that she is really enjoying it over all. I've also managed to work in some stupid fun time which we lacked before when we were LD.
She truly has been spoiled as the only child, private school and all. I told her to do my dishes since she was ready before me and she was like "I have to do work at home, its not happy land you know.
Back to the topic though. I didn't realize till yesterday how much of a neg'er I already am. She was upset that I called her toes "funny" looking the other day, she brought it up again. All in a good way though.
Another example, not so much neg'ing but more C&F. She kept prying about my ex who I have a kid with. I did most of the child rearing when my daughter was born, (aka middle of the night feedings, staying with her overnight in hospital when only a few weeks old).
HER: So what did ex do all day long?
ME: Suck c0ck.
She never knows what to expect me from. I hate her prodding so I either don't answer her, or I avoid her ? by using C&F. I think I've gotten down to the point where most of the time I am not thinking about it but it comes naturally to me.
The thing I noticed though is that I seem to go from one extreme to the other. I'm either the C&F jerk type or all lovey dovey. There isn't too much in between. She knows I love her to death but she also sees me as this arrogant, funny prize. I hate going shopping with her but we have been doing alot of it for my new place, so I make sure I act like a bit of an AS5 when we are out. She is almost embarrassed but gives me those little hits telling me that she is really enjoying it over all. I've also managed to work in some stupid fun time which we lacked before when we were LD.