FR: My first interaction since discovering SS.


Don Juan
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
A'right , so after doing some DJ Bible reading this weekend I decided to go out and apply my newly acquired wisdom.

I was heading to today's lectures. I got there and I saw this totally new chick who I've never seen / noticed before. She was an HB 8. Pretty good I thought , so I went in.

I'll comment along the way to ask for opinions and how I did:

-College just resumed after a 2 week brake. This was the 1st day.

Red: Hey , you're new ,right ?
B: Yeah you could say that. Don't really like Artificial Intelligence so I rarely come to the lecture.
Red: Well,this one will be more fun.
B:How so ?
Red: Because we're gonna become bffs. I'm R.
B:*giggle* I'm B.

(some small talk ,I joke around a bit , then I decide to qualify her)

Red: A'right B , so what's the most fun thing you did this brake ?
B: Nothing really...I've been visiting family.
Red: *sarcasm* best...story...ever. A'right , we're braking up.
B:*laughing* Ok ok , what did you do ?
Red: Ah..I almost killed a friend for one.
B: What ? How did that happen ?
Red: Well we decided to buy a bow and mess around with it when we went camping. Turns out that if you mix a bow and arrow with alcohol and a couple of idiot best friends , it's kinda risky *laugh*.
B: Oh god and you said you want us to be bffs.
Red: Yeah,so if you get me drunk you better not give me a bow.

(so we were having fun but it was all on me.She wasn't a really fun person to talk to. The more we talked the more she went down from HB8 to lower, simply for being so...dull. She was giving me IOIs but at the same time she was giving off a very insecure vibe.)

B: So do you live in rent or on campus ?
Red: Nah,rent. The campus sucks. You ?
B: Oh,I live with my boyfriend.
(yeah,boyfriend. dafuq ?Anyway,I read around here that if a chick mentions a boyfriend you should immediately brush the subject off. However , she had a little displeased glimps when she mentioned him so I gauged a little bit)
Red: Oh god. You're 20 and you live with your boyfriend? How many times a day do you contemplate murdering him ?
B:Quite often really , haha. I'm really on the verge of ending it with him. I don't even know why I've been prolonging this for so much time.We've been on and off for about 4 years.
Red: I'm not even gonna..
B: *giggle* yeah,I know I know.

(so she's obviously not pleased with the guy. What should I do at this point ? Change subject ? Let her bring him down further ? What I ended up doing was letting her talk and making comments on the side , trying to increase my 'value' and enforce his 'suckyness'. Was this a wise choice ?).

B: He never wants to go out for walks and do anything fun.
Red: Look,I'm not trying to corrupt you here , but that sounds boring as phuck.
B: Yeah,it is.

Anyway,she goes on and on about her bad relationship for about 10 minutes , lecture is over,we exit the building and the guy calls her. She lies to him saying she's alone and will be home in about 15 minutes.

I had to run some errands so I was thinking for a way to get her to come along , but :

Red: So I gotta run some errands and -..
B: Oh,cool. I'll join you.
Red: But you just -..
B: Ah,nevermind him.

We end up hanging out for about an hour and a half , meanwhile she's deflecting the guy's calls and still shows interest , but is still extremely boring as a person. Nothing she said even remotely 'impressed' me in the slightest. When I asked her what she does for fun she said:"Video games,movies,and that's quite it."
I don't really mind that , since I used to be big on video games,but she just reeked of insecurity and dull-ness,which is very much a turnoff.

Anyway , before leaving:

Red: A'right well , here's how we're gonna do. I'll shoot you a text sometime this week and we'll do something fun.
B: Sounds great. My number is XXXXXX. Also, my facebook is XXXXXX.

As I forgot to mention , she was constantly initiating kino through-out the interaction.

I didn't go for a kiss or anything , mainly because I wasn't really into her all that much. I mean,I'd definitely smash her body but her personality was just so empty. Also , I probably would've been a poosay and not go for a kiss even if I were interested. Don't think I'm quite there yet. It was daytime too , so yeah.

Truth be told the whole deal was kind of fun. But not thanks to her. I was just enjoying myself and was being enthusiastic about putting to practice what I read.

So feel free to bash on my first interaction or whatever. I'm interested to hear from the more experienced guys ,how did I do ?

Also , should I pursue ? Like I said,her body is pretty hot but her personality could literally give me a serious case of whisky-****.
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DJ Bax

Don Juan
Feb 3, 2012
Reaction score
Great FR! Mad props for reading the bible and going out so soon, you will be killing poon in no time.


Don Juan
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
DJ Bax said:
Great FR! Mad props for reading the bible and going out so soon, you will be killing poon in no time.
Thanks man. Appreciate it.

Looking back I can realize some mistakes I made.

1. Not returning enough kino when she initiated it.
2. Few negs. I mean I knew she wasn't the type to neg since her insecurities were wild , but I just wanted to see the reactions :D.