FR+: Mental Masturbation pays off


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
I’ve been thinking about how to improve my cold approach skills lately. When I first started studying this stuff, I had a major misconception about the game. From reading successful stories, it seemed like a person just had to use the right technique and BAM! the girl would go from cold to hot.

Yet, the canned material out there seemed way too complicated and too much to memorize. So I focused on a more “natural” style. This is working really well with social circle hook ups but sucks with cold approaches. My natural game with cold approaches consisted of situational openers. These openers are severely limited to my ability to quickly pick out something in the environment to talk about AND make it interesting. I’ve definitely progressed in this area. It honed my observational and humor skills but it wasn’t sufficient to open every hottie with. Also, I found that I was clueless on how to transition out of these openers and usually ended up ejecting or getting numbers too soon. This problem enabled me to chicken out of opening people because I couldn’t think of what I would say after the opener.

So it was clear that I needed more structured game when doing cold approaches. I came up with an opinion opener based on a classic topic that seduction nerds use to mentally masturbate. ;p I ask what girls are attracted to most, the sophisticated debonair George Clooney type or the rowdy hunky Vin Diesel type. (Somehow, coming up with my own material feels more satisfying, even though I use other people’s routines too.) At first, I found that even with this cool opener I was still scared to open even UG’s! The fundamental problem all along was simply being a pvssy!

Finally I forced myself to try this opener on a hot older woman. The opener caught her interest like it was supposed to but I stalled out because I was using it the wrong way. I expected her to become instantly interested and start asking me questions after I used this magical opener. I hadn’t thought about using the opener in tandem with other tools to progress the encounter along.

By the way, this “magic tech” mindset was a major problem for me in other areas of seduction. I’m convinced that this mindset is behind my overdoing the C&F combative frame. When I started using C&F, I was amazed at the reactions I got from girls and thought that I’d discovered that perfect tech that makes girls go from cold to hot. Unfortunately, this tech was all I had and I blew myself out a lot with girls who were VERY interested in me. We couldn’t connect because all I did was C&F.

Back to openers. I thought about different things I could transition to from my new opener like eliciting her values, cold reads, disqualifiers, stories etc. I also came up with different versions of the opener like switching Jude Law for George Clooney for younger chicks (some young girl told me she isn’t attracted to Clooney), switching out Hispanic and black celebs when talking to hispanic and black chicks.

I visited a friend out of town this weekend and worked on my opener a bit more in the field. It became way easier to just throw myself into sets once I had a seduction outline and an idea of what I wanted to insert into the convos.

I opened a couple sets at my friend’s art exhibition. The opener caught the girls’ attention fine but my transitions and follow up was still rough and I made no closes. Interestingly, some girls pick one type of guy, some waffle (“It just depends”), some say neither, and some can’t come up with an answer. I noted this for follow ups.

After the exhibition I got into a good mood by flirting with random girls on the way back to my friend’s house. Then we partied for a bit. One of the sets I approached at the exhibition showed up. My friend told me they had asked about me Unfortunately, I blew myself out with too much C&F again and they left! Still haven’t entirely rid myself of that frame. It’s a bad habit. Then I had more fun, grabbing girls (the few girls that were there), making them dance, and spinning them around.

As we rolled past Midnight, my friends with GF’s were wasted and wanted to turn in. The pickings were slim so I went out to the bar with my buddy’s AFC friends. They started talking to some folks they knew so I scanned the bar and left them. My first approach was a lone wolf giving me EC. I opened with my favorite bar situational opener—“why are you sitting here all by your lonesome?” Then I moved it along with my new opinion opener. We talked for awhile but she ended up leaving me even though I kept trying to persist. I’m not sure what went wrong.

I went to the bar to get a water and saw my second and last set, HBNaughtybrunette and HBsweetblond walking past talking to each other. Without thinking, I opened them with my Vin Diesel/Jude Law question. They were interested and had varying opinions of course. I then gave them mini-cold reads off of these opinions, which got them giggly and talking about each other like friends do.

I can’t recall the exact details but the brunette moved on after awhile and I kept talking to the blond. I watched her attention dip and spike. Normally, I would eject when I saw the attention dip but I wanted to see how far I could go. I kept telling her true stories from my interesting life, being playful and funny, and generally bringing the energy and attention level back up again. Much thanks to Mystery for those old posts about developing interesting stories about yourself.

I found out that she lived only about an hour from me, which was another good reason to keep talking to her (this bar was 3 hours from my town). I purposely assumed that we would get together in the future and asked her to qualify herself based on this assumption—“So what do you do for fun in your town? I don’t want to be bored when I come kick it with you. You have to show me a good time.” The funny thing is that we didn’t even agree to hang out yet but she didn’t point this out. I also moved her to qualify herself on other stuff too. Finally, I did the Swinggcat adventurous qualifier test. She didn’t really answer the question and looked down shyly. I moved in and kissed her at the bar with no resistance.

Then her friend came back and distracted her again. I realized it was time to isolate. I said that I wanted to see more of this town and she should show me around the other bars. She told her friend that she would meet her later and we went to another bar, arm in arm.

I kept up with the funny interesting story telling and soon her attention stopped wandering. She started asking me about myself. She got really excited about my awesome job, especially when I told her some of the racy stuff I’ve had to do. She finally zeroed in on me and brought her face really close to mine while laughing. I told her that my lips were getting lonely for hers and we kissed again. I can’t remember if I did this before or after I started seeing a lot of IOI’s.

I work in the legal field and we got to talking about the Scott Peterson case. She said that she thought he was probably guilty but didn’t think the prosecution put on enough evidence to convict him. I qualified the hell out of her for this because most PEOPLE, let alone emotional girls, don’t think like this.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Throughout the evening I had to deal with several mild male obstacles. There were two highlights. This dude she knew approached us and put his arm around her. He tried to amog me with, “Didn’t you know, this is my fiancé?!” I was like, “Oh Shyt man, that sucks. She was just telling me how her fiancé sucked and she wanted to cheat on him!” Then I laughed and softly punched his arm like I do when I’m joking with my friends. Both of them laughed and dude took off after a little convo. I think this amog happened before her attention focused on me, so maybe this was what finally locked her attention on to me.

When the bar closed, her friend started texting her. I had lost the dudes I came with so I walked with her to her friend’s car. I asked her friend to give me a ride to my buddy’s house. She was with another drunk amog who was like, “did you see a taxi service sign on the roof of this car?” I replied that I did and I intended to give Ms. Driver a phat tip so I needed him to keep close track of the miles for us. Laughter and no more flak from drunk ass!

On the way home, I smelled HBblonde’s hair, telling her she smelled good. She asked me what she smelled like. I replied, “Pert Plus!” I said something to her friends and then noticed she was giving me the kiss-me stare, so we kissed a bit on the way. Her GF drove past my friend’s house while we were kissing and had to turn around. LOL!

I invited them in, overselling the Merlot my friends had been drinking when I left but HBbrunette declined. My girl said that “she had to use the bathroom” It’s a good thing her gf declined my offer because my friends were passed out all over the place AND it left me alone with HBblonde. The girls were smarter at the logistics than me here!

In fact, when HBblonde was in the bathroom I discovered that the pen I usually keep in my jacket was missing. Fvck! How will I number close with no pen?! Luckily, a couple stopped by looking for my friend and I copped a pen off of the girl before they left. I made out with HBBlonde for a bit after she got out of the bathroom. Her friend eventually got impatient waiting outside in the car and sent her a bunch of texts. So I got the digits and sent her on her way.

I’m feeling really good about this experience even though it was just a little tongue down from a bar approach. I finally experienced the value of persistence. Fading ILs CAN be salvaged and aren’t set in stone. So a low IL is not an acceptable excuse for ejecting.

Also, I’m loving the structure for cold approaches. On Sunday, I easily used my opener and follow up material some more when I was out in public taking care of business and not on a specific “sarge mission.” I’m beginning to realize that structured game doesn’t have to be all fake, or super analytical, or uptight and controlling, or rigidly step-by-step. It’s just about having a general plan, some social sense, and a variety of tools to help me move toward my goal. Every tech has it’s place and they all work in synergy keeping her interest and the vibe alive until the hook happens and she’s locked onto me. Nothing ground breaking to a lot of seducers but a TOTALLY different concept for me to experience.
Rock on!
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Don Juan
Sep 22, 2004
Reaction score
Just some thoughts:

I prefer to keep talking when noticing dipping IL's, its a shot in the dark but, way better than ejecting.

About canned stuff, even if you dont use them directly, thy're always good.... You can use them as a reference and extrapolate, it will start coming naturally then. Like you said, its really not worth 'learning' them.


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2004
Reaction score
My impression is that you have a little bit of a sticking point after opening. If you ask a girl who's hotter... she answers... then what? My advice is to ask about the celebrities for whom you have cool info in the back of your head... kinda like whole Elvis hair opener. That way conversation can flow into movies, fashion or whatever. I wouldn't try to elicit values or go for rapport too quickly after the opener because you are running a gamle that she'll be like "WTF is the deal with this guy" which can kill the vibe.

However try the direct approaches, they got totally different dynamic and let you get into rapport faster. Becase unless it's a pick up/drinking environment you cannot do much without rapport

So Many Ways

Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
I like the structure of your field report. I think I might use or at least memorize a canned opener, that way I have something to fall back on if I can't think of anything else to say.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Hmmm, good point as always Don Marko. I had been using a funny story from my childhood as follow up but I think I'm running into what you described: getting too personal too fast.

About direct game, I'm all for experimenting with that too. Any tips for follow up off of those openers? "I think you're beautiful and want to get to know you." How do you like to transition from this? Talking about yourself or asking about her or talking about romance in general? Surely simple reality pacing isn't appropriate.


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2004
Reaction score
Have you read Art of Seduction? Greene has archetypes of seducers.... for direct game you want to assume characers of The Rake and Ideal Lover. As a Rake you wanna be badboy character who pushes the envelope with danger and fun... too much of it though fcks you up which is why you mix in Ideal Lover.. made for each other rhetoric (of course you don't actually say this crap... but you need a VIBE of omg we're so alike you and I).

Usually you convey being a Rake, with kino, or if you get her to do something spontaneous (like insta date) and Ideal Lover is gotten trough the rapport acquired with the vibe of being alike.

That's my mental model with direct game... however to be honest I never try to it on anything less than a 8 because you got to be genuinely interested in a girl to build on a lot of rapport without having fun shooting the sht like you can in indirect. (Generalizations though!!!)

Also beaware of C&F in direct... it can KILL YOU so fast because you will be too much Rake... not enough Romeo! Better to be more F than C... Matt Rogers posted great examples of CF in the tips. For rapport refference I suggest Mr. Fingers weapons of mass seduction - the whole rapport section.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Sounds like you did excellently. This could be one of my problems - I don't have a well prepared plan like you do.

I'm interested to know though - what is the Swinggcat adventurous qualifier? Ran a search and came up empty.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Duke, the Swinggcat qualifier is where you ask the girl if she's adventurous and say that you can't hang out with her if she's not. You only like adventurous people. She qualifies herself by saying yes and sometimes tries to give examples. Then you tell her to prove it by kissing you right there right now.

I apologize. The way I wrote my FR was a little confusing. HB actually answered my question and said she was adventurous. But then I said, "Are you really? Prove it by kissing me now." She didn't reply to this but looked down shyly. Then I kissed her.

Oh yeah, and don't geek out too much on forming a plan. When I say plan, I mean keeping a few things in mind: like an opener, the various things you could insert into the convo, the need to isolate at some point, escalate to making out at some point, extract at some point, fvck at some point.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Don Marko, I guess my biggest issue with a direct opener is that SP you pointed out, follow up. Yet with direct the problem with follow up is a little different. You come at her with blatant sexual intent. It seems incongruent to back down into rapport. "You're gorgeous and I'd like to get to know you. So....what was the most exciting experience you've ever had?" I dunno, it seems like stating sexual intent should be followed with more sexually toned stuff. And stating that you want to get to know someone seems unnatural in contrast with just getting to know them. I'm thinking about this more but I'd appreciate any more thoughts.


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by AlwaysExcel
Don Marko, I guess my biggest issue with a direct opener is that SP you pointed out, follow up. Yet with direct the problem with follow up is a little different. You come at her with blatant sexual intent. It seems incongruent to back down into rapport. "You're gorgeous and I'd like to get to know you. So....what was the most exciting experience you've ever had?" I dunno, it seems like stating sexual intent should be followed with more sexually toned stuff. And stating that you want to get to know someone seems unnatural in contrast with just getting to know them. I'm thinking about this more but I'd appreciate any more thoughts.
Direct is no more sexual than telling her you'll only hang out if she's advanterous, direct just sorta cuts down trough some foreplay at the begining.

If you go with a frame of this $$$ Alpha, super cool guy coming up to her and basically communicating "Do you have anything else going on for except that booty?" You can get her to open up and qualify herself to you, while you're just chilling.

You really got two options either relate to her on the conversation or bust on her... depending of your assessment of the situation. If she was being b!tchy at the opener and gave you superstar attitude then you gotta use some negs and C&F. But if she's the sweet sensitive type that can destroy you. But it's never so black and white and these are really just mental mastrubations as there's really no blueprint for human interaction... just get out and hit it up and see which style suits you better.


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2004
Reaction score
More specifically on the follow up after the opener.......I'd say if you can ask something about her (jewlery, tan, body and if she plays sports) or try what MASF calls Reality Pacing... commenting on stuff around you.

If stuck use Elvis hair or the which actor is hotter routines :p