One on One
Master Don Juan
Aight, last night I went to the club with 4 chicks after pre-gaming with them. Sounds pimp, but only one of them is very attractive to me, but she is hot as ****. Alright, so here are some things I learned (some of this may be basic to a lot of you):
- To get a dance, just touch a girl on the hip from either the front or behind and start dancing. She either will accept you or reject you. If she rejects you, move on. If she accepts you, get down.
- While you're dancing, you want to get some basics about her: name, school, where she lives, etc. Then, try to get her to go sit down and talk somewhere after a song.
Last night was the first time I successfully approached and got a good dance with a chick I hadn't known previously. I got the basic info, but then her friend dragged her away. I didn't know how to recover from that because they were out of sight splickety splack. I tapped her on the shoulder as her friend dragged her away and said, "we should go sit down and talk," but she said she had to go with her friend. Is there anything I could have done??
Also, last night, I didn't really dance with a single chick I came to the club with and I'm glad of that (except I should have grinded with the hot one). Just go out with the plan of having fun and meeting new chicks. Don't let the *****es you go with hold you down.
- Once again I learned that when opportunity knocks, you best answer. I had a number of chances to grind with the hot chick early in the night, but later on she was always surrounded by guys and it was near impossible. Take advantage of opportunity whenever it is there.
I'm a rookie at clubbing so merely getting a good dance with a new girl and talking to her a little bit made it a good night for me. I believe I could have #closed without the interference.
- To get a dance, just touch a girl on the hip from either the front or behind and start dancing. She either will accept you or reject you. If she rejects you, move on. If she accepts you, get down.
- While you're dancing, you want to get some basics about her: name, school, where she lives, etc. Then, try to get her to go sit down and talk somewhere after a song.
Last night was the first time I successfully approached and got a good dance with a chick I hadn't known previously. I got the basic info, but then her friend dragged her away. I didn't know how to recover from that because they were out of sight splickety splack. I tapped her on the shoulder as her friend dragged her away and said, "we should go sit down and talk," but she said she had to go with her friend. Is there anything I could have done??
Also, last night, I didn't really dance with a single chick I came to the club with and I'm glad of that (except I should have grinded with the hot one). Just go out with the plan of having fun and meeting new chicks. Don't let the *****es you go with hold you down.
- Once again I learned that when opportunity knocks, you best answer. I had a number of chances to grind with the hot chick early in the night, but later on she was always surrounded by guys and it was near impossible. Take advantage of opportunity whenever it is there.
I'm a rookie at clubbing so merely getting a good dance with a new girl and talking to her a little bit made it a good night for me. I believe I could have #closed without the interference.