FR: Krangsta da Gangsta


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
2006 - July 27

My sister calls me around 10 pm and asks if I would like to join her and two of her friends for a couple of drinks at a bar they are at. Now I figure I could use this as a great learning experience, I do not have to go through the awkward initial approach but I get to refine my conversation skills and more importantly increase my comfort level with girls. So I answer - "Yeah, I've been studying all day, I deserve a beer or two!"

My sisters two friends Mary and Anne both have bf's but seeing that I wasn't looking to get laid I figured I might aswell bring out the full artillery on them anyhow - the worst thing that happens is that I make a fool out of myself and I dont mind that :rolleyes:

I join them at the bar they are at and they already had a couple of drinks and after initial "Hello"'s and "How are you?"'s they keep chatting lively with each other and I'm having a hard time to join the conversation. I figure I'll just observe and have a beer for now.

About 30 mins into the conversation I lean in to ask my sister a question when an aquaintance of hers (another girl) comes up to say hello to my sister and interrupts me. This girl seems a little drunk and is blabbering about this and that - me being a little annoyed because she interrupted me in a pretty rude way hold my hand up and make a gesture like a blabbering mouth and loudly say "YADA YADA YADA". This really caught the blabbering girl offguard and she thankfully shuts up and leaves - it also makes Mary laugh because I think she noticed how the interruption annoyed me. I lean in to Mary and say to her so only she can hear me:

Me: - "Oh my god, did I just do that? I'm so rude"
Mary: - "Nah, she was the one being rude - that was fun"

I kept working the "everyone else are idiots, let's talk crap about them and giggle" theme. Now I had her attention and pretty soon me and Mary had our own conversation and my sister and Anne another. This was so evident that when my sister and Anne said we should go on to a nightclub nearby Mary tells them "In a sec - you guys go ahead" and keeps talking to me! :up:
Anyways after a little while we join my sister and Anne at the club and keep drinking, I notice that Mary is getting pretty tipsy and the conversation now is pretty much her blabbering about new-age stuff and ****. I nod politely and let her blabber on...

At this point three other of my sisters friends show up; Susanne, Christina and Amy (S and A have boyfriends, C is single). I know Susanne pretty well because I met her at this club another evening when I was there alone so when she holds her arms out to hug me I hug back, but instead of going cheek to cheek I kiss her on the mouth. She smiles and laughs "You jerk!" ;)
I then turn to Christina - who is good looking (I'd say 7) but has low self-esteem - and say "Damn! You're hot girl!". I think this worked pretty well because I don't know her as well as I do my sisters other friends so she really didn't expect anything else than a polite "hello", she blushes and laughs then gives me a big hug.

Seeing how I'm bored to tears with Marys new-age rambling I strike up conversation with Christina instead. I was much more ****y and aggressive than earlier, perhaps due to the club athmosphere wich isn't really suited for to much of a deep conversation. We exchange a few standard "So what you doing now a days?" and I try to focus the conversation on her and what she's been up to. I then continue:

Me: So are you drunk yet?
Christina: No - I only had a drink so far!
Me: I don't believe you, I'll have to give you the sobriety test!
Christina: ???
Me: Hold your arm out!

I got this one from David D - I show her the spot on her arm where her lower and upper arm meets, by the elbow. I then tell her to close her eyes and to tell me when my finger reaches that spot. I then continue to slowly slowly move my finger from her hand towards that spot. Also, a good thing to do is to place her hand on your upper body - that way you are touching each other and you aint the only one with your filthy paws on her :D I noticed as I slowly moved my finger upwards her arm that her hand on my upper body was actually grasping my shirt! I lean in and whisper in her ear - "My sister wont let me flirt with her friends, but I'm about to break the rules" and then i nibbled on her neck ever so lightly. She grabbed the back of my head as I did, I figured at this point I could probably have kissed her - and then again she maybe would have pulled away seeing that my sister and their other friends were nearby. Anyways, from the inital "Damn your hot" to me nibbling her neck was maybe 5 minutes so I'll give myself kudos for that one! Offcourse we had met before so it wasn't a cold approach or anything...

Anyways, I didn't want to proceed any further with my sisters friend without serious intent of a possible relationship - that could get me into deep trouble :nono: so I pulled away. I said I needed to find my sister to check if she had my cellphone (lie).

I now see Mary alone on the dance floor - she is like a trance or some spooky new age stuff (or just ****faced) - I decided to find out how much of the earlier good vibes remained so I went up and smiled to her.

Mary: Where you headed?
Me: Outside for a smoke - join me?
Mary: Sure

I then make my way across the dancefloor, purposely leaving her behind at first. I then turn back and smile at her as she is confused and trying to keep up with me through the dancing crowd. I hold my hand out and she grabs it and I then lead her way. As we are walking, holding hands i gently squeeze her hand, not looking at her but still walking and she squezees back! I use my thumb to stroke her hand and i feel her fingers tickling my palm - that was really cool, we werent even looking at each other but making our way trough the club and flirting with our hands at the same time - even got me a bit aroused :crazy: - holding hands is really powerfull kino, especially as it signals to everyone around "Hey look at us, we are together!" in a cute kind of way :flowers:

After the smoke, the club was closing and all the girls and some guys were headed to my sisters place to hang out. I opted not to go seeing that 1: I really didn't want to make any further advances and 2: It could get a bit awkward as I flirted pretty intensly with two different girls who both were headed there.

All in all it was a great night for confidence and experience building. Although I shouldn't hang out too much with my sister, perhaps if she wasn't there I would have gone for a kiss. Then again probably better that I didn't seeing how that could really land me in a world of **** if I'm not carefull :p

The most interesting experience was the hand holding with Mary - I'm NOT gonna do that again with her or I'll get one'itis for her for sure! :nervous:

Today (thursday) I'll probaby be clubbing again but not with my sister and her friends, also sunday I have a second date with a girl. We'll see how that turns out...

Please comment, I'll keep you posted :up:


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2006
Reaction score
Awesome man, totally awesome. You were aggressive, but not in a creepy way, and made it a fun time, something that both you and girl were doing because it made you both feel good, not just you.

Great stuff man, and a great field report. :up:


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
2006 - August 2

Ok let's see - like I wrote in my previous post I had a second date scheduled with this girl on sunday.
Quick background: She works as a bartender at a club I visited, I thought she was cute (great body) and my interest was sparked. I got her number by simply asking for it - so sorry, no great tips on how to get waitresses/bartenders number other than plain out asking.
First date with this girl was a couple of beers at a pub. We both had fun and the conversation was actually really interesting, however I realised after that date that I had done a very poor job of building sexual tension. Almost no kino at all and the talk (although I found it interesting) was really only fluff all evening, no goodbye kiss. So even though we (I?) had a good time I messed up the first date pretty bad :down:
Nevertheless we had scheduled a second date for this sunday. My fears were pretty much realised when she texts me: "Sorry, can't get off work until late, won't be able to hang out today"

Oh well - **** that. I went down to a pub I frequent, grabbed a beer and hung out at this Trivial Pursuit arcade machine - yeah I know, I'm lame. :woo: Anyways, a girl that usually works at this pub to whom I always say hello is there on her free night and joins me at the machine. After playing for a while I join her and her mother(!) at a table and fluff talk for an hour or two. When I'm ready to leave her mother goes to the bathroom and leaves us. The girl grabs my hand and says

She: "I've never seen you like tonight before"
Me: "I hope that's a good thing?"
She: "It is, would you like to go on a date with me sometime?"
(wow, didn't see that coming!)
Me: "Yes" - and then I lean in and kiss her.

I say goodbye to her and her mother and head home. Despite the initial frustration the evening turned out pretty good I guess. I can't take credit for that pickup seeing that I was the one being picked up really, but hey - I got a date! :rolleyes:

The next day (monday) I text the bartender girl back "How is this gonna play? Am I going to keep twisting your arm for a second date and are you gonna make yourself preoccupied? In that case I got better things to do with my time..."
After a few minutes I get her text: "Sorry I bailed, I really had to work - wanna hang out tommorow instead?"
Wich I agreed to.

So yesterday (tuesday) she drops by my place after work - I open a bottle of wine and we watch a movie. Like I said before I was a bit concerned seeing how lousy a job I did building sexual tension on the first date so I figured I'd have to be even more smooth this time.
Now this is my experience when watching movies next to each other in the couch: either the girl starts leaning her head against you or something even more subtle like adjusting her body towards you, from there you can escalate the kino. If she does nothing of this any advances will usually fail and become awkward.
Anyways she didn't give me any IoI's in body language but conversation and eye contact was good so I figured what the hey and said "Give me your feet" and grabbed her feet and pulled them into my knee. I then gave her a fotrub wich she seemed to like so I figured it was pretty much on.
We took a break in the movie for a smoke. I held out my hands towards her palms up - she looked at me a bit confused but placed her hands in mine palms down, i then pulled her towards me and kissed her.

Me: "Are you staying over the night?"
She: "I don't know, what do you want?"
Me: "I would like you to stay"

She kissed me again and from there we moved into the bedroom, she wasn't shy at all anymore!

So all in all it turned out really nice :up:

Please comment, I'll keep you posted.


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
2006 - August 11

I've been watching alot of David D's stuff - thanks for the tip pooparu :up: - and having gone trough most of it I figured I might aswell give "Meeting women online" a chance seeing that the rest of his stuff was awesome. I never tried the internet-dating stuff before and have always been really sceptical. I'm an average looking guy I guess and on the internet it's hard to convey alfamale-status with only textmessages.

Still, I figured what the hey and created an account on one of the bigger dating websites. Posted a few pics and wrote a short presentation.

Got an mail in my inbox after a couple of hours:

Her: "Hey how's it going?"

Me: "Got ICQ?"

So I get her ICQ number - exchange a few "wassup?", "whats your name?", "what do you do for a living" etc, then:

Me: "So can I get a cup of coffee if I drop by?"

Her: "haha, yeah sure"

Me: "Whats your adress?"

Her: "Youre joking right?"

Me: "no?"

... long silence

Her: "ok my adress is XXXX"

So I go over there - she's made coffee and everything so I sit down and we chat for a while. It's really awkward and I can't stand it so

I say "You know im here to **** you right?"

She: "Yeah I guessed you didn't come only for coffee"

And from there on its x-rated.

I dunno if it was fluke and beginners luck - but im definately giving this internet-dating stuff some more time!


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
It's been a long time since I've read FR's as good as these. You have some impressive skills. Lot of good stuff in there. Keep it up :up:


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
2006 - August 13

Clubbing yesterday (saturday) with my buddy/wingman.

The club we went to has a pretty large outdoor area with two bars and some stand-tables where people hang and converse as the music isn't as loud as inside the actual club building. We set up our base camp at one of the center tables and ordered in a few drinks.
Me and my buddy always try to stand out a little in some way - either dress up a little more than everyone else or dress more casual. Sometimes we do matching t-shirts with some stupid text like "Sex-instructor" wich look really geeky but works good with a ****y funny approach. Yesterday we both wore suits wich was above the standard as most people had shirts and sneakers. We also ordered single malt whisky instead of the normal beers/drinks just to make a different impression. Not trying to look like big spenders or $$$-wannabees, but more like regular guys who had been to a buisness meeting and where hanging out afterwards having a good time.

The first goal was to make our table the center of attention so we started to pull people in, thoose we knew since before and also anyone else who looked like they had high social-status, guys aswell as girls. It's pretty easy, with the guys just say hi and ask them if they are enjoying themselves, offer to buy them a drink if they seem like the kind of people you want to be seen with. Let them appear at your table for a while then focus the conversation away from them and they will say "Cool speaking to you guys, I'm gonna go find my friends - have a good time, thanks for the beer and see you later". With the girls we'd mostly pull them in with a stupid question like "Hey me and my friend were discussing whats the best "lubrication" you can find in a 'fridge and we need a female opinion". Often she will be like "uhm, lubrication? *giggle*". And if they aren't interested in talking to you don't let that phase you, just keep having a good time.
If you do this right pretty soon you will notice girls going to the tables nearby yours, closing their proximity - everyone wants to hang out where the fun is happening - when they do just tell them to come and join you and keep it up.
This does a couple of things for you:
1: You will probably have alot of fun, and if you do people have fun with you!
2: You will become the guys everyone wants to hang with
3: You will speak to a bunch of girls breaking the ice and setting the field for further advances later on - without it looking like a pickup-attempt. You are speaking to everyone and having fun right?
I also make it a habit of giving a huge tip to the bartender everytime I order like 50% - I don't drink that much so it isn't really that much of an expense. When I done this two times or so the next time I walk up to the bar he/she will recognize me and smile like we are friends and also let me order first. This really helps building social-status when people see this.

Anyways - two pretty hot girls joined our table and after a while we were speaking to one of them each. The girl I'm speaking to says **** like
"Oh I remember when I was slim, now I'm all fat and ugly" even though she was bikinimodell slim and
"It's really hard to see so many beautifull people when you are as ugly as I am" even though she was at least an 8 :yawn:
So I figure this is her being confused for me not AFC complementing her on her looks yet so I say:
"Hey I don't mind giving beautifull girls compliments, but I tend not to when they beg for them"
Figuring that could be a pretty good neghit - but no: Crash and Burn! She gets really upset and stops talking to me, talks to her friend and gives me the evil eye! Ooops :confused:

She starts talking to her friend instead and I'm completely cut out of the conversation, the three of them keep chatting on. I really cut the wrong wire there and it blew up in my face!
So I dont want to stand there looking like a schmuk and leave the three of them to it and I went to check out the inside of the club instead. When I come out again the friend of the girl I insulted comes up to me
"Hey I know what it seemed like but she really has that low self-esteem, she was really upset by what you said"
So I'm feeling bad and i figure I'll have to AFC myself cause I really don't want to be a jerk. So I go tell her that I'm really sorry and didn't mean to hurt her but it seemed like she just wanted me to tell her how goodlooking she was wich she should know herself. I also told her something like "I'm not here to drool over girls, I like to meet new and interesting people and therefore a conversation about you feeling ugly isn't really my idea of a good time"
Now she's like "hey I know, I'm sorry I got so upset" and so on. The interesting part is when I went up to appologize I grabbed her hand as she was intentionally looking away from me, I didn't do it to initialize kino just to get her attention but now all of a sudden our hands are all over each other in no time! I also lean in and speak into her ear and smell her hair and she kisses me!
That was an interesting experience, the negghit went BAD and still it really worked out in my favour big time - even more so than a usual negg. Now I'm not suggesting you go make girls feel bad and then appologize but I guess it goes to show that strong emotion of any kind is powerfull when it comes to building sexual tension!
I got the girls # and my buddy got the # of her friend before they left.

We continued to hang out and before closing time some of the people we had spoken to earlier invited us over to their place (mixed bunch of guys and girls) to continue the party. We all went to their place and I see one girl I like and start flirting with her.
Now I really did a crappy job 'cause I came on WAY to strong - I focused the entire conversation around sex and me doing her (haha yeah I know, I was a bit drunk :crazy:) and even though I think she had fun 'cause she couldn't stop laughing I was basically just a horny clown. She left with a girlfriend of hers, no # :cry:

So pretty bad results but two good learning experiences.

1: Negghits are like explosives, POWERFULL stuff wich you really need to know how to handle or you'll blow up. In the future I'll be more concious about how I negg.

2: Even if you are ****y and funny you can come on to strong - I guess this might work with some girls but I really did a lousy job of reading the signals i was getting - take it easy on the booze ppl or your balls might grow so big that you overdo it!

Peace out!


Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
Reaction score
Krang! said:
and even though I think she had fun 'cause she couldn't stop laughing I was basically just a horny clown.
horny! :crackup: