FR(kinda) chick from class

tryin 2 play

Senior Don Juan
Sep 18, 2005
Reaction score
this is kind of long...sorry guys

Classes started a week ago, had my eye on this chick i wanted to talk to. I could have sworn i caught her checking me out on a few different occasions. She gave me a light little smile once so i figured i will go for it.

*walking out of class*

me:so how do you like that class?
her:its alright bla bla bla(talked a lot here)
her:so is this your 1st or second year here?(2 yr school)
me: 2nd, you
her:1st, so are you 19 or 20?
me:20, hey whats your name by the way?
her HB(she didnt ask mine, but she probly knows it from class, i knew hers, but wanted to ask anyway)
me:where you from?
her:city, you,
she then asked some more questions about classes and other stuff...she was asking me ALOT of questions, so i thought this might be an IOI. Plus a lot of directeye contact from her.
we arrive at our cars...
her:eek:k c ya monday
me:talk to ya lata
Next week i am gona ask her out...this is my plan

me: fluff talk, i dont know what yet, maybe about class...
me:So i think that we should go out sometime, you should give me your number and we will set something up

what do you guys think? Please critique


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
I think this FR was so damn long! Damn man! Get your act together! Spare us from the details! :down:

Get the "should"s out of your asking out thing, and you'll be allright. Fluff doesn't have to be about any specific topic, that's why it's fluff. Fluff talk shouldn't be necessary, just ask her out.


Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
absolutely horrible. Just b/c you are talking with her doesn't mean she is going to automatically want to hang out w/ u.

U didnt mean her laugh, elicit value, get rapport, or anything that builds interest !

I bet you, she was reluctant to give her # away.


Don Juan
Feb 4, 2006
Reaction score
She is definitely interested if she was asking questions like that.

You know why?

If you were in her shoes, would you ask a the chick that you like questions if you weren't interested in her like that.. you see my point.



Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
Get us out of the doubt on wether she's interested or not and ask her out. There you go.

Now go worry about real issues. :cheer:

tryin 2 play

Senior Don Juan
Sep 18, 2005
Reaction score
SamePendo: youre right, ill get the should out of there

wiseman: quiet down.

airforce: thats what i was thinking, everyone on here always says that if theyre asking a lot of questions its an IOI, and i was kind of surprised by all her questions.

thanks for the replies

tryin 2 play

Senior Don Juan
Sep 18, 2005
Reaction score
SP: true that, you will know on wednesday, jus wanted suggestions for qwhen i ask her out

thanks...real problems, here i come!


Don Juan
Feb 4, 2006
Reaction score
Originally posted by tryin 2 play
SP: true that, you will know on wednesday, jus wanted suggestions for qwhen i ask her out

thanks...real problems, here i come!
let us know what happens or pm me


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
Lets see .....

2 semesters ago there was this chick in my sociology class i caught looking at me and she was pretty hot, so lets just say i was in the exact same position as you

except i made 2 big mistakes

1. NO KINO, i didn't touch her more than a few times

2.I'm just not that great at the type of humor that makes women's panties wet, so i barely even tried

so basicly she was mildly interested in me and all i was doing was talking to her, what the f-uck was i thinking was going to happen ... and when i finally kissed her, she weirded out and said she was trying to work things through with her exboyfriend (bulls-hit bullsh-it). I was really mean to her during class after that lol ... she tried to talk to me and i was i was like F-UCK THIS and walked off... heheh it made me happy at the time.

Ummm so yeah, dont just talk to her, make your intentions VERY clear from the start, touch her hands, play with her hair, crack smarta-ss jokes about how awesome you are, and have her thinking about you when she isn't with you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 28, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by aiforce_juan
She is definitely interested if she was asking questions like that.

You know why?

If you were in her shoes, would you ask a the chick that you like questions if you weren't interested in her like that.. you see my point.

Deviating from the main point, but;

Silly rationale. Some girls tend to feel the need to be 'nice', and be responsive to fluff talk.

Anyway in that situation, so would most average men. It's called basic human interaction.

tryin 2 play

Senior Don Juan
Sep 18, 2005
Reaction score
True, you guys have made some good points, so im going to try to step it up.

Do you think i should try to set up a date when i ask her, or just try to get the digits, leaving it as we will set something up in the future.

I will see her monday, wednesday, and friday. I think monday would be too early to set up a date for the weekend, so i may try asking wednesday. Or sould i jus get the number and set up a date at another time?

thanks again


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
Next time you see her (monday i guess) do this :

"so what's better for you thursday or friday night"

"huh...better for what?"

"me giving you a chance to impress me with your wonderful personality on a date haha"

*she'll laugh*

"so which one is it?"

"well im really busy doing ______ on thursday night, but friday would work"

"mmm i guess i could contact you using telepathy, i've been working on speaking using my mind for awhile, but just incase it doesn't work you should give me your phone number"

"teehee okay here it is"

"great, ill give you a call thursday night... wait is this your cell phone number"

"yes ..."

"Well i hope you aren't like 99% of the human population and actually pick up your cell phone ... because its really annoying when you're busy but take some time out of your schedule to call somebody and they DONT PICK UP"

"thursday night? ill keep my phone on just for you"

"haha okay ill hold you to that"

(feel free to steal that, its basicly word for word how i asked out this chick and got the date)

tryin 2 play

Senior Don Juan
Sep 18, 2005
Reaction score
haha i think i might actually use that...well the first part. Sounds pretty cool, and i know i can pull it off. Nice...

thanks man


Senior Don Juan
Dec 16, 2004
Reaction score
I say take it slow. School setting is different from say...a club. You did pretty good on your first conversation. Just talk to her some more. Ask her if she wanna study together sometime. Then work your magic. ;-)

I think this work better b/c it shows you're not too eager to want to date her. By taking it a little slow, it shows you would rather get a better idea of who she is first. ie you're not that desperate. But remember don't take it TOO slow.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2006
Reaction score
First off, good luck with the girl, i hope everything goes well. The problem with this FR is there really is nothing out of the ordinary. It seems like the same questions any AFC would ask. You'll need to take the c&f to the next level. Also you NEVER want to take things slow, if not you get placed in the FRIENDS category. At that point you have better chances of winning the lottery then getting her into bed.

If she tells you where she's from "Stop, look puzzled, and say non-chalantly ... oh you're one of those types". She'll probably hit you or at least laugh and asks "why?" then say something like "I'll tell you later we're late". Now she has something to think about.

Also don't say "So i think that we should go out sometime, you should give me your number and we will set something up", be more direct say something like "Hey, im going to suck sour milk from the udders of two grandmother cows, come join me?". (or whatever you have planned).

Anyway good luck and keep us posted.

tryin 2 play

Senior Don Juan
Sep 18, 2005
Reaction score
Oh God...ok here we go...

Watched a movie in class today, everyone left at a different time because of a paper we had to write afterwards. So I am wlaking to my car, she kind of catches up to me and asks me how i liked the movie. I gave some sh!tty reply(I was crazy nervous because i knew i was gonna ask her out). We talked a little bit more(fluff talk). I was pretty nervous and didnt say much, I couldnt think of any C&F.

We arrive at her car
me: ok see you monday,
her:ahhh it is monday lol. Haha i mean wednesday.

I start to walk away, but then i have a brilliant idea!
me: I don't really know you too well but I think we should go out sometime(sorry guys, I just got so nervous, and this is what came out, I had no choice lol)
her:eek:k.(not much of a response)
so my next brilliant question...

me: is that something your interested in? (Fvckkkkk! why did I say this? I suck haha. I guess I was just trying to compensate for her lack of response.
Gives me her number.
her:See you Monday(I think she was making fun of me for before, but once again no expression.)

I may have blown this, I don't know what to say, I was soo nervous, have been outta the game for a while.

Anyway, she seems like a real quiet girl, has not said a word in class for the weeks weve been there. Maybe this had somehting to do with the lack of respone. Or maybe she was caught off gaurd a little(my asking her out may have been unexpected). Or maybe she is not interested, but decided to give me her number anyway.

I know you guys will have a field day with this, but I'm glad I did it, it feels good to not be "scared" anymore. What do you guys think? How should I approach setting up a date? I know I messed up a little, but still want to try, just a little lost.


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
i think you did great, you know how many guys would have wussed out and came back here and posted "i just couldn't do it, i suck"

if she accepts the date when you call her to plan it then shes interested, if she doesn't ... well then you know for sure


Don Juan
Feb 4, 2006
Reaction score
Originally posted by tryin 2 play
Oh God...ok here we go...

Watched a movie in class today, everyone left at a different time because of a paper we had to write afterwards. So I am wlaking to my car, she kind of catches up to me and asks me how i liked the movie. I gave some sh!tty reply(I was crazy nervous because i knew i was gonna ask her out). We talked a little bit more(fluff talk). I was pretty nervous and didnt say much, I couldnt think of any C&F.

We arrive at her car
me: ok see you monday,
her:ahhh it is monday lol. Haha i mean wednesday.

I start to walk away, but then i have a brilliant idea!
me: I don't really know you too well but I think we should go out sometime(sorry guys, I just got so nervous, and this is what came out, I had no choice lol)
her:eek:k.(not much of a response)
so my next brilliant question...

me: is that something your interested in? (Fvckkkkk! why did I say this? I suck haha. I guess I was just trying to compensate for her lack of response.
Gives me her number.
her:See you Monday(I think she was making fun of me for before, but once again no expression.)

I may have blown this, I don't know what to say, I was soo nervous, have been outta the game for a while.

Anyway, she seems like a real quiet girl, has not said a word in class for the weeks weve been there. Maybe this had somehting to do with the lack of respone. Or maybe she was caught off gaurd a little(my asking her out may have been unexpected). Or maybe she is not interested, but decided to give me her number anyway.

I know you guys will have a field day with this, but I'm glad I did it, it feels good to not be "scared" anymore. What do you guys think? How should I approach setting up a date? I know I messed up a little, but still want to try, just a little lost.
I think you seriously had the balls to do this. You did something for a change that brought you closer to being a better DJ.

You almost have discovered one of the greatest mysteries of the universe
"i wonder if this girl likes me"

You shouldn't have said "s that something your interested in?"

i thought that made you sound like a wuss. but guess what... its a safe bet that when you ask for a chick's phone number next time, you would know EXACTLY what to do and how to act and what to say.

Best of luck

tryin 2 play

Senior Don Juan
Sep 18, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks guys...I realized right after I said it that I shouldn't have said "is that something your interested in?" I did sound like a pu$$y. I expected her to either reply with a yes and some kind of smile or something, or just say no and some ****ty exscuse. Just said ok and went to get her phone.

I don't think I will call her, because I will see her wednesday and friday. One more question...should i try to set up a date for saturday on wednesday, or maybe wait till next week to ask? Thinking of just saying something like "hey why don't we go out saturday night", but it sounds kinda lame to me.

I am going to search the bible for some good date ideas, action dates are tough right now because its freezing here. Anyway, we will see if she really wants to go out or not, and thanks again for your help.

tryin 2 play

Senior Don Juan
Sep 18, 2005
Reaction score
I am going to wait till next week to set up a date for next weekend. Some people on here say that is too long(set up a date 2-3 days after getting the number) and that the girl may lose interest/think you lost interest.

What are your thoughts? I don't think it wil be a big deal, plus I don't want to seem desperate, so i figured I would wait.

You all have been really helpful. Thanks.