FR: Is She Interested???


Don Juan
May 25, 2007
Reaction score
I was gaming this tall chick, she's pretty hot, about an 8, first at a popular bar, then later at a club. I started off with an opinion opener about whether my friend/wingman looked like he would get laid with the girls he was talking to.

The tall chick responded, as did everyone else at her table, that my friend should try to find hotter chicks first! I start to receive some IOI's from her, like leaning in, touching, laughing. So I decide to SOI. I tell her I like her. For some reason, she apparently loses interest. She says: "I know. Everyone does." I don't get this sarcasm.

Anyway, I see her at another club a half hour later. I walk up to her. Her eyes bug out, her mouth is agape, like she won the lottery or something. I'm not sure why, but she seems like she's really happy to see me, even though she seemed to lose interest after I said I liked her at the other place.

We chit chat, managing a conversation right in front of one of the loudspeakers. Then she says: "oooh, my LEGS are vibrating!" She mentions this a few times. I freeze up. I'm thinking of slapping her ass or grabbing her thigh.

Instead, I try to qualify her. I ask her how she's different from all the other girls in this club, etc. She starts to pull back and after a few minutes she's talking to one of her guy friends she came with.

1. when she says: "my legs are vibrating," is that a kino escalation invitation? My sixth sense says yes, but I couldn't tell really. I didn't want to get slapped.

2. I don't see why she would give me IOI's then not feel comfortable with my statement of interest.



Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2001
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Planet of the Apes
Saying you liked her was cheesy and not needed, you should just have kept the convo light and funny.

Legs vibrating close to speakers was just a comment and not an invitation to touch her up. Although you could have made a cheeky but light sexy comment back to her on this.

Then asking her 'how she's different' is just a weird thing to say IMO, and not suprising she pulled back.

Imo your 'interest' was just too full on for her and probably creeped her out a little. You should have aimed to keep her laughing and having a great time all night, then asked for her number.

Next time...


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2002
Reaction score
Saying you like her is primary school stuff. A primary rule in this game is ACTIONS not WORDS! Show her, don't tell her.

Chicks like a challenge. Telling her you like her straight off the bat - where's the fun in that for her? Plus it raises the pressure, she has to immediately decide if she likes you - and whether to bail or not. Besides, you don't even know her - you "like her" based on a superficial level. You haven't given her a chance to qualify herself (a mystery method term).

Anything is a kino escalation invitation - hell you don't need an invitation! Just do it. But yes, it was an invitation to place you hand on her leg and comment if it was vibrating and take it from there (sample reply: "is that all that's vibrating?", while smiling at her). Do you read that and think you could never say that to a chick? Trust me, they won't be shocked - and it will move the tone on to where you want it to be. Men lead, chicks follow.

Particularly in a club, you're working in a compressed timescale. Assess the opportunity and move on (to one of the many other chicks in the place) if it doesn't work out.


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
Regular approach....regular response.

Hot girls get guys approaching them all the time and telling them "they like them".

You need to be different, instead of telling her you like her, bust on her abit. Tell her she spit on you. Wipe a crusty out her eye....


Don Juan
Oct 27, 2006
Reaction score
dude..why do you follow these "rules" so closely?

just feel it.

don't be such a pvssy


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
I don't think those examples are really too too necessary Wescott..eventho the busting is def good. I think just being playful and teasing her is enough, mainly flirting. course if u say u like her, u should tell her "Why" u do..and show it too. symps only say it, pimps do atleast both. doesn't exactly matter what u say most of the time, its how u say it and the guys that usually approach women all the time dont' say it right.

Sir Juanalot

Senior Don Juan
Aug 10, 2006
Reaction score
total_afc said:
lol, why do you say that?
I see her at another club a half hour later. I walk up to her. Her eyes bug out, her mouth is agape, like she won the lottery or something.
We chit chat, managing a conversation right in front of one of the loudspeakers. Then she says: "oooh, my LEGS are vibrating!" She mentions this a few times.
I tell her I like her. For some reason, she apparently loses interest. She says: "I know. Everyone does."
Thats why i thought, if you have ever seen someone on E's they think they have scored a goal in the world cup final even if you say hello to them, say random **** and lose concentration, plus they think everyone loves them :D


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
could have responded with "why, are you wearing those vibrating panties or something?"
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
total_afc said:
So I decide to SOI. I tell her I like her. For some reason, she apparently loses interest. She says: "I know. Everyone does." I don't get this sarcasm.
Well, instead of saying you like her, what you could have said is that you find she's very entertaining and is making your time there worthwhile and are impressed so far and hope she doesn't blow it (with a wink) - which is also a SOI.

Do you see a difference between the SOI I presented above and the SOI you made? You have to put her in YOUR frame of mind by keeping in a socially authoritative position - or above her - it is what YOU think and what YOU find about her - and YOUR opinion.

When you question her interest, question what you did wrong - that is the WRONG frame of mind to be in - it's a frame of scarcity not a frame of abundance. You dont care if she's interested in your or not, you only care if she qualifies with you, and as a man, you go for what you want and stay in that frame of thought as the premise of interaction. So, you didn't do or say anything wrong - she simply didn't qualify - she's just another pretty face.

But - what makes her more than just another pretty face - does she have substance? does she know what she wants out of life? can she recognize a good man when she sees one or does she lack good judgement? All questions that you have to ask yourself because that's all that counts. Who cares what she thinks about you.

Another strategy I've heard is at some point ignore her and focus on someone else in the group and look like you are board with her.

(Note: I'm KJing here and in fact usually dont make SOIs. This information is based on applying concepts from John Alanis - I read about a year ago - talks about portraying yourself in a position of authority to trigger or maintain attraction - the reason you lost attraction is because you failed to maintain authority or gave authority to her in the interaction and that's where the break-down occurred)


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Luke Skywalker said:
Well, instead of saying you like her, what you could have said is that you find she's very entertaining and is making your time there worthwhile and are impressed so far and hope she doesn't blow it (with a wink) - which is also a SOI.

Do you see a difference between the SOI I presented above and the SOI you made? You have to put her in YOUR frame of mind by keeping in a socially authoritative position - or above her - it is what YOU think and what YOU find about her - and YOUR opinion.

When you question her interest, question what you did wrong - that is the WRONG frame of mind to be in - it's a frame of scarcity not a frame of abundance. You dont care if she's interested in your or not, you only care if she qualifies with you, and as a man, you go for what you want and stay in that frame of thought as the premise of interaction. So, you didn't do or say anything wrong - she simply didn't qualify - she's just another pretty face.

But - what makes her more than just another pretty face - does she have substance? does she know what she wants out of life? can she recognize a good man when she sees one or does she lack good judgement? All questions that you have to ask yourself because that's all that counts. Who cares what she thinks about you.

Another strategy I've heard is at some point ignore her and focus on someone else in the group and look like you are board with her.

(Note: I'm KJing here and in fact usually dont make SOIs. This information is based on applying concepts from John Alanis - I read about a year ago - talks about portraying yourself in a position of authority to trigger or maintain attraction - the reason you lost attraction is because you failed to maintain authority or gave authority to her in the interaction and that's where the break-down occurred)

Dayyum LukeSkywalker you sound like a regular PUA! Don't let it get to your head though.