FR HB Renee and HB Gina (openers)


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
As ever my field reports come from the Gym (15 dead hangs , a number your grandmother could probably do with a head cold).

I showed up eary for a class yesterday so I went on down to the weight room for some chinups at the bar.

On the way thru I saw a heavily made upHB 8 on a quad machine.
I sorta kinda reckognised her so decided to open with that. Rolled on over and asked "hey you're in such-and-such-a class with Frida yeah?" She said "No, but I sometimes do ...." and convo went from there. Got her talking about what she was training for etc. Intereting upshot was she was totally looking at me as being an AM , cos of the way I walked over and the confidence in my voice, this was without any social proof at all.

Then tonight I was at Platinum (a running club sponsored by Nike) over in the city. I showed up , registered and went otuside to stretch up. An italian looking HB7 cmae passed and I made some naff comment about howcold it was. This again was enought o pen her but on more of a friendly tip.


In both cases I was building towards instatdtae closes , but I'm having real trouble getting those to fly lately. Whatd'yall reckon about just having 2 canned # closes as a "go to".

Being "hey do you run much?" (for the gym so I can close to - I'm doing such-and-such-a-run this weekend , you should come with") and "Hey do youlike comedy?" (So I can close with "my mate X has a gig at the Classic in twn next week , you should come with...)".



So Many Ways

Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
I have never pulled off an "instadate" during the day. How often does that work? I'd say at least #close as an alternative. It seems like the percentages would be a little higher.


Don Juan
Aug 12, 2004
Reaction score
Philly, dude
I'd be ready (if YOU have the time and the inclination) to offer up something like:

"I was just on my way to (whatever store is close by) buy a new shirt for a date tonight... would you mind coming along to help me pick something out?"

or failing that, the old "I was just on my way for a cup of coffee... care to come along?" usually works well for me too.

I really like the shopping one though, because you can learn a LOT about a woman by the way she shops and the things she likes. And who knows... she might pick out something for you that you would never pick out for yourself... even if you don't buy it, it's still great to get fashion advice from a woman.

BTW... if you DO get her into the store, and they sell women's clothing as well, be sure to browse through that section and see if she's willing to show you some things SHE likes... maybe even get her to try something on if things are going well. If she knows you appreciate women's fashion, she'll certainly take her dress code up a notch when you go on a "real" date.