FR: Clubbing experience

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
I posted this @ FS but them ****ers aint help me out. If you got exp. with older women or just exp in general help me out:

I've been here a while, but don't post often. I wouldn't call myself a full KJ because, I don't read this stuff everyday, but seduction is a thread of my life I want to get better at. From the words of Fight Club "Hitting rock bottom isn't a weekend retreat" This was the first weekend where I was out really pushing myself in the field but there should be more to follow.
Can someone HELP ME WITH THE QUESTIONS THROUGHOUT THE FIELD REPORT and point out where I went wrong or the meanings behind the women’s actions?

Friday night
I get invited to this club, enter for free and get escorted in by the bouncer to the front of the line, that was cool, probably a little social proof. Anyways the girl who’s at the table with me is throwing a party and they’re all on the table dancing. Hbliteskinned tries to get on the table and dance, and I graciously decide to kino and help her get up. She thanks me and we get to talking and it turns out she went school close to where I went school. We talk a little bit longer than me or her (can’t remember) breaks away and I go and se who else is in the club. For the next hour or so, I dance and get nowhere in my halfhearted attempts to dance with girls. I kept waiting for signals that were not there. A woman that looked in her mid-late 20's walks by gives a lil EC and sits at the bar. I see Hbliteskinned a little later and she get to talking about how Cannucks don’t do it for her or something. She proceeds to talk about all the physical (read: materialistic) qualities she wants in a man, that I all ‘coincidentally’ have. (Yea, right) I graciously point out that I have all the characteristics she wants and she smiles and kisses me on both cheeks, so I point to my lips and raise my eyebrows and she playfully taps me on the nose and chin and walks away.

After that interaction I noticed HB25+ watching me from the corner of my eye, (social proof anyone?)so I decide to go in. I open and fluff forever. I asked her what she did for a living and she said office work to which I replied “I’m not going to lie that sounds boring” I think I was taking steps backwards perhaps, but I am in a club so I should be all about personality? Although I was C&F it felt like I was asking the same generic questions in the movies. She laughed at most of the jokes and stared at the extremely gay model -looking bartender. (I’m not calling him gay because he is better looking then me, though that never hurts, but because he was kinoing the male bartenders, and talking to all guys all night, and looking very metrosexually) I call her out on it and she says no she doesn’t like him. When the convo runs dry I just chill, lean my arm up against hers, and look around like the silence doesn’t bother me. She asks why I’m not dancing and I reply with some lame **** like “because the girl I want to dance with isn’t dancing” she doesn’t buy it. She says she has to go home soon, so I put my arm around her, smile, and say, “Let’s go!” To which she laughs, but at the same time it seems like she implies that it isn’t happening. They play a couple songs I like so I leave her and go dance with some people I know there and then I return from behind and put my forearms on her shoulders so that my hands are in line with her head. I see her look at me out of the corner of my eyes probably questioning my kino, but I act like it’s natural and don’t pay her any mind and stay causally looking around the room. She doesn’t say anything and they stay there until some blonde chick knocks me.

Hbliteskinned starts to dance in my view with another guy and steal glances at me. It was obvious so I said to HB25+ something about how I know women and their games (I know it sounds like bragging, but it worked very well with a friend, the way he did it was kinda like giving her ample warning, I did not achieve that) So HB25+ countered with “Why don’t you go dance with HBliteskinned” (backfiring social proof?) and then I say I only like dark-skinned women on some spur of the moment **** that probably sounded extremely racist/dumb looking back. After a couple more minutes fluffing she says she’s ready to go, so I say okay. I’m drunk and I put some time into this chick, so I tell her to kiss me. She declines twice and then I go in and pull out of it (don’t ask me why, I was drunk, next time I'll just kiss instead of asking) And then she says bye, sitting in the chair still so I’m thinking ****, she just tryin to get rid of me. So I say “Okay well get out of your chair so I can sit in it, move *****” (she didn’t hear it when I first said it, then the 2nd time I censored my anger, lol) She hesitates and then I guess sees where I called her bluff or whatever and then goes to get her coat. Then afterwards when she is leaving the club she makes and effort to smile and wave while saying goodbye to me? I don’t understand why she said that, maybe to try and social proof herself for the bartender? If she wanted to get out of the situation so bad, why did she acknowledge me?

I decide to get comfortable at the bar and just chill, surveying the scene, when some weird ass French Canadians losers come up with a black light shining it on my hat, and talking to each other and smiling. I ask them what and they walk away. The blonde behind me says that was weird and I agree stating they’re probably gay and I should’ve worn my wedding band to ward off the homos. (Role reversal :) )She laughs and I say some other C&F stuff I can’t remember and a little later I knew the interaction was going well because she started to ask personal questions like my name, and she give up info on herself without asking. She said she lived in *insertrandomcitynamehere* and I said something like “Wow, you’re from there, I feel sorry for you” and kino her a little. Then she asks where I’m from and reciprocates the kino and joke. I pour on some C&F but a bit more ****iness this time. She asks if that routine ever works and I say actual yes it does sometimes (did failed the ****-test?) I countered with “Does the innocent coy routine ever work for you”. From there she said something about it being her first time @ the clubs, as it was mines, so she said we were virgins together or some ****. Me, being the horny teenager I am throw as much sexual innuendos my inebriated mind could manage. I said something about losing our virginity in the bathroom stall and she laughed. I hint at it a couple more times jokingly (but really being serious, and at one point I considered leading the way) but then I lay off so I don’t look like some guy getting quickies in tha bathroom all the time. Then some +35yr old dude she was talking to beforehand comes over and lingers around and then she says this is my coworker. We are introduced and she tells him instantly about my proposition of sex in the bathroom. Before he can respond negatively I say “She’s quite the classy girl isn’t she”. He acts disinterested and says if she wants to or something. Then after being the odd man out with us he starts talking to another chick and HbBlonde acts extremely relieved, saying he kinda sorta hits on her (why did she immediately tell him about my proposition? I dunno, to make him more jealous or something? Dumb chick logic) Anways, we fluff some more and then another dude comes and tells her sternly to hurry her drink so they can leave, and the bouncer tells me I have to go. As soon as I get outside I think “**** I should’ve closed!” So of course she never comes back out and I don’t get to close.

I called my one-itis and she arranged for us to meet up together in this club. (her and 6 girls...sounds like a lost battle already, eh?) I get there but the cover for the club is more than I have so I call her to bum some money but she doesn't pick up. I end up skipping it and going to the same club as the night before. I get there and do a quick look around, and the girl from yesterday was not there. I danced with more women this time around and came to the stunning realisation that I can't dance for **** when it comes to grinding, I was everywhere except on cue.

Fast forward to the end of the night. I am sitting on a bar stool, and there is a guy with two women next to him. The one I am kinda digging is older (35+) and dancing a little further away, and so I wait for her to make EC, then I bite and lick my lips. She immediately comes in to the guy she’s with, asks him some mundane question, and then asks my opinion. I ignore what she says and shoot off my own opener. I was ****y and of course, the age difference comes up because she is older than me marginally. I say the clichéd “Age aint nuthin but a number” and get an laughter and applause by the set. The guy was definitely more Alpha than me in a subtle way, maybe it was the age. Anyways for the most part we are just talking, me and her, but she flips the convo and it ends up with me trying to explain why she should sleep with a younger man. Does anyone have any good insight on what to use in this situation? It was like she switched up on me and I started qualifying for her. Maybe I should have DLV'd her and given her reasons against it?

The conversation dies down and I am just chilling in the room detached almost and a couple minutes later some other guy comes up and hugs her and I just quietly leave and get my coat nonchalantly. I get the coat and she just happens to be looking around and makes EC when I return. She says she’s ready to go, and I put my arm around her and say “my place or yours?” It gets a laugh but nothing else. I left the club shortly after and stumbled my way home.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Hey man I didn't think you were still posting here...?
Well anyways, In my opinion

Hbliteskinned: Maybe rushed it too fast, and she's used to getting seduced at clubs. Possibly a more subtle and lighter approach would've worked.

Hb25+: I think she may have been hinting she wanted to dance with you. (remember when you hit this age group these girls have probably been approached by many men and learn to weed through the ones their BS tracker detects) If you had danced with her, you may have had a chance.

blonde behind you: Well...I think you may have rushed a bit on this one too.

Hb35+: "Well why should I sleep with an older women?" You could flip it around again. Not sure how well that will work but it's worth a shot.
Or: "I'm the fountain of youth." :p

Good luck, hope to see you around a bit more.
Hope this helps any.


Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
Just thot I'd stop by and see things for a second

HB25+ told declined to dance with me when I asked twice

I'll try something a bit more ****y on older women if thyey sh!t-test me next time, thx


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
Wow thats a long post. But I got ya... I spend the entire weekend at bars/clubs... im pretty good about the age thing.

First of all - know when to lie. If a girl is under 21, just tell her youre age. If a girl is 22-4 tell her you are 20. if a girl is 25+ say you are 22. Name a local college, say you go for liberal arts (if you are not sure about college... otherwise, insert your own lie here).

Second of all - in a bar you dont need to wait for eyecontact. Girls EXPECT to get approached - you arent going to throw her off. The more bored a girl looks, the easier she will be to talk to.

Third - NEVER EVER SAY that you want to have sex with your target. Tell her with your eyes/touch/bodylanguage, but never say it. If a girl ever tries to swing a conversation in this ^^ direction - TURN IT AROUND ON HER SHARP! You can completely make up youre reasoning for ur outburst:

"Ohhh so first you bait me with that cute smile and eyecontact... only to use me for sex 2 minutes later!? I see EXACTLY where youre giong with this!"

Older women will often say "oh Im too old for you." "Yeah, youre right... we should just be friends, <girls name>" IF YOU GIVE UP THE ROLE AS PREDATOR... SHE WILL TAKE IT

Fourth - NEVER ask for a kiss.

Fith - Dont get DRUNK if you are going to seduce.

Sixth - Check out the approaches in my 1-1000 thread for examples of all the points ive made above

Seventh - never arrange to meet girls you already know at clubs. Meet them at a coffee shop and go to the club to gether - if you walk in to gether, she will feel somewhat obligated to walk out with you (after shes been drinking, breakin a sweat and getting horney)


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
You QUALIFIED yourself the first girl. I like men that are Fun, Adventurous, Caring, Romantic Blah blah...

You said Im all that.

What you should have said " Romantic?? Nah, better way of saying it would be a sex god "

I didnt read the rest after I spotted the first problem. :)

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
Originally posted by TonyTheTigerOI
Wow thats a long post. But I got ya... I spend the entire weekend at bars/clubs... im pretty good about the age thing.

First of all - know when to lie. If a girl is under 21, just tell her youre age. If a girl is 22-4 tell her you are 20. if a girl is 25+ say you are 22. Name a local college, say you go for liberal arts (if you are not sure about college... otherwise, insert your own lie here).
Lied to the last gurl, it achieved nothing, it didn't really make sense because she was so much older it was clearly obvious. Next time I'll try it on the women closer to my age
Second of all - in a bar you dont need to wait for eyecontact. Girls EXPECT to get approached - you arent going to throw her off. The more bored a girl looks, the easier she will be to talk to.
You don't need 2 wait for EC anywhere, it is just a little crutch I have prior to approach
Third - NEVER EVER SAY that you want to have sex with your target. Tell her with your eyes/touch/bodylanguage, but never say it. If a girl ever tries to swing a conversation in this ^^ direction - TURN IT AROUND ON HER SHARP! You can completely make up youre reasoning for ur outburst:

"Ohhh so first you bait me with that cute smile and eyecontact... only to use me for sex 2 minutes later!? I see EXACTLY where youre giong with this!"

Older women will often say "oh Im too old for you." "Yeah, youre right... we should just be friends, <girls name>" IF YOU GIVE UP THE ROLE AS PREDATOR... SHE WILL TAKE IT
Meh..I didn't exactly jump to the topic of sex, I guided towards it through innuendo and her talk of being a clubvirgin, if she brings it up (even subtlely), im not gonna back down. I can get her thinking about sex by talking about it (even a little indirectly) than I can by busting on her for the idea. The C&F thing would work if I was still trying to gain attraction, but when you're going for the lay, aren't you supposed to put the C&F on the backburner? As for the last chick I'll try what you said next time
Fourth - NEVER ask for a kiss.
Yea I kno, i put this in my part of the post already
Fith - Dont get DRUNK if you are going to seduce.
My bad, I wasn't drunk persay, just feeling 'nice'
Sixth - Check out the approaches in my 1-1000 thread for examples of all the points ive made above

Seventh - never arrange to meet girls you already know at clubs. Meet them at a coffee shop and go to the club to gether - if you walk in to gether, she will feel somewhat obligated to walk out with you (after shes been drinking, breakin a sweat and getting horney)Coudln't I was in a foreign part for one more day, I was going to meet up with my ex-oneitis the next day and there was 2 guys CB'ing me. The offer to meet her again was just like a last ditch attempt (i should've closed so i could call the next night) Thx, I knew you had some exp. with older women from b4 so I knew you'd be of assistance[/B]

Originally posted by BarryIRL
You QUALIFIED yourself the first girl. I like men that are Fun, Adventurous, Caring, Romantic Blah blah...

You said Im all that.

What you should have said " Romantic?? Nah, better way of saying it would be a sex god "

I didnt read the rest after I spotted the first problem. :)

It's nice to know you didn't read the rest of the read, and it's obvious you didn't read the part you talked about either... Caring romantic, blah blah....are those PHYSICAL AND MATERLISTIC to you? Do you know anything about eliciting values or do you just flap your gums? She talked about how she wants a man with a fitted hat, earrings and baggy jeans and some other sh!t I just happened to have on. I smirked and pointed to my earring and she hugged and kissed me. Read the post before you talk **** cuz u clearly aint got no business giving out advice after reading a small section of the post dipsh!t :)

BTW: FYI fvcktard
Qualifiying is trying to prove to your target that you are worthy of their attention. For example if I were to use your stupid ignorant example:
"Romantic? I am a Sex God" :rolleyes:
that....that would be qualifying dumbass, You are trying to brag about how good You are in bed to her...

Fvck....don't reply to any more of my posts and read the bible before you give out advice to others on the board. Dammit, cats like you are the reason sosuave is on the decline


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Microphone Fiend

It's nice to know you didn't read the rest of the read, and it's obvious you didn't read the part you talked about either... Caring romantic, blah blah....are those PHYSICAL AND MATERLISTIC to you? Do you know anything about eliciting values or do you just flap your gums? She talked about how she wants a man with a fitted hat, earrings and baggy jeans and some other sh!t I just happened to have on. I smirked and pointed to my earring and she hugged and kissed me. Read the post before you talk **** cuz u clearly aint got no business giving out advice after reading a small section of the post dipsh!t :)

Fvck....don't reply to any more of my posts and read the bible before you give out advice to others on the board. Dammit, cats like you are the reason sosuave is on the decline

I hate those people. And maeisgood and his numerous threads that are two sentences long...