FR: club............. opinions


Don Juan
Sep 30, 2007
Reaction score
So I went 2 an 80's party n this is the 1st time I bother 2 make field reports. So I walk in n I spot an hb 7.5 n I just asked if she wanted 2 dance n we started dancing, introduction...
She said at 1 pt that she liked my accent. We kept talking, flirting, she introduced me 2 her friends n I flirted w/ them a lil bit... I found out she was a cougar, 4 yrs older n had already graduated. We kept talking, teasing... At some point, I saw that she was really responsive, n I was trying 2 go 4 the kiss. Started eskimo kiss, then she asked 2 do butterfly kiss. after I asked her how good of a kisser she was but she didnt seem really responsive 4 the kiss. I was cool w/ it. After that she said
Her: u're really suave... prolly took u years of practice
Me: I got it from my dad
Her: Is that how he got ur mom
Me: Yea, n that's how Im gonna get u 2
We both laughed n we kept on going. Later on, I asked her if she was ticklish:
Her: Yea
Me: Where?
Her: No I can't tell
Me: Oh ok. I'll find out anyways so u better tell now.
Her: No I won't. find out urself.
I tickled her on the ribs n that's where she was ticklish.
Me: That's cute.
Her: wat makes u say that?
Me: U know wat they say... ticklish people are usually freaks.
Her: I'm good in bed (laughs)
Me: We'll c.
After that, there was eye contact n she said again that I was suave. We were having strong eye contact n she just says in a joking way:
Her: U're trying so hard... (prolly **** test)
Me: Trying so hard 2 do wat?
Her: U're just trying so hard
Me: Nooo u're trying so hard
Her: Me???
Me: yeah u, n u trying 2 blame it on me. That's not fair.
Her: (laughs). I'm trying hard 2 do wat.
Me: wat u accusing me of doing (n winked).
Her: (laughs) I was just messing w/ u.
Meanwhile, some guys were having a dance off
Her: u wanna go there n teach them?
Me: no...
Her: (gets close 2 me, n starts grinding on me hardcore) or this is wat u like?
Me: If u keep acting like this u gonna get hurt.
Her: (laughs)

1 of her friends was very wasted n she had 2 drive home cuz she was the sober driver. She hugs me so tight n says "I'll call u 2morrow".

Alright guys that's it. Let me know if sthg was done wrong or things that I can improve.



Don Juan
Sep 30, 2007
Reaction score
alright guys. I'll do my best 2 not screw it up. i never been w/ an older chic. Any suggestions 4 follow up