FR: closed two 9's (feat. Moonwalker)

BG the HB Tamer

Don Juan
Oct 16, 2005
Reaction score
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Okay. Did I have some fun last night!

I met up with a bunch of friends at a bar, among these friends; my good mate David Bouwie and another friend T., who knows that I'm in the game. I still had some cans of beer, so I decided being in a bar and paying ****loads for a small glass of beer was lame... So I got T. and David Bouwie and we went somewhere else.

We were planning to go to a free party in a big club. At 11, opening time, we went over, because we figured it would get really busy. I talked to an employee before entering, who informed us that we can't get anything so that we can return later. So instead of getting a ticket and returning later, we went in immediately.

The club was still a bit empty, but filled up pretty quickly. So we got our drinks and moved onto the dancefloor. Have a little fun together. Soon enough there were groups of girls dancing around us; shooting AI's. I recognize AI's by their energy. The girl(s) will do something to 'suck' your attention to her.

Back in the good ol' days (before the community even, I think).. David Bouwie and I always had these situations, but usually the parties in that particular club aren't fun enough anymore to just stay in one spot all night. But last night was awesome, music-wise..... and more ;-)

After about 30 minutes, Moonwalker was in the house! Him and T. hit it off well. Great! Good social vibe. We were vibing again (explained here and here). Except this time, the vibing wasn't o-u-t-w-a-r-d-s (of the group), the group was vibing. We concentrated the energy inside our group, instead of spreading it out throughout the whole club. For the first two hours anyway. This had an interesting effect. Instead of decreasing the psychological distance between your group and the groups around you, the distance stayed the same, but they all wanted to be part of the fun.

Then we opened our group up... and ****in' owned the place.

This group of three girls (group rating: 7.5) had been giving AI's for a good hour now. Moonwalker and T. were kind of discussing them, MW always points at people when he talks about them; his philosophy: "you can be secretive about it, but if you point at them, they'll become curious and they'll open you". The girls however, weren't really responding to this, so I pushed the back of his arm so that his hand would touch one of the girls.


I let T., David Bouwie and Moonwalker chat the girls up, I'm in an LTR anyway. I mingled a bit, talked to some employees, met some girls who I know, got introduced to some other girls (more on this later), just made some friends.

Meanwhile I notice that one of the girls in the three set was unoccupied, and her energy was dropping... fast! BG to the rescue! I warn T. that he should get to closing his HB8, and I approach the low energy girl. Opener "hi". Girl looks aloof. "I'm Bas" and hold my hand out. The girl introduces herself as well, and smiles. Bye bye b.i.t.c.h. shield.

I talked to her, kept the conversation going, she said she hadn't slept in three days and was really tired now. I give T. another signal. Keep talking.. The girl actually turned out to be a cool chick, after talking to her, I considered closing her, but I didn't because I didn't get a chance to.

I decided to walk around and mingle for a bit; I was getting bored. Then I ran into the girl that I hadn't seen for quite a while. I wrote about her last year in this FR. She's the girl grinding me, and I'm the one excusing my ass off in that FR.

I decide to close that chick. Due to my LTR, and me being broke; I go for Instant Messenger-closes now. So I walk up to her, chat. She said she came to the party by herself. We were talking... This girl's attention was hard to hold, there were three guys trying to steal her from me, haha. The only thing I had to do though, was while trying to say something, pull her over to me slightly. She'd throw her arm around me immediately and the AMOG's would take a step back again.

I have no clue what we talked about exactly. I remember I steered the conversation towards the 5th of May (Liberation Day) and if there are any cool outdoor events then. I tried to cover a lot of other topics (about 4 or 5 in just a few minutes) so that it would seem like we had a lot to talk about. I then did the classic Double Your Dating-style close... "Hey, I gotta get back to my friends..." turn body language, "I gotta stop talking and get to partying now, but have you got MSN, we can talk another time then."

@close. This is a girl who I've fantasized about, this girl is H-O-T. 8.5 or a 9. Doesn't get much better unless you go to Nice, Monaco or Milan... or Hollywood.

I got back, tried to push David Bouwie and T. to go and ****in' close the chicks before they'd leave. Meanwhile I ran into a girl I know from some study I did for half a year. She introduced me to a friend of hers; a girl I'd seen before. A girl who'd noticed me at that club before. A girl who kiss-closed a guy before to get my attention; but hey, I excused back then.

This girl, she's a 7.5 or so, but ****, she has such a hot sexual vibe.. It ups her value to a 9, man. This girl must be a great ****. The girls introduced me to their brothers, who they had brought along. The brother of my target immediately compliments my on my t-shirt; really enthusiastically. I introduce myself, and then introduce myself to the other guy; the girl from college's brother. I decide to vibe with the two guys first, see what value they have.

I get along with 'em, make 'em laugh, joke around a bit. Make friends.

This happened before I @closed the other girl.

After closing the other girl, I was walking back to my friends and decided that I would be closing this particular girl when I saw her. I ran into her and had a chat about uhh... primary school. Haha! Age regression ;-)

We joked around, we vibed, I told her that I was here to party, but told her that we should talk another time; "Got MSN?"


This was GREAT. These are both girls that I've fantasized about! Haha. And I have the game to close them; I'm quite sure that I could f-close them both too. The game's easy, for real. The biggest problem now is: where does this leave me with my LTR?

I have two important values concerning this:

1) I'm a man of integrity. I don't lie, cheat or deceive.
2) I don't want to hurt people; I really care about my girlfriend.

I'm presented with a tough situation; an inevitable one so, but still.

This is my private business though, so I'll cease to speak about it.

T. went home with one of the girls of the 3set. Probably f-closed her.
David Bouwie, after the party, ran into a girl that was into him two years ago; they reminded each other to have a chat on MSN.
Moonwalker #closed one of the girls of the 3set.
I @closed 2 hot girls.

We had a group of thirty people around us who we were chatting with. We were lords of that area of the club, and anyone who came into our 'territory' was so easy to approach. Approach anxiety fades, everyone in your territory is your friend. Whether it's bouncers, guys or girls.

Hehe, actually this one guy approached me and I turned to hear him better and our mouths nearly touched. I told him I was "not that easy!" Get remarks like that into your system; they impress people, they show you're a funny, relaxed guy, secure and confident about his sexuality. You will come across like a guy who gets laid.

Well, enough rambling for now. Specific questions: please leave a reply or shoot me a message.


Why is the word "" banned?

BG the HB Tamer

Don Juan
Oct 16, 2005
Reaction score
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Shezz said:
Great FR mate! :yes:

Only thing it lacked imo was the Actual Conversations although i agree it can be hard to remember these alot of the time.

Keep up the great work mate!

Sarge On...
I just talked bull****, man. I spoke about the age where we learnt to tie shoelaces, I spoke about topography exams in primary school, I spoke about my lil' brother falling asleep on his bicycle one time, I spoke about how much I hate that ****in' Madonna song, I spoke about what type of studies people do and what their plans and ambitions for the future are.

And I spoke about myself:rock:

I don't remember conversations exactly because all I do is just vibe. And that's how I got good; learning the art of conversing... and you don't do that by reading conversations; you do it by talking.

BG the HB Tamer

Don Juan
Oct 16, 2005
Reaction score
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Shezz said:
Yea i pretty much got that down man, its just nice to read the convos once in a while - makes the FR more interesting.

Goodstuff mate

Sarge On...
Yeah, that's true.

I find it easier to remember conversations during day time game. At night, it's just comments and vibing.


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
I don't know, it sounds alright to me.

How old is she, and she can still look smoking hot at times......*melt*