Well today I number closed 2 girls, albeit Freshman but successful number closes nonetheless.
#2I'm walking in cafeteria area and this group of girls I know gives me IOI's so I go up there. I remember going up there like "What?" and I think she said hi or something and I don't remember if the friend said anything. So basically after that we just basically talked rapport and stuff, I asked her what class she had right now and she tells me gym. Then I told her she reminded me of this lazy girl I knew Freshman year when I was in gym class. She then starts saying she's not lazy and I ask her to prove it. At one point I said "You're lazy, but I can forgive that because you're cute, but you got to make it up to me by proving you're not lazy" and that moves on to the next thing.
So she asks "What do you want me to do run a lap?" and I tell her what she needed to do to prove it to me. So she WALKS from point A to point B and back and I'm like "Haha, well atleast you tried I think that deserves something" and I can't remember if I high fived or not.
Then at one point, I talked about my weekend and what I was going to do and at some point she made this corny joke which I can't remember, but said something like "Haha, that deserves a smile I guess". Skipping ahead, she told me she thought my bro was cute and I said they should hook up. Blah blah blah, a lot of sh*t happened, I talked to the other girl a little and yeah, you'd get bored if I told you EVERY little detail.
Skipping far ahead to the end, I'm like "But yeah, you definitely need to come over sometime" and she's like "Only if your brother is there" and yeah. So I took out my phone asked her the digits and she told me. Then I said "But you can only come over on one condition, you have to bring her". Blah blah blah, got a successful number close and eventually left the set.
So yeah, that's that, 2 number closes in a day. I did approach 2 other sets that I think were okay, but one didn't give me the chance to close and the other said "Um, I have a boyfriend" blah blah. But yeah, that's that.So I'm in the library and a few of my friends bet me to go up to this table of Freshman girls and so I say what the heck and do it. So I go up there and start talking to this one Freshman chick I sort of knew and asked her to give me a high five. She did it, but then I'm like "But you have to do it harder than that though!" and she's like "I don't know how" can't really remember if she did it again or not, but that's not relavent to the approach.
Eventually though, I just start plowing, talking about what I was doing this weekend and this chick was into me and stuff. Talked about how I was going to my friends party and stuff and talked about how these foriegn chicks who moved in the house next to his were gonna be there, blah blah. At one point in the convo, I asked what she was doing on the weekend and she told me and stuff. At the end of the convo, I basically told her that we should chill sometime and she's cool with it. So I take out my phone and tell her to put the number in. After that I think I started leaving and she put her hand out to do this handshake short of thing and I do it, but play on it and say "But remember you got to do this though" and do some sort of crazy handshake with her.