Found out turnin from AFC to DJ is GOLD

Jun 10, 2013
Reaction score

its so impossible. I was kinda AFC in the way that I showed my emotions to fast to a some girls the past years and im bein DJ the last couple of months and so much things changed. Girls showing much more and faster sexual interest, its not even hard! bein AFC is way more intensive. Bein a sharp laid back DJ who teases girls works so well, girls are MUCH more interested its unbelievable how this all works out so well. im glad i found about this forum. Had to share that ! every1 who doesnt experience much difference yet, keep learning from this forum and trying ! and keep spinning plates its gold. had to share this .

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Damn straight.

Most betas don't realize how easy it really is once you get past all the bullsh!t society have brainwashed into you.

Hear this loud and clear people.. there are only THREE things you need to do to get dates/laid:

1. Initiate (approach women you want to f*ck)

2. Flirt (stroke the woman's ego a little. Tell her how awesome she is)

3. Make a move (Insert your sausage)

Its really that simple. Easy as ABC or 1, 2 ,3.

The problems men run into come from oneitis, pedestalization of certain women, intimidation, possessiveness and white knight heroism. Believing you "MUST" have/protect/f*ck/marry certain women is the cause of most problems. As a man.. its much easier (and natural) to just be an animal. Be a dog. Be a pig. It pays off. Ditch all the metro-sexual, Liberal, politically correct, white knight bullsh!t.

Embrace your animal nature with no guilt and the women will come. They will come fast and they will come often.. with little effort on your part.

All the worldly stuff I focus on such as education, money, style and consumer goods are for my own personal desire for these things.. as well as the power they bring. They are not to attract women (even if they do). :yes: