For those who have been led on, cheated on, etc. (A fictional story)


New Member
Sep 12, 2013
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So I like to write sometimes, both about myself and other things and I decided to share a story I wrote based on my own experiences and many of the experiences that people have written about on here. It took 15 minutes and I wrote it on my phone so I apologize for any typos/grammar I made.

What this story is about is the feelings of revenge that I think many of us have when we get betrayed or led on by someone. It is from a male perspective but I think that regardless of gender, anyone who has experienced something like this has these thoughts, at least, initially.

Disclaimer: This is complete fiction. In real life, I think the best thing to do is not play games at all and just ignore him/her. But sometimes it's fun to imagine. Also, it gets a little graphic, but we're all adults (I hope).

Anyway, hope you enjoy it.


I'm at the bar and she approaches me. I act aloof, give her a hello and order myself a drink. She starts vying for my attention so we talk to catch up. My answers are short and I appear uninterested. She hears a good song and takes me to the dance floor. I stay reluctant but let her pull me anyway. We dance and I give her a long and slow kiss. She says she wishes she had given me another chance. I don't say a word, just kiss her again, this time with a little bit of tongue. She says, we should get out of here. Her friends voice their disapproval but she knows I'm a sweet guy. That's what she said to me last time when she said she didn't want anything more than a "friendship." We leave the bar holding hands and her head rested on my shoulder. I turn her towards me and we kiss again, more passionately than before. But I know the truth. She's done this before. It's like a poker game where you gamble with emotions with her. She thinks she can bluff me again. She acts like she has a weak hand when it's really strong. She doesn't know that my heart has turned cold and nothing is stronger than what I have. I call her bluff anyway, to toy with her the same way she toyed with me. I take her to my car and we go inside. We start immediately, clothes off, our lips touch like they'd never separate. I move my hand and stroke her inner thigh which excites her more. Then I go down on her and make her scream with ecstasy. She spreads her legs for me begging for it.
Afterwards, she snuggles up close and tells me that we should try and see if we can give it another chance. Empty promise, but this time I have one of my own. I tell her yes we should and I'll call her tomorrow. As I drive back home, she texts me, telling me that she had a great time. I ignore it. The next day, I get another one, hey, how are you? I ignore that one as well. I've played this game before and I refuse to lose this time. The texts take an ugly turn. She tells me I'm just a player and I used her. She says I'm just a loser. She even tries going after my manhood. I get a voicemail of her crying, asking what happened. But her tears and insults don't move me. After a day of silence, I decide to politely text her that she should move on. After all, it was just one night. The anger comes back. Multiple missed calls, voicemails, and texts. "I'm sorry, what did I do wrong?" "I thought you liked me." But I know it's all a trap and this time I won't get caught. Two days after no communication, she asks me again why I did this to her. I reply with one word: "Karma."


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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Although I get the main gist of the story...its a beta mindset at its very core. His actions are "in spite" of her. Its too much of an emotional reaction. Do you think the most powerful men in the world try to "get back" at a cheating ex? NO. They laugh at them and then shun them off to the "inexistent" part of their life. Absolute indifference.

Thinking about getting back with her and hoping you have a shot < Thinking about her and getting back at her


Thinking about her and getting back at her < Not thinking about her


New Member
Sep 12, 2013
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I agree with you. Like I said, it's a fictional story and shouldn't be taken to heart. I already put it in the disclaimer and said what my advice would be for real life. But, regardless of how alpha you are, everyone has that one person that wronged them and thought of this in some way shape or form. I would never recommend actually ever doing this.

Just a form of entertainment that's all. :)