For all you d!cks who made fun of me!


Don Juan
Mar 12, 2001
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read HERE first. After my first sexual encounter with my girlfriend we had been avoiding intercourse, and then a week ago she started her period, so she wasn't really comfortable with the whole idea. We fooled around, but not actual sex. Then, today, she said that she thinks she's ok. Well, one thing led to another and we got undressed and were playing with each other. She shaved herself for me completely, which was really cool. Well, after she couldn't take it anymore, she took me and pulled me inside her, while sitting on top of me.

This time, as opposed to the last, I had a total idea of what was happening, so I was cool. I was a little worried so I said we'd better not and quickly grabbed a condom. But then, everything was smooth. It was the second time in my life, and first one I didn't really count. This time, I was completely in control.

The trick was that I could go on as long as she wanted, because I wasn't mentally unprepared for this, and also if she wasn't pulling me in and out thereby stimulating the head of the penis, I was fine. So, we went on like that for like 5-6 minutes, and I saw her getting flushed, so I turned her around and made sure she finished first before letting myself go. It was awesome.

I wasn't as excited about the whole thing as I was just really happy that I could control myself about as much as I wanted, and up to the point where she was telling me wow how hot I was.

So there! And to those who said it was ok to come so quickly the first time, thanks.


Master Don Juan
Mar 31, 2003
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Man, I'm still looking for wayz to last longer :eek:

I wouldn't take any of that personally anyway G. C()mming to quickly is a very common problem.

Or, it's just something that happens based on prior conditioning. I believe you can reverse the process.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2003
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Detroit: home of the finest ruins this side of Rom
Lasting longer

One way to last longer is to pull out so pressure is only right on the tip. Another trick is to use the muscles that you use to stop p1ssing. The latter can bring about multiple orgasms, too.

So, bring out the pics and practice so you'll be well trained for your next session!


Groucho Marx once said he got a cream that was supposed to prevent premature ejaculation, but he came when putting it on.


Apr 27, 2002
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Greensboro, NC
Am I missing something here?

Are you guys fvcking kidding me? Please tell me that you guys know to 'clean the pipes' beforehand. O - M - G! I hope to god you guys are *NOT* mounting your GFs with nuts the size of tennis balls. LOL, C'mon guys, if you get them hot'n'horny with your DJism then you gotta represent. :D


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2002
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If you guys are going off too fast it's because you guys don't have control. Having sex is not about how fast you can go off. What I've found about lasting from 1-2 hours is having total control in bed. If you feel that you're about to go, slow down. Once you don't feel like going off start at it again. However there are two sides to this.
1. You built so much pressure that when you do go off, you get a much better experience. It's like some of the advice about getting off before have sex so you last longer.
2. You let it become flacid and can't get it up during sex. If that's the case, get the girl to give you head and you're ready to go. Yet sometimes even that doesn't work.

Just automatically take control of the action in bed and you'll last much longer than 5,10, even 30 mins. Also learn how to go at it slow and hit all of her 'pleasure points'.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
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Premature ejaculation, or having uncontrolable orgasms too soon is very common. It is not a physical problem, or doenst need any physical conditioning, but actually mental conditioning. Something I researched into and learned a few years ago was that it is almost all in you mind. The reason males have this problem can mostly be blamed on society. Why? When growing up, through puberty and even before, young males very often had the urge to have intercourse or masterbate. This is perfectly natural and fine, but he only problem is that society has labeled these desires and acts wrong. Parents will teach their children to stop and leave it alone... many religions will say that it is wrong as well. Despite how much society shuns such actions and desires, they are natural and can not be controled. At a very young age, as males start masturbating, they hide and do it in shame, trying to finish it as fast as they can so they dont get caught. They are actually conditioning their minds to have a quick orgasm with the least amount of effort. This will go on untill they finally graduate from their hands to a female. Now even in this scenario, the wrong kind of conditioning still continues. The whole "got to f*ck her quick before we get caught" scenario. I'm sure alot of us here can relate to that. Doing it at her house... but with fear that her parents might come home, or knock on the door. This fear will cause another kind of subconcsious negative conditioning on top of the already negative conditioning from masturbation. Now with this conditioning so set into our minds, we cant help but have early orgasms. Now how to re condition ourselves to how it should be? That is a good question. I dont have a 100% sure way, but I have learned of some techniques. Masturbate untill the point of orgasm then stoping, then continue to the point again and stopping. Repeat it over a few times untill you feel you have decent control. Do this for a period of time. Next you do the same thing, but while having intercourse with a girl. Right before orgasm, pull out and hold it in. Continue and practice holding it in. After a period of time from doing this, again stop at the point of orgasm, but stop while still being inside her. Keep on doing this and stopping right before orgasm, but keep it inside her. There is way where you can have full control and have sex for days and days without even having one single orgasm, and only having it when you choose, whether it be in 1 minute or 3 days. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe there is actually a small "religion" of some sort that actually teaches how to control your orgams. I believe it was Sting, the singer, that also practices this.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 19, 2003
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hey i'm pretty good at this, having almost 3 years of training under my belt.

some of us call it Kegel. Basically its physical exercise and mental conditioning to have far greater control over orgasms.

it seems simple but it requires much dedication. just do a search and see what you can read up on.

take it easy,


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2003
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man, when you said you were in total control I was expecting 2 hours or something, but then it said 5-6 minutes :D


Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
Lübeck, Germany
i got the problem too, i had only last 5 minutes the first time and my girlfriend said it was ok, but i know that she made fun of me, so i decide to read the book the multi orgasmic man from mantak chia since then i last at least 3 hours pumping like a wild animal. the second time my girlfriend was totaly thrown in a other world, like in trance, she beg my to have sex everyday in every position.
thats the best book about sex that i have read, you can start in 5 minutes and practice at yourself and when you reach a n orgasm it is totaly different as it normal is, try it


Don Juan
Mar 12, 2001
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Originally posted by Charisma
man, when you said you were in total control I was expecting 2 hours or something, but then it said 5-6 minutes :D
:D lol, no she was tired, we've been playing in bed for the whole day, so she was already THERE after 3 minutes, I didn't want to kill her, u know? :D

OH, and AntonioMontana, why the hell would you want to go for 3 hours, you have nothing better to do with your life? :rolleyes:


Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
Lübeck, Germany
that guy seems to be a little sarcastic, what do you do at 1 am? i **** my girlfriend the whole night, i make love, she like it, i like it. what do you do? watch pornos and jerking off the whole night or do you spy out offa window looking for some nightbours who are f*cking and then jerking off?


Don Juan
Mar 12, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by AntonioMontana
that guy seems to be a little sarcastic, what do you do at 1 am? i **** my girlfriend the whole night, i make love, she like it, i like it. what do you do? watch pornos and jerking off the whole night or do you spy out offa window looking for some nightbours who are f*cking and then jerking off?
funny :) no i actually sleep at night, there's more to my life than my girlfriend... anyhow, i hope you were joking saying all that, it's all good, point is, I'm happy. :p

Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
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the best place on earth- cali
congrats thatguy.

now dont' forget to write back with your next experience with MORE DETAILS :D

Ahahahahahah sorry guys i was kidding... now put it back in your pants :)