thanks fellows. i think vorbis and mogizide got the gist of my question the best... vorb nailed what's basically in my head. mog, interesting about the anti-scarcasm thing.... that's interesting.
i think the behavior that really stands out to me when a guy is flirting is smiling obscenely over-much... perhaps with a SMIRK, intimating in one way or another that the girl really wants him. also being somewhat loud and jokey.
basically, if looked at analytically, the guy's behavior always strikes me as somewhat jackass-ish... but it works. but it just strikes me that way all the time i think.
i guess another way to think about it is the BODY LANGUAGE thing-
- eye contact
- for a guy, visibly checking her out
- straight posture with chest out
- kino
so the stuff of an approach? but there's a more general kind of behavior too that is associated with being somewhat jackassish....
and i hate it when guys say, "hey girl..." eeeeeyuuuh... that always just strikes me as repulsive for some reason... but that is part of it i think....
for girls, i think it's a bit more obvious but again, requires thought for me to articulate although it is plain when you see it....
body language is big here i think. king's thing about eyes is big i think. a held, deep gaze, open body language, flipping hair, vigorously massaging their nipples, that kind of thing.