fond farewell all


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
hey Gents,

well this is my last post. I've enjoyed my time on so suave, but my repose has come to an end and its time to get back to life.

I've enjoyed the dialogue on women and men, and think that this is a great resource for guys to hash out their issues and grow. Regardless of whether folks agree or disagree with many of the ideas here, i dont think you can spend a lot of time here and not grow in some way or another as a result.

My Top 10

i think some of hte big things that guys should take away from this forum are:

1) Confidence is key (don't live your life based on fear). If there is one thing you can count on its that making a decision based on fear always leads to bad things. Better to be embarassed or wrong than to make your decisions based on fear.

2) Treat yourself well - life is a growing process, just because you aren't succeeding with the ladies now doesn't mean you won't in the future. Work on developing yourself and caring about yourself, because if you don't, most women will only bring you pain and suffering.

3)there are two major outlooks on being a DJ

a) you can focus on growing and developing as a human being, developing principles by which you live by and which will ensure that you never let a woman push you around, become the end-all to your life or become the means by which you judge your self worth

b) you can learn what tricks and behavior patterns exist to manipulate women into behaving as you would like

some use both. Personally im about (a) over (b).

4) There are no absolutes. Life is a growth process and different men and women at different stages will provide you with different types of relationships. So try not to carry over the bad stuff from past relationships into future relationship.

5) You will only grow if you take responsibility for your life. No matter how much others are to blame for various thigns that happen to you, no one is going to grow for you - growth is something you decide and it comes when you take responsibility - whether that be for how you react to situations, for getting yourself into situations to begin with or for not understanding why something is happening or happened. No matter how "out of your control" things may seem to be, you are always in control of your life (often times all you have to do is walk away).

6) You know, neither gender is right or wrong ultimately. We are in strange times and both men and women are very confused and lost. realize that you are living in an era of mass confusion, and that in such era many folks will take the narcissistic path. The high road is harder than ever before - but its always where the rewards lie.

7) A woman cannot fix or define your life. And a man cannot fix or define a woman's life. Everyone is responsible for their own happiness and growth. A good relationship is one where you both support each other's growth over the long term. Anything else is merely mutual narcissism or two people stuck at a single life phase until they die.

8) Life is short, but because its short the most important thing is to work smart! Life is too short to think that effort alone will get you anywhere. effort is needed, but is completely wasted if you aren't applying it in the most sensible fashion possible.

9) Do NOT get married unless you are absolutely sure you have found a woman who is completely committed to your relationship. "love" in the lustful sense, is NOT enough to keep two people together for 60 years. It's great to love your woman, but if you dont hold her in the highest regard and respect as a person, odds are that love will lose its luster as the years move on.

10) Above all, at all times, be thankful for everything you have. We live in the richest period in mankinds history. We may be going bankrupt on certain moral fronts, but none the less, you still have so much to be thankful for. 100 years ago most people couldn't read! Much less have a global conversation on a message board like this. You've got access to health care, books, opportunities to one day retire and not have to work, we've got deoderant so women's pits don't smell, and on and on and on. We are living in great times, don't let the fact that the majority of folks are squandering that reality allow you to not enjoy it.

Bonus 11) (for the guys in their late 20s / early 30s) had one more to throw in. FOCUS ON YOUR CAREER! I see so many guys acting like women in the 1950s now a days - women are their first priority, everything else is second. Man, thats how 1950s women thought - get a husband worry about everythign else AFTER that. The one thing that will carry you through life is your education and career - DO NOT lose focus on that for any reason what so ever.

So there you go guys, hope someone gets some benefit out of the conclusions I've reached during my time on so suave.

Live well guys and best of luck with the women out there.

:woo: :D :up: :rockon: :wave:



Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
Good luck!

Best wishes on your future, I like your outlook on life. I took about a year and a half off this board and it did me a world of good. I will probably leave again soon for several months. It's easy to get sucked into this board instead of being out there living life.

Whether you return or not Joekerr, good luck! You have a bright future.


New Member
Nov 28, 2005
Reaction score
I must say

That there is not a truer knight than my friend "Joekerr".....Please do what you can to cut and paste any post of his words of wisdom that you can find on here because you will not find more accurate and honest words of how to live life the right way. So many people get sucked into lifes materialism and forget the things that really matter. If your goal is to just get laid and pick up chicks than you need to take a good long hard look in the mirror, because I got news for you: that will only get you so far. Getting p*ssy is easy. Living a life without fear and putting your bawls on the line to try and claim your lifes prize is another journey unto itself that deserves nothing but respect. It is hard, but living a life without fear and loving yourself and others is the only thing that is worth a damn I dont care what anyone says. I personally want to thank the Big "J" for showing me the light and offering his hand and pulling from the abyss of everything that is wrong with living a life that only aims to satisfy the ego. Best of luck, IM OUT!


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Joekerr your posts are an inspiration to us all.

You shall lead a fantastic life and whoever is around you, man and woman, shall benefit greatly!


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
Reaction score
Godspeed, Joekerr...

I have to admit, being a frequent poster I read many of your posts; and I havent always agreed with you. Most of the time, yes, but hey, we all see things differently.

But I must say that the wisdom contained in your last post is worthy of the Don Juan Bible. All in favor.....

Rock on, brother! :rockon:


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2001
Reaction score
See you Joe.

Thanks for all the input man.

Good luck with everything you do and live life to the fullest.
