Focus on money and status not on game


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
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I have come to realize that status and money is more important than game or looks.

For the past several years I focused a little too much swallowing the red pill and on improving my game.

I swallowed the red-pill when I was 24 and now at 29 years of age, here is what I come to realize. Game doesn't matter as much as you think.

Here is what I come to realize after going through 2 divorces and dozens of relationships:

1. Initial attraction is everything, she is either attracted to you or not and not even the "tightest" game can make her attracted to you.

2. The statement above depends on your status and money. In other words, her initial attraction is mostly dependent on your success in life.

3. I have several friends who at the time when I was swallowing the red pill; they were focused on making money instead of gaming chics. Yes today they still act like a total beta "bi*tches" but many of them score better looking chics than I do. They still chase girls , they still call them everyday to say good morning/night and all the beta stuff but in the end they still do better than me.

4. Sometimes red pill concepts hurt more than they help. It's okay to initially chase girls. I had missed so many opportunities just because I was given advice like "next her" or "dump her". General rule of thumb is don't get offended at slightest s*hit like if she says she is busy. Wait a week and try again. I go with 2 strike rule. Only next her if she rejects twice.

5. Despite what many sosuavers will tell you, you need to show and reciprocate some affection. I have lost several great girls because I wasn't reciprocating and was only using them for sex. If she says "I love you", it's okay to say it back. If she says she says "i missed you" it's okay to say "i miss you too". Yes being hard to get works for short term but you will loose your girl if you don't show enough affection. And yes they are human beings too and they need attention. If you don't give it them, then someone else will. In fact I had one girl who cheated on me just because of that.

These are my observations and experiences 5 years after swallowing the red pill


Aug 22, 2017
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And yes they are human beings too and they need attention. If you don't give it them, then someone else will. In fact I had one girl who cheated on me just because of that.
sorry but that sounds like her rationalization that she believed and later made you believe in. but truth is other guy was better


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
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sorry but that sounds like her rationalization that she believed and later made you believe in. but truth is other guy was better
Yes he was a general prosecutor. Like i said in the post, focus on money and status, not on game.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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This is simply an excuse people come up with when they fail to make necessary improvements with how they behave.
The failure isn't game...the failure is you.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2017
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Assuming looks between the following men are equal:

Man 1: Status + Money, 0 game: Attracts gold diggers and shallow bimbos. Will really struggle to find an LTR he's satisfied with, and the sex will get old after a while.

Man 2: Limited status + less money, some game: Guy will attract women who have more substance and may or may not be as attractive as the "rich guy's" girls.

Why not do both? Focusing on money and your career just leads to you becoming unfulfilled and socially inept. Focusing purely on game means your career will stagnate.

Work on developing your career, physique and social skills. That's my objective.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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2. The statement above depends on your status and money. In other words, her initial attraction is mostly dependent on your success in life.
If this is true, then why are women attracted to me when they know nothing about my success level?
5. Despite what many sosuavers will tell you, you need to show and reciprocate some affection. I have lost several great girls because I wasn't reciprocating and was only using them for sex. If she says "I love you", it's okay to say it back. If she says she says "i missed you" it's okay to say "i miss you too". Yes being hard to get works for short term but you will loose your girl if you don't show enough affection. And yes they are human beings too and they need attention. If you don't give it them, then someone else will.
I don't ever remember reading that you should not reciprocate some affection. I have never read its ok to only use girls for sex. You have to adjust to every situation. You can't be black and white about this stuff. The most successful guy lands somewhere in the middle of what you have described.
What led to your divorces and failed relationships?


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
1. Initial attraction is everything, she is either attracted to you or not and not even the "tightest" game can make her attracted to you.
Why do I just disagree with this statement? Oh wait, because I’ve done it before. I’ve been a total ***** with chicks but still made them wet they saw me again after learning this stuff. I’ve gotten out of the friendzone NUMEROUS times before.
2. The statement above depends on your status and money. In other words, her initial attraction is mostly dependent on your success in life.
Tell that to the plumber or cable guy down the street lol
3. I have several friends who at the time when I was swallowing the red pill; they were focused on making money instead of gaming chics. Yes today they still act like a total beta "bi*tches" but many of them score better looking chics than I do. They still chase girls , they still call them everyday to say good morning/night and all the beta stuff but in the end they still do better than me.
And they’re gonna end up getting divorce raped while guys like me have sex with their trophy wives. It has nothing to do with money though. It’s just that the girls you go after are more likely to look for settling down. You are past the age of regular socialization dude. You’re 29. By now, you should be starting your life financially, you should have already set your career up for the rest of your life. This is the difference. You are getting older. It matters more just in the sense of LTR because they want to get married. Doesn’t have much else to do outside of that. In few years time though, midlife crisis will set in and they’ll want something/someone else.
4. Sometimes red pill concepts hurt more than they help. It's okay to initially chase girls. I had missed so many opportunities just because I was given advice like "next her" or "dump her". General rule of thumb is don't get offended at slightest s*hit like if she says she is busy. Wait a week and try again. I go with 2 strike rule. Only next her if she rejects twice.
Again, you have to understand fluidity. You can’t be stuck on one set thing. This is how we know you lack experience and why you think all these thing should now. You have to know when to do which. Experience will tell you that.
5. Despite what many sosuavers will tell you, you need to show and reciprocate some affection. I have lost several great girls because I wasn't reciprocating and was only using them for sex. If she says "I love you", it's okay to say it back. If she says she says "i missed you" it's okay to say "i miss you too". Yes being hard to get works for short term but you will loose your girl if you don't show enough affection. And yes they are human beings too and they need attention. If you don't give it them, then someone else will. In fact I had one girl who cheated on me just because of that.
I agree with this actually. It’s because women start demanding more from relationships. The way to do that is to attach you to them with those petty words. Something that I don’t like saying though is ‘I love you’. Hate that. You have to try avoid telling her the L word. That means a lot for whatever reason and it’s dangerous. Very rarely should it be given.

It’s actions over words though. Understand that. You show her you love her with how you hug her and how you kiss her. Never really tell her though. Occasionally it’s fine but most of the time it isn’t.
These are my observations and experiences 5 years after swallowing the red pill
This is a problem. It shouldn’t have taken you this long to swallow the red pill. Something else is missing here that you don’t have which is why you junk that. Why do other guys fully understand what they need to in like a year whereas it took you 5? Again, there’s something basic that’s lacking in your foundation. Maybe look to fixing that before fixing anything else.


Jan 14, 2018
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OP I strongly suggest you read a post by @Roober in @Urbanyst thread.

You'll understand the meaning of game in its truest sense.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Life is not binary. Human relationships are not binary. If a person is thinking strictly in binary terms then that person is himself limited in his (or her) perspective (aka faulty belief system) and will not understand the nuance inherent in relationships.

From this nuance derives the need for social calibration. If somebody doesn't understand why calibration & social skill (game) is important then that person doesn't understand nuance of human interactions and that individual needs to start first by looking in the mirror.

Such a person often does not realize that they lack the self awareness to understand THEY are the common denominator in all their interactions...the problem is not the market...but rather the individual who cannot see his own role in his lack of desired results.

Always always always strive to understand and own your own contribution and the role you play in interactions with another human being. If we fail to do that we cannot see means to improve out outcomes by developing our own self awareness and accountability.

TLDR: Look first honestly at your own role in your relationships. Binary black & white thinking limits you and your ability to understand social dynamics.


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2016
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Topic is a lie
May 25, 2017
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Florida, USA
You can have sex with the hottest girls in the world for just a few hundred bucks.

I've done it almost 200 times.

For the price of a Lamborghini, I could fvck over 800 hookers. I'll just do both.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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The more money I make the less women I get. Honest.

When I was a broke college student I was pulling one night lays with hot HB. Now I get laid once every three months and that’s after trying really really hard. I make 6 figures


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2016
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2 divorces and dozens of relationships
I hope this isn't harsh but it sounds like you need some game. There is nothing blue pill about game. In fact, good game should revolve around red pill theory.


Mar 12, 2011
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4. Sometimes red pill concepts hurt more than they help. It's okay to initially chase girls. I had missed so many opportunities just because I was given advice like "next her" or "dump her".

5. Despite what many sosuavers will tell you, you need to show and reciprocate some affection. I have lost several great girls because I wasn't reciprocating and was only using them for sex. If she says "I love you", it's okay to say it back. If she says she says "i missed you" it's okay to say "i miss you too". Yes being hard to get works for short term but you will loose your girl if you don't show enough affection. And yes they are human beings too and they need attention. If you don't give it them, then someone else will. In fact I had one girl who cheated on me just because of that.
I agree with these two.

One of the issues with SS is the mindset that we all are movie stars who should be paid millions to sleep with young good looking girls. ‘’She disrespected you, F her! Other good looking young girls are dying to have sex with you! It’s so so so easy to find them in 2018!’’

Nobel Peace Prize winners chase girls for YEARS. SS members tell the girl to go to hell if she is late 5 min. But hey, much better to be home alone Saturday night and be alpha than out with a girl and be beta, right?


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
1. Initial attraction is everything, she is either attracted to you or not and not even the "tightest" game can make her attracted to you.
This is true.... but there are degrees of attraction. If you have a chick that falls for you right away... you really don't need game. But if she has the attitude "Well, he's cute... I MIGHT fvck him." Then what people call 'game' is everything. Game, is really just acting like a man, going for what you want and behaving like you have testosterone pumping though your veins.

2. The statement above depends on your status and money. In other words, her initial attraction is mostly dependent on your success in life.
LMS is important. But you have to remember that what each chick likes is going to be different. And your status level is also relative to where the chick sees herself and where she is in life. A college chick is going to be attracted to 'potential' status of dudes, where older chicks are going to be more attracted to ACTUAL status. The only time in my life when I had trouble with chicks was in my early 20s, after I graduated from college, and started working. In college I was the sh!t on campus... lots of people knew who I was, I was an athlete and knew everyone. Getting laid was as easy as walking out the door, but after college... I went from the top, to just a junior Army officer on a base filled with dudes. So I focused on my career and other things I really enjoyed doing, and the chicks found me. It was an adjustment, but I agree you should always focus on yourself... be the best you can, at the end of the day if you never get chicks like the way you want, your life is better. Chicks should never be your only purpose.

3. I have several friends who at the time when I was swallowing the red pill; they were focused on making money instead of gaming chics. Yes today they still act like a total beta "bi*tches" but many of them score better looking chics than I do. They still chase girls , they still call them everyday to say good morning/night and all the beta stuff but in the end they still do better than me.
Never compare yourself to other dudes. Never ask yourself why one chick is attracted to another dude and not you, every chick is different. Besides you never really know what is going on in any relationship... for aal you know the dudes are paying their 'girlfriends' rent.

4. Sometimes red pill concepts hurt more than they help. It's okay to initially chase girls. I had missed so many opportunities just because I was given advice like "next her" or "dump her". General rule of thumb is don't get offended at slightest s*hit like if she says she is busy. Wait a week and try again. I go with 2 strike rule. Only next her if she rejects twice.
There is no such thing as a "Red Pill" concept. Red pill is the reality of male/female relationships, what you do with reality is up to you. I'm not the kind of man that follows a formula, so in that regard I do agree with you. I never burn bridges, I have chicks I've known for years that come and go... but is is always good advice to spend less time with chicks that are not responding to you while focusing on chicks that are making things easy. I also agree that getting butt hurt when chicks act like chicks is pointless. As a man you should do what you want... because you want to do it. If you want to ask a chick out over and over again, go ahead a do it, as long as it's not the only chick you are after... just don;t get fixated on one women. If you stop trying with a chick because you think you have to follow some kind of formula... well... that is just inauthentic as acting like a white knight simp.

5. Despite what many sosuavers will tell you, you need to show and reciprocate some affection. I have lost several great girls because I wasn't reciprocating and was only using them for sex. If she says "I love you", it's okay to say it back. If she says she says "i missed you" it's okay to say "i miss you too". Yes being hard to get works for short term but you will loose your girl if you don't show enough affection. And yes they are human beings too and they need attention. If you don't give it them, then someone else will. In fact I had one girl who cheated on me just because of that.
Hmmmm... Well, you have to show interest and you should not lie. If a chick says she loves you and you love her back, then go ahead and say it. But just understand what she considers 'love' is different from what you are felling. I agree you can not be a cold fish if you are interested in relationships. But if all you want is sex and no commitment, then don't lie to get this... work on finding chicks that just want sex too. The key to success is to be authentic, then you get what you want without too much drama.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
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Hoe County, California
the key phrase is 'full package'

If you on it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
You can have sex with the hottest girls in the world for just a few hundred bucks.

I've done it almost 200 times.

For the price of a Lamborghini, I could fvck over 800 hookers. I'll just do both.
Most guys on here are not wired like that. You world is strip clubs, escorts, and in and out quick. What about nice long make-out sessions in a nice island at night with the bats flying through the air against the yellow dock lights? What about holding hands on a mid-way char-lift going across the night with the whole fair lighted up with music playing below? Or even watching good movies together? You can't build memories like that from seeing escorts.

You can't mix apples and oranges. If you want a relationship or marry a hot girl, and you want her to stick with you and never leave, build a family, have a good social status with your peers because you have an amazing wife, then there is an issue, right? I mean, how many hot girls will give you money and be your sugar momma and take care of you? How do you get that type of loyalty, dedication and love from a hot girl?


Oct 25, 2017
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I'm gonna make close to 200K this year, have no debt, a nice house that's beautiful inside that's 90% paid for, a 70k car totally paid for. In about 2 years, I will be making 17K a month with monthly expenses around 3K (and that's my living very lavishly)... I'm almost certain my overall financial situation is top 0.001% of men in the US under age of 35.

and I have zero nonexistent dating life