flowers...bad bad bad move

sad samurai

New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
real dumb act: send a gal flowers, got replied by sms:

"thanks for your flowers, it looks so nice and make me a bit embarrased in the not the type whom go mad so easily so you thought that i might feel upset at what you said before and has to make it think too much. i understand you care about my feelings, and that makes me feel guilty...thanks for your caring and be concentrate on your work!"

guys....i guess im totally fuxked up

...the embarrasement is all mine....

now - what's next (besides "next her" what do u guys think at least i can gain some face/ dignity - you may laugh at or pray for me...but some advises will be highly appreciated...)


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
why would you apologize for something you said to a girl? :rolleyes: Were you actually wrong?

Just wait a couple weeks before calling her again, and if she brings up the flowers, laugh it off.

sad samurai

New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
wait for a couple of weeks? (like 4, 5, a month?) i have to admit that i must be a real AFC now (and before) i dont even know how to handle this...she is msn online almost everyday and even though i should just pay no attention to that right? no contact no contact and wait???


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
yes NC no NC at all... I will apply that soon with a girl that sent me to friend zone, though in the beginning she made think the opposite (grrr) ... Anyway man I think that you should try to get other girls... I am doing that as well and doing that has given me more courage to apply NC....

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
I've done that twice, one with a girl I just started dating and one with a girl who I'd been with for several months. Neither situation ended up well, even though the second one was happy to recieve the flowers on her birthday and all that. She ended up leaving me for my friend who was on the same wrestling team when I went back to college. Live and learn man, I'm never sending flowers again.


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
flowers arnt bad its just gotta be right situation, can't be datin girl for few weeks send her flowers, and if your dating for a few months its ok if its like valentines day, and im pretty sure with you The Inside Man, you was prolly just too nice for her, next time just take em out to dinner for the bday haha. but my advice on this dude, is that your in her friend zone now if even that, so don't talk to her and if for some odd reason you are in a situation where you have to talk to her act like you could care less about her and like the flowers thing never happend, and also act like if you can't respect my flower giving more than your just a ***** and i don't want to talk to you, and also find new women and don't feel srry if you did something you thought might have upset her cus most likely shes not upset and if she is a lil then thats a good thing because she will find herself thinking about you and wonder why am i thinking about this dude so much and it will make her like you even more


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
Don't sweat it man..

Yeah, you made an AFC move, but so what. Move on. I can tell you I've BEEN there before. The first girl I ever had oneitis for.. I hooked up with her for a week and sent her flowers on valentines day! Her and her friends all got a good laugh.. they all came up to me in the bar saying "oh that was so nice of you." Meanwhile, little did I know they really meant "Wow you must be desperate."

Anyways, 5 years later that little mishap is behind me. Since that time I've learned from my mistakes, I've dated the hottest women at college, and I'm once again a single man.

Remember, the only really acceptable time for flowers is Valentines day or just by total surprise. And this is only acceptable if your woman loves you and she has done something to deserve it. No 2 or 3 week BS. I'm talking years.

Anyways, forget it and just learn from your mistakes


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
sad samurai said:
real dumb act: send a gal flowers, got replied by sms:

"thanks for your flowers, it looks so nice and make me a bit embarrased in the not the type whom go mad so easily so you thought that i might feel upset at what you said before and has to make it think too much. i understand you care about my feelings, and that makes me feel guilty...thanks for your caring and be concentrate on your work!"

guys....i guess im totally fuxked up

...the embarrasement is all mine....
Your reply:

"You are right, I do think too much and you should feel guilty! Try not to think of the flowers too much and concentrate on your work too. Take care."