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Five Dates in Five Days - a field report


Senior Don Juan
Jun 3, 2003
Reaction score
Portland, OR
OK, i just finished a string of five dates. All were chicks from

To start, i was feeling pretty good, cause my profile is getting some good response on from some good looking women.

First date, on Wednesday: a brunette I rated about a 92 out of a 100. This is the girl i did KINO on when i was in doubt. She's got a great face, not too thin though, and has had a kid she gave up for adoption. I babbled too much on the date, but she responded well to it. (by the way, one of my worst problems with women is that i babble and say things that lower their interest...)

Didn't kiss her, kind of left her wanting more. I could tell she liked me and wants to see me again.

Second date, Thursday. We went to a John Mayer concert. I dated this chick for a month last year, so when she called and invited me to a concert, i thought she was still interested. She's 20 and i'm 29, so we aren't a great match. She's about a 93/100, with a body that makes you bite your knuckles when you see it. However, she has a new guy, so she wasn't too interested in me. So i got my hopes up for nothing.
Incidentally, i saw the girl i was on the date with the night before! She was buying a ticket from a scalper! (stalking me? Cause she knew i was going to John Mayer the next day!)

Third date, Friday. It was going to be with an earthy redhead, which isn't my type. Luckily, i kind of dissuaded her from going out with me by teasing her about her looks, and i probably hurt her feelings. So we didn't make final plans. SO, i went out with the girl i met on Wednesday. Had a pretty good time, and kissed her in her car halfway through the date. Then, kissed some more at the end of the date. My interest level was rising in this girl. Her face is beautiful. So, i know she's liking me, so i wasn't worried about DJ'ing that much, cause ANYTHING i do would work with this girl.

Fourth date, Saturday. It was with a beautiful blonde, who also has a 2 year old daughter. I'm not that much into kids and single moms, so i proceeded with caution. She was HOT. Thin, with a shirt that showed some small C-cup cleavage, and her tight tummy. I rated her about 94 out of a 100.
Had a good time, but i felt i blabbed too much. She would ask me a simple question, and i would go on and on. I MUST stop that. She asked me if i was affectionate, and i blabbed an answer that included: how many girls i've slept with, a one-night stand that i almost had, etc. I should have just said, "It depends on the woman.." Honestly, i didn't feel as if i would see her again, so why not bust out with some funny and weird stories, and talk too much, if you don't care about the outcome?
So, at the end of the date, i didn't quite know where i stood. She said, "I had a fun time, lets do this again, call me." which i couldn't determine was legitimate, or the stock i'm-not-interested line.

UPDATE: I emailed her this morning, and told her i had fun. She wrote back!
"Hello Cameron,

I had a really nice time on Saturday also. I don't know if you are interested, but I would like to hang out again sometime. Let me know what you think. Have a great day at work today & I'll talk to you later."

So, she likum me and want second date!

After that saturday date, i checked my messages at 10:30pm, and the Wednesday/Friday girl wanted to get together tonight! Long story short, she gave me oral in her SUV on the top floor of a parking garage! It was about twenty feet away from the stairs that people come up, so that was interesting. We then went back to her house and showered together, and she gave me oral again, but wouldn't let me hit it. I'm losing interest in her though...

Fifth date, Sunday. This one i was REALLY looking forward to. HOWEVER, i talked to her on the phone on Saturday, and i felt i REALLY blew it by talking too much. I could literally feel her Interest Level dropping. I knew i wasn't giving her the answers she wanted, when she asked "what do you do for fun?" and "why are you on"
So, i knew on Sunday, i'd better mellow out, so she didn't think i was a talkaholic. By the way, this chick is a gorgeous blonde, 96/100 that looks like Jeri Ryan from Boston Public. She is also super nice, has a great job, her own house, and college educated. A complete TOTAL PACKAGE. Which means she could definitely do better than me... :(

I was an absolute BORE on the date, and she probably won't write/call me back EVER. Argh. That hurt. I overcompensated, and didn't talk much at all.

So, that's my update. All in all, i'm disappointed, cause i would lose DJ skills along the way, like talking too much, not being a challenge, dropping eye contact with the really good looking girls, etc. But, if a chicks not into you, NO DJ SKILL will make her so.
I'm excited that for some reason the last 8 or so girls i've went on dates with, or dated, were in my opinion, 9 out of 10 in the looks department.

Dating sucks. Even when i do well, i still get frustrated. Now i'm debating about whether to see the hot blonde single mom again. I can tell she's not going to give up the poon unless i'm legit. She said she's "done with the games..." I dated a single mom before, and the result was disasterous! (I had to declare bankruptcy last week because of her!)


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by stormwriter

Dating sucks. Even when i do well, i still get frustrated. Now i'm debating about whether to see the hot blonde single mom again. I can tell she's not going to give up the poon unless i'm legit. She said she's "done with the games..." I dated a single mom before, and the result was disasterous! (I had to declare bankruptcy last week because of her!)
I think it's great that on your last date you tried to stop "blabbing" so much. So what if you overcompensated? Just keep fine-tuning it and you'll get there. At least you are trying to evaluate and correct your weaknesses, which puts you ahead of 99% of the guys out there.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
Hmm...I'm also on And I haven't SEEN 5 9's. Can you do me a favor and post me their pictures. I'm curious what they look like. Maybe we have different scales.


Ronin I

Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
Good report stormwriter.

Let's see...

My interest level was rising in this girl. Her face is beautiful. So, i know she's liking me, so i wasn't worried about DJ'ing that much, cause ANYTHING i do would work with this girl....

We then went back to her house and showered together, and she gave me oral again, but wouldn't let me hit it. I'm losing interest in her though...

Wow....a couple of BJ's and a shower later and your interest goes from increasing to decreasing. And some people say that CHALLENGE is not important!!! Perfect example of how CHALLENGE is very important - we value those things most that we have to work for.

I was an absolute BORE on the date, and she probably won't write/call me back EVER. Argh. That hurt. I overcompensated, and didn't talk much at all.

Dude - stop being so hard on yourself. You seem to have somewhat of a loser's mentality. You went on five dates in a week with girls you rate 9+ - and got a BJ from one of them - you're doing some things right.

(by the way, one of my worst problems with women is that i babble and say things that lower their interest...)...

i blabbed an answer that included: how many girls i've slept with, a one-night stand that i almost had, etc. ...

Had a good time, but i felt i blabbed too much....

OK, ok - stop blabbing so damn much! Try to focus on answering a question concisely and then turning it around on her and asking her a related question.

Dating sucks. Even when i do well, i still get frustrated.

Stormy, define doing well for me. To me doing well is going out and having a good time. You are not there to entertain these girls. You are not there for their amusement. Doing well does not = putting on a good show. Try to change your attitude about dating and not only are you likely to "do" better but you won't think it sucks so much.

But, if a chicks not into you, NO DJ SKILL will make her so.

I disagree COMPLETELY with this. This may be true of the girl is not initially physically attracted to you (ie there has to be at least some physical attraction to get you started) - but in your case you've already passed this hurdle as I'm sure you exchanged pictures with these women before taking them out. Once your past the looks hurlde it is ALL DJ skills from there.

I dated a single mom before, and the result was disasterous! (I had to declare bankruptcy last week because of her!)

LOL! Sorry, reading this had me cracking up.:D You can't be doing that bad though - you had enough dough to go out on five dates last week.

All in all good report. Keep 'em coming.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2002
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Very good post Storm. Ask yourself this, were you having fun? I think having fun on the dates is more important. When you said that "dating sucks," it looks like you're putting too much analysis on trying to "do well." You made it sounds like you're doing some business transaction. Don't but too much pressure in "meeting the one." It looks like you're doing great. Keep it up. Cheers.

I was reading this post, and it seems to illustrates what I'm saying.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by xblitz44x
Hmm...I'm also on And I haven't SEEN 5 9's. Can you do me a favor and post me their pictures. I'm curious what they look like. Maybe we have different scales.

Believe it or not, a lot of the hot ones don't post pictures. Reply to girls with no pics and ask for the pic in email. They usually send it to you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
Good point. I just realized that this week, I'm still really surprised that anybody can pull five 9's from the internet. I'd just like to see what they look like.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 3, 2003
Reaction score
Portland, OR
Hey guys, thanks for the input.

Ronin writes:
>>Stormy, define doing well for me. To me doing well is going out and having a good time. You are not there to entertain these girls.

I guess i'm looking for the right girl, so even if i have a good time - like i did on a couple of these dates, i felt like it wasn't productive, cause i met YET ANOTHER chick that's ALMOST what i'm looking for, but not quite. It frustrates me cause i wonder if i'm going to have to lower my standards, or wait longer to find the right chick.
I guess i didn't consider that the dates could be "successful" if i had fun, regardless of whether they were "the one" or not. Getting oral in the car sure was cool though.... :)

I wrote: "But, if a chicks not into you, NO DJ SKILL will make her so. "

Ronin writes:
>>I disagree COMPLETELY with this.

And after reading his response, i now realize my comment wasn't right. This babe initiated contact with me, so she was attracted to me, which is half the battle. I'm wondering if chicks see you, and then build up this IDEAL MAN in their head, like what you would say or do, and when you don't say or do what's in their head, they get disappointed? It's like the more she got to know me, the more disinterested she became. (conversely, several hot chicks REALLY like me the more they get to know me. Then i blow it later down the road... haha)

Oddtech writes:
>>Ask yourself this, were you having fun? I think having fun on the dates is more important.

On all but one date i was having fun. The date i placed EXCESSIVE MEANING on was the one i was most attracted to that i was nervous for, and didn't enjoy. And it was the date where we weren't eating or drinking - just sitting in a park. Boring.

Now i'm in an email barrage with my best friend who tells me if i DONT WANT KIDS, then don't date a woman with kids, or that wants them! I said, "dude, that's 90% of the population!" and he said, "then focus on the remaining 10%!" I said, "i don't know for sure that i don't want kids, or that i'm adamate against dating a single mom..."

So, thats the current issue that's driving me crazy, especially cause i have a second date with a single mom coming up.

Thanks everybody - you guys rule!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
Good point. I just realized that this week, I'm still really surprised that anybody can pull five 9's from the internet. I'd just like to see what they look like.
Hey, Blitz. That was what I was thinking before I started this less than two weeks ago. I have already went out out on two date-actually meetings. These broads were hot!

I found out that many women come to those sites because they are tired of "lieing AZZ men" and are lookng for some "honest" ones. Even a lot of the 9-10s get tired of the lame guys they run into at the club or bar.

I am sort of concerned that my main squeeze will find out that I am on the net and come after me so I am thinking about "pulling out" early and get back to being low key. It seems much safer just to hit the local bars and clubs and so on.


Nov 1, 2002
Reaction score
I'm not trying to playa hate, but cmon............all of these girls were 9's and 10's?????? On an internet dating site? I'm not doubting that there are nice looking women on these sites, I've seen it myself, but to me a 9 is a carmen electra or a playboy model, were they all that good looking? I think not.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
This should help you .. next time you wanna babble more than 1 sentense to a question, say this to yourself.

"SHUT THE HELL UP". there ya go, keep your mistery to yourself.;)

Paul Owen

Don Juan
Jun 13, 2003
Reaction score
Just to chip in,

The report was really good. Very entertaining. Keep us updated. I have to express a bit of cynicism at them all being 9's though. I would say in my year at university there were maybe a couple of hundred girls and probably only a handful of 9's or less.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2003
Reaction score
Well, just don't take his word for it; check out like I did. Flip through the photos. There are some lookers there if the photos are any indication. Even on the Hotornot photos there are some meet me options with some very hot babes.


Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2000
Reaction score
What amazes me is that you were even able to get 5 dates on If they were all 9s, you must have put up a hell of a profile to get them to answer back. Or your picture must have been slammin'.

I've been a member of some of those internet dating sites in the past, including, and I was never able to get anything going. A few messages back and forth, a few phonecalls if I was lucky, but nothing more. Part of it was that many of them were just too far away, which is tough for someone without a car. And most of them would just lose interest, which is understandable if you haven't actually met in person. At least I think that's the reason.:confused:

So I'd say those days for me are over. Definitely not worth the money. I think it's more useful to work on my skills out in the real world. But it really seems to be working for you, so just keep on doing what you're doing.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2003
Reaction score
I think it all has to do with personal ratings because, to me, Carmen Electra is easily a 10 and busting into an 11. Damn she is fine! So maybe what we think is a 7 0r an 8 is actually a 9 or 10 to Storm.

But I do like the fact that some are willing to call out others on seemingly locker room BSa round here but I do not think that is the case here. Storm seems to be one of the non-BSers around here. Like I say, just a difference in scales.

Paul Owen

Don Juan
Jun 13, 2003
Reaction score

I have just been over to and I stand corrected. Some of those women are extremely hot. I don't understand- what's the catch? Right now I am tempted to sign up.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 6, 2003
Reaction score
yeah a 9 is pretty high, and a 11, that's not even possible!!!;) Most girls on these sites look like 5 or 6's.


Nov 1, 2002
Reaction score
I too went over and checked out match. I saw a few 8's, lots of 5-6's, some more 3-4's. But did I see a 9 like Carmen, helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllsss no!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where are you guys looking?

Okay, for all those who claim to never have seen a 9 or 10 on where are you looking?

Below are two links that contain a couple of women in my area whom I believe are
9s and 10s .

Keep, in mind, with most 9s and 10s you
see on television they have to transform from a 7 or 8 with make-up as anyone who has dated a really hot chick or has worked in a five start hotel can tell you.
If you see them without makeup up in their every day lives, you can hardly recognize them.

So even though some may look like 7 or eights on the pictures, they can make themselves look better when they come to see you. This is the case with a lot of supermodels who have the talent and body to be a supermodel and use makeup artists to fill in the gaps.

Look out for the names-
and Shiyanne


Nov 1, 2002
Reaction score
Ok, the first one, definetly nice looking, although from my experience girls who put up multiple pics like that on the internet, theyre usually models just looking to get their picture out-looking for publicity. As far as the other, maybe a 7.5.

Btw Spanky, I see you must be from Michigan. Does Fenton ring a bell lol? Thats where I'm from. And when I was on match a year or so ago i saw that second girls pic on there back then, so if shes so hot, why is she still on there a year later? Many many of these internet dating sites put up pics of hotties to either attract people to the site-to give them hope, or the pics are fake for internet phone sites or porn. Think about it.