First Time Post. Need serious advice about this girl I've been seeing!


Don Juan
Oct 7, 2012
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Hey all. First I think it is important to say that I am 26 years old, and the girl I'm going to be discussing is 21. I am not an inexperienced dater. I've been in long relationships, short relationships, and have had my share of hook ups. I don't lack confidence with girls, for the most part. There was a time I did, but I've seen myself gain a lot of confidence over the years. But here's the thing: I have been in a slump, I haven't had much luck recently with girls and have been single for a good 8 months or so and that is important to note because this is a story where I feel like I gave this girl power and I did it because I LEGIT like this girl and can see myself in a REAL relationship with her, and that led to my moment of weakness that I can't get back.

I gotta explain from the beginning. So I work with this girl and she's an attractive and fun girl to be around. Yet she has a boyfriend so I never pursued it but jokingly told her one day that she should hook me up with one of her friends. Well, low and behold, she told her friend about me and I went on a "blind date", just me and her, and we went out to eat. We hit it off, I felt relaxed and comfortable and we had good convo. First date was a success. I was in control! Second date we went to the movies. I felt myself not as confident and I have no idea why. We had that awkward moment where we are walking to our cars(she met me there) and I ran out of stuff to talk about, felt like I was stumbling over my words, and didn't know if I should kiss her or not. Well, we just hugged and said goodnight but guess what? She wanted to see me again. So we hung out in a double date setting, went out to eat, and had our first real contact. By first real contact I mean we held hands. Lucky for me this was at an event where we were forced to have that first contact because we went to this haunted maze where she was scared ****less and had to hold my hand cause she thought she was gonna die(ha!). Third date went well. Her friend has a big mouth and even told me that she told her friend that she liked me. So the next day(yesterday) she even text me and told me how she felt. Nothing major, nothing deep, just that she liked me. I told her I felt the same and that was it. She hung out with me the next day(last night) and initiated it this time so clearly she was into me. She came over to my house and we cuddled and watched a movie. Yet I was not the same guy I was the first night I hung out with her. Every time I hang out with her I feel more and more like I'm losing control, I feel nervous, I question what I do and what I say, and I know it's cause I really like her and want something real this time. I'm at a different stage in my life.

Well, the night went well and after the movie we were really close and talking and I wanted to kiss her and reading her body language I could tell she wanted it too. She was close to me, looking me in the eyes, touching my hand, my shoulder, my thigh, and looking at my lips. All systems go. But I still waited to kiss her. Finally, we walked to her car and I hugged her and kissed her. It didn't feel like a great kiss to me, almost like I felt like I had to, or it was forced, but either way I kissed her goodnight and she text me when she got home and STILL wanted to hang out. So I've rambled on here but had to give background because I want serious and helpful advice. You're probably wondering: What went wrong? What is the problem? Well here's the problem: I text her that night and told her how I felt again. I said "I've been told I'm hard to read and don't want you to wonder how I feel about you. I get nervous around you and lose my confidence because you make me feel like no girl has ever made me feel" and blah blah blah. I then told her I could date her. I told her all that because that is the truth. She does make me question myself, she does make me nervous, because I don't wanna mess it up with her cause I really like her. Well, she said she felt the exact same way and that she could see herself dating me as well. So why am I spazzing out?

Because I gave her power. She now knows she has me. There is no more mystery. But shouldn't I have told her how I felt since it appears we are both looking for a relationship? I just can't help but feel like I should have bit my tongue. Even though she is responding and saying she feels the same I still feel like I lost power tonight, and that now that she knows she can have me, she will interest. So what do you guys think? Am I overthinking this? I guess only time will tell since this just happened tonight. Is there anything I can say or do to get that power back, or am I just going to have to wait it out and see how she now acts towards me? Please give me some good advice, and tell me what I should do now to keep the attraction up! I'm open to all suggestions and advice. Thanks!:confused:

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
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All is not lost, OP and you are definitely over-thinking things.

My only advice is don't discuss feelings from now on. If she brings it up, just briefly tell her you think she's cool and change the subject.
Carry on having fun with her and relax. Don't force things, just let them progress naturally. But next time you see her, you should definitely try to fvck her.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
greasy pig beat me to it!

She sounds like a nice gurl, but even good girls wanna get down my friend.
i can see youve been taking it slow -

Being as ive been that guy who tries to take it slow, i can tell you safely you lose more girls by not making a move - crazy right?

youre better off apologising for being too pushy - beats being thought of as a d1ckless phaggot!
Besides, if she is into you there will be like zero resistance :D

but naw man, dont worry about this.

If she's been getting the 'player' vibe off you, then that conversation on relationship stuff will open her eyes to the fact that you really are a great guy and only single because you want thr right girl.

but you need to make a fvcking move!!!


Don Juan
Oct 7, 2012
Reaction score
I agree with you guys. She does come off as a good girl who seems like she wants to settle down too - that is what I think saves me from my weak moment. She probably wants to hear what I told her - Just not all the time. I need to keep hanging out and keep the attraction up and do it without talking about how I feel about her. She already knows how I feel so there's no point in saying it cause it will just make me lose more power. Actions speak louder than words. What would be your next move now if you were me? Remember, I just hung out with her last night. Should I wait to see if she is going to text me today? I really wanna play it cool and not text her today...make her miss me ya know?


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
I would invite her for a 'movie' + a couple of drinks, makeout on the couch, pick her up carry to the bedroom, throw her down and make her 'smile'.

Inviting her over gets her in a controlled environment - Your turf - You control what happens here - have everything set up.
type of film? (as if it matters, you shouldnt plan to watch it all the way through ;) ) - comedy one that the main focus of is on sex though.
American pie
sex drive

^^these type.

^^this link if youre rusty on escalating - which i imagine you are after the dry spell youve had ;)

Dont forget to post results


Don Juan
Oct 7, 2012
Reaction score
Haha I like the way you think. I told her I was going to church this morning and she did just text me and asked me how it went so I must say I do enjoy the fact that I didn't have to text her first today. Ha.