First Time i Met This Girl She Tells Her Friend And Mine Im Hot


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
So i went home this weekend for mothers day, from school for the weekend. My best friend just got done and lives close to me, he has been talking to this girl for acouple months havent done anything physical really (hes AFC)

-He calls me and says he is having that girl and her friend come over Friday night, and says i need to come over and drink beers and go bowling with them
-I get to his house and My friend and his girl are just sitting there, me and him start drinking beers and i talk to his girl trying to make good impressions as his best friend
-Im probley 5 beers deep and his girl is liking me and having a good time, Her friend comes over and I introduce myself to her and not pay much attention to her(shes pretty hot id say a 8-9). My friend and i go outside and shotgun some beers
-My friend goes inside and gets more beer for us and comes out and says "Man that girl is lovin you, she just said "your friend is really hot" out of nowhere and my girl agreed to and said hes really hot also"
-so later that night we go bowling and i take what he told me into account. I use kino and tease her. By the end of the night we have broken any physical barrier and were hugging and putting our arms around each other(His girl drank alittle, and her friend the one i was gaming didnt drink at all, she DD'd)
-We get back to his house and i was hoping to keep the night going and i could tell she kind of did too, but my friends girl wanted to leave and go home, so they both left together.

Alright so what should i do now? should i just wait for school to be done and pursue it when i get back home in 3 weeks? or should i make a trip home before then and try to see her. How should i play this? should i still act the same around her and just have fun not showing i want anything serious?
how would experienced DJ's go about this?


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2008
Reaction score
If you leave before school ends theres a good chance you will look desperate imo. Any time any of my friends drove far to see a girl they haven't got laid unless they were bf/gf or had sex before. I just don't see it as a viable option.

If I were you, I would call her when school ends and you are back in the area. Then I would probably ask her to hang out and think of something fun to do thats pretty casual. Obviously don't refer to it as a "date." For now just keep her number and don't think too much about it. If you have her number and call her up she will remember you.

At the end of the night if its possible to bring her back to your place to isolate (or anywhere really that works) rent a movie or something, and then lay on the kino, escalate, yadda yadda...;)

I don't have a ton of experience but I think I have fairly solid game given my age (I'm 22).


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
is it a good thing that her best friend, is talking to my best friend?
there not boyfriend/girlfriend, but there semi-serious