the club scene is a lot of fun "IF" you make it fun. It all depends on what you do. Since your tall, if you at least have a decent body and not an ugly face girls will be all over you (they LOVE tall guys) I'm 6'1 which isnt short but not "hot guy" tall.
I'm assuming this place will have a dance floor. If so, my guess is this place doesnt get crowded until much later (almost midnight). My advice would be if there are other bars in the area go to them first to have a few drinks with your buds. While you are there get a few approaches in to warm up.
When you get to the "club" come in slow and smile. This way all the girls can see you and wonder who you are (especially since you are a new guy there if they are regulars). Usually I'd get a drink at that point and converse with a few women (it depends on the dance floor. If it's good, you may just want to finish your drink and jump on it. If it's still lacking, I would chat up some more girls. Eventually it will be getting ok, at which time you can ask if they want to go dance on it. IF they are digging ya, they'll go).
Once you get on the floor, MOVE. Don't stand around. Best way to find a girl to dance with is with one friend. there are many many groups of 2/3 girls so one other guy works best (the classic wingman). I've tried all sorts of things and the two that work best are approaching the girl where she can see you and asking her to dance (sounds lame but i swear by it- it really does work and you give instant nice guy value which is great in a club in my opinion.)
the other approach is to just grab a girl and go with it. always watch her friend and judge her reaction she will give the girl clues about whether or not you look good (that's what it all boils down to sad i know). From this point just have fun. If you get bored after a few songs find a new girls. Once the other ones see how fun you are it gets easy and they will line up for you to change women.
at this point you have your pick of the house. when the time is right go in for a kiss/ get a number/ do your thing. that's in my opinion, how to work a club.