First Rejection - But success the same day!!


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2004
Reaction score
This thread contains a lot of different info about my day yesterday, bear with me - it was the most eventful day with girls I've had!

With regards to my previous thread

I took the advice of the people who replied to my post, and asked this girl from uni out for a drink. As it was the first time I have ever asked a girl out, I was quite nervous, and this probably came across. The exchange went like this:

ME: so, I think me and you should go out for a drink next week sometime
HER: why?
ME: I think you deserve a chance to get to know me
HER: oh, I've got a boyfriend. I should have been more honest and told you

At this point, I had nothing to say. I'd made myself believe that she was just gonna say yes so much that I didn't know what to do when she said no! I think she was being honest about having a boyfriend.

She then started saying how she would really like to meet me for a drink if she was single, that she had been trying to flirt with me, and was sorry for not being honest about having a BF. I just said "don't worry about it". She then said "don't stop talking to me now" and I just replied "of course I won't, see you later."
I was pleased with myself for actually taking action for the first time ever, but also felt a bit depressed about the results, even though she does seem to actually like me.

Anyway, me and my mates had organised to go out that nite (well, all day actually) round some bars and to a club. Again, I have always been useless, but have recently been trying to make eye contact and smiling at girls in the club etc. Me and my mate were on the dancefloor when 2 girls came up and started dancing next to us. They weren't really attractive or anything, but I had been drinking for about 9-10 hours!! So I started to dance up behind one of them - success!! After a while she turned around and we just started kissing. I left to go to the toilet and returned, only to find my mate had disappeared. I was on the dancefloor with another mate, when I spied another girl just on her own, seemed quite attractive. So with my new found confidence, I just started dancing up behind her!! This continued for a while, feeling ass, thighs etc. Then I just left her to talk to my mate. All the while I could see her looking at me, so I just made occasional eye contact and smiled. Later, she grabbed me to dance again, ended up kissing her, and at the end of the nite, got her number. She sent me a txt message while me and my mates were getting some food saying "nice to meet u tonite, hope I can see u again"

I couldn't believe it - I've never kissed any girls while out in a club before, then I do it twice in one nite!!! I completely forgot about the girl at uni, and now it doesn't bother me!! Normally all the girls just stare at my 2 mates when we in the club, because they are both really good looking, and I'm always ignored, but I decided it was time to take some action!!! It really goes to show that all guys out there who lack confidence like me, just need to take some action. I know it's difficult, and it's taken me a long time - but it's worth it. If you're rejected by one girl, the best thing is to find a girl who doesn't reject you, because then u don't care!! Plus, it definitely is true that success with another girl really helps you get over other girls. I had been really depressed about the end of my 6-month relationship with the older woman, but this has really helped me get over it!!

I have a question about the girl whose number I got tho. I didn't really speak to her much, and she must be attracted to me. I used a little C+F when getting her number - she had to get her phone out to display her number, so I just teased her about not knowing her own number.

I probably wanna meet her to actually have conversation with her, but I think she's a student so will be going home for easter at the end of the week. Now, I'm thinking of txting this girl with a little message to try and keep her IL up over the easter holidays - anyone have any suggestions?


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
Where you at Uni?

See a lot of these first year chicks do go home for Easter and summer but you'd be surprised at how many do stay around in the case of 2nd and 3rd year chicks, or simply see their family at Easter weekend...

Put Easter outta your mind really... or work with it... you have a short time to operate in so your job if not to get some from her is to have her goin wild over Easter while she is at home, not being able to wait to get back and see you...

Play it smooth... since you seem relatively new to this, things may not go that smooth, but simply play it cool, do show a moderate interest, and sell yourself to her whilst listenin to her and creatin a rapport...

For that you may want to give the Convo threads in the DJ Bible a read...


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2001
Reaction score
Yea, where bout do u go to uni? im at a uni in brum.

In relation to ur question, i dont think you should contact her during the easter break, but as soon as you get back (well, say thuesday when u get bk) call her and ask her out for a drink, theres no point in calling or txting now cuz u cant meet up with her and remember the rule, no contact through a phone unless your organising to meet up, theres no point to it, if she likes you, she'll still like you when you go back, play it cool.


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
I say fit one last night in before she goes... Friday

Remind her... give her somethin to think about on that journey home

It's too easy to forget even the best of people after one hook up in a club especially over a 4 week Easter break... you should reaffirm that attraction to her, that she wasn't just drunk and you weren't just another one of those guys who's danced up behind her in the past...

I'm at Uni in Manchester... studyin Law

donny osmond

Don Juan
Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
For sure? LAW at Manchester! Clever kid.

I'll be at uni in either Portsmouth, Kiel or Exeter next year -

Any tips to score whilst in the first year?


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by donny osmond
For sure? LAW at Manchester! Clever kid.

I'll be at uni in either Portsmouth, Kiel or Exeter next year -

Any tips to score whilst in the first year?
Yea, one thing you'll notice after freshers week is how much the second years pull, this is because they have confidence over the fresher guys, quite simply, make sure your loud and heard, be the guy introducing himself to everyone, chatting to second year males and females as well as the people in your year. If you go to uni with confidence you'll have a head start, but everyone gains confidence while being at uni so u better try and keep ahead of the game.


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
Yea, we got jokes here... I'ma 2nd year now so all the training contracts and things are being sorted, I mean the amount of work you gotta do from the day you start this degree is silly... I look at other degrees and people can coast and do hardly anythin for the 3 years yet still get a upper 2nd class...

But really, 2nd year is that crucial in the goin out... you've done the first year, you've experienced all that ****, now if you haven't already got your game that tight down by the end of the year, you got the summer where you can formulate that game plan and then knowin exactly what happens in the first year you hit up the Freshers and the club nights throughout the year knowin what's really good...

HOWEVER, the negative about gettin with a first year is that they have such an easy ride through it, that you can't quite be out all the nights like they are, cos 2nd year is when things start countin

First year advice... if you're in the halls, you've got it THAT easy... really... here we have flats of 10 people, 3 on one floor, in what I would say is the lead accomodation... now given how many of the guys are slow to get their game up, if you're not ugly then all you gotta do is be that alpha male... you can establish yourself you are the one decidin where to go, and you're actin like you've known all the peoples concerned for a year, when in fact you've just met em... BUT do not establish yourself as simply a friend, establish yourself so they see you as that guy with an edge...

Now that should entitle you at least a few pulls... 30 peoples, half are girls, so 15 potential... AND when you're out you can just talk to anybody, everybody is out on their own for that first time, so they're that open to advances, and friends... I had took my phone up to it's number limit after the first couple nights of my Freshers week, so I was workin from a second phone...



Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
You want my opening line that I used in BOTH my first and second year Freshers...

"You're a first year, right..."

"Yea, I could tell by..."

and make that observation, have a ****y joke on it like "You can always tell first years by...", maybe add "I'm the same" if you are a first year, and she's lookin like she might take offence... it's really that simple... you can run that **** in the library around campus, in fact anywhere at all but it is most potent in the opening weeks or month when they've not yet acclimatised themselves and blended in...

And if you can't manage sex that night... you AT LEAST got a number an her on your mind, for you to hook up with through the year, the next week, the month etc etc... or to use as social proof

And dress well... it'll make you stand out immediately... too many students lookin all "Top Man"d out, plain and unkept and ugly... half these peoples come from the country into the big city, they ain't used to it like someone such as me, a city boy from day one is... the clothes tell it, the style tells it, the social skills tell it...

donny osmond

Don Juan
Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
Cheers Chucks, some good advice there. Coincidently, just what i was thinking of doing when getting to uni - basically being as social as possible.

Most important thing i've learned in last year of A-Levels is the idea of connections. An ugly girl will nearly ALWAYS have a fit friend, and then she'll have a friend is equally fit, etc. - Learnt that from my experiences in da club.

"First year advice... if you're in the halls, you've got it THAT easy... really... here we have flats of 10 people, 3 on one floor, in what I would say is the lead accomodation... "

Yea, i've visited some halls (Portsmouth), and seen the 'banter' that is present - lovin it. Most of the guys i saw were wussys anyway....

"if you're not ugly then all you gotta do is be that alpha male"

..not a problem.

On question though, anything/people to AVOID when in uni??