First Post...I need some real good advice


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2003
Reaction score
I was dating this girl for about 7 months before she had to leave to go to this program that is out of state. She had already got accepted into this program before she had even met me, it is like the number 1 business program in the country. She said if she had met me before, she would have accepted the offer that was in state but anyways she is going to be gone for about a year and some change. We have been doing the long distance thing for about 4 months now and she is always talking about how she wants to marry me and all that....She is consistent as far as calling me and e-mailing..I fly down to see her and she flys down to see me once a month...Our goal is once she finishes the program is that we will go to graduate school in the same city....I only have two questions concerning our relationship right now...

1) She constantly ask me when are we going to get engaged...She says it in a joking way but serious....How should I respond...I love this girl and want to marry her but what is the correct response to keep her interest level up....I'll either joke w/ her and say something like lets go to las vegas tommorow...or I'll give her a more serious answer and say were headed in that direction...

2) She crys at least 2 times a week when were on the phone about how she wants me to pretty much drop everything right now and live w/ her....She tells me I don't have to pay for anything....I can just live in her apartment.....The reason I'm asking this question because she took it almost a step further this week...She gave me an indirect ultimatum...Telling me I don't know how I'm going to deal with this for a year...You need to move down here right now...How should I respond...Our plans sound good to me the way they are....Her finishing up the program and us going to grad schools in the same area...I try to tell her to relax but she says I miss you too much...


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
You need to bear with me on this one, I've been drunk off of quality asian (RoK) p*ssy these days and haven't been as focused as in the past (One of my last post in particular is quite baffeling). Anyway here's my take on the situation. You want to marry her, she wants to marry you...brilliant analysis (no pun intended) if i do say so myself. If you two are that hard up for one another and you're certain that it's destiny that you be together forever I'd say go for it. If she "kiddingly" talks about the big M and always tells you about how you should drop everything and move in and you're not either scared or hesitant about the whole thing then i say jump in. I don't know about leaving now and everything but the grad school at the same place sounds good to me. It'll be a good test of yourselves, actully living in the same place should do you some good. I'd do that, if i felt it was right.
There are plenty of good ways for you to get divorced with low restituion rates so if things don't work out your tracks are all but covered. Clocks ticking bro and time waits for no one.


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
The girl loves you , you love her and she wants to marry you. This is not the situation for DJing and running game to play with her head. Stop ƒucking about and handle this §hit!


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
In this Economy?
just tell her that the time will go by fast and than when the time comes you will be together

but for whatever reason, until u graduate? that you cannot be there with her

only 8 more months to go??

once a month isnt great but it isnt horrible either

id also think that after something like this that you would be stronger as a couple