First part: What seduction once were


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2002
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First part - What seduction once were

Once upon a time there was a land of magic and mystery a long, long time ago. The land was covered in beautiful green untouched nature, mostly unexplored by the explorers of that time. Knights told there tales about their bravery in combat against fierce creatures, deadly one-on-one battles that echoed a thousand miles from the fight and spellbinding stories about magic and love, so strong that not even death could weaken it. The men at that time could live in excitement and mystery of ignorance. The inknowledge of that time allowed many of the fantastic stories to seem truthful.

Nowadays we live a structured life, boring and full of duties that must be done over and over again. For most of us, the wonderful feeling of being together with someone in a magic land, in the middle of the night exploring it alone, can be hard to find. We now know that most of the fantastic stories from ancient times are just made-up lies. The heroes and heroines of these tales lived lives that many of us may envy, reckless and wonderful. People today miss something, longing for another person to come and fill that need. Rip us away from the reality and a person who let us live out that secret desire of ours. Think about yourself; what do you seek? Are you a person who is tired of all obligations, who long for freedom, excitement of just living in the present? Maybe you just want someone to understand you, so you can tell your inner thoughts. I think that most people will be happily seduced if someone could give us what we desire; these persons would enslave us.

Look at the men today; are they capable of giving such glorious emotions to women? Or are they just persons who are confused and somewhat afraid of women? I say that 99.99% of all men are incapable of being seductive. Then there are a couple of proud men that defy this world; the Don Juan’s; movers of heart. The Don Juan know that women miss something and know that if he give it to her, the woman will be his forever.

The Don will use the powers of

Silence will give the conversation more meaning. The Don Juan uses few well-planed words that strike deep into the woman. Then he stays silent, listening to the feedback he gets. The silence will add to his mystery. The fewer words the Don Juan says, the more important they are perceived. The silence will allow him to avoid saying anything unplanned and destructive.

Irregularity No one know where the Don Juan will be. His life is always on the run and exciting. He wills pop-up where he wants; although it may seem like an accident that he meet someone, he always has a plan for everything.

Attention Attention is something important to people and the Don Juan knows that. A person surrounded by other persons will have more charisma than a lone person. The Don Juan uses the power of attention struggle to increase his attractiveness. He will seduce a person partly and give massive attention and then when he know that he almost have her he will double back and go for another one; not abandoning the first but making her fight for attention. She will have to show the Don Juan if she is good enough thus increasing her interest in him.

Mixed Interest When a woman thinks that she has seduced the Don Juan then he will shatter her world by changing the appearance to her; the interest will change. He will leave her wondering why he behaves in this way. One day Don Juan may seem very seductive, the other day he will act like a friend and another day he may ignore her. He knows that doubt will keep the woman thinking about him.

Uniqueness The Don Juan knows that he is the perfect diamond. He have hard to find time to spend with the person he desires; time, he know is valuable. His is also unique in that matter that people remember him; his clothes, words and body language will mystify him.

Mystery A Don Juan should be a mystic person; spurn from the magic of the past. The Don Juan knows that he should not be straight with his emotions and that he should cloak himself in mystery, for why would he otherwise differ? The Don Juan shall never barren his entire soul for someone, there should always be another layer of his interior. He shall intrigue the woman he desire; lead her to explore the depths of the Don only to find that it is too deep to be fully explored. The mystery of the Don Juan will drive the woman wild.

Body Language The way the body appear Don Juan know is very vital to the success. The Don Juan is not worried about what people think about him; he does not care because he knows that people envy him and his success. The Don Juan will use his body to mirror the movements of the target of his desires. He will stand tall, float through the room, as he was the king and watch, as he become the centre of attention. Confidence is not an issue; he is beyond that term.

Impersonalise Individual personality is not that the Don Juan care about; he is free to play whatever role he wishes. The Don Juan will impersonalise what he finds necessary to reach his goals. Whether it is his appearance, values or beliefs.

Desire The Don Juan knows that people miss something and he always find out what people need and play with that desire to gain influence, control and power.

Charm The Don Juan is a natural charmer; he knows that if he say what people want to hear; no matter if it is true or lie, it will give him success.

Humour The Don Juan knows that humour will penetrate the minds of the suspicious. He uses it to gain entrance and often blend his other powers in the humour.

Tonality The tone of the voice is what separate him from the rest of the men. His tongue can be razor sharp or soft as a piece of linen. He will use the correct voice at the correct time.

The morality of the Don Juan

The Don Juan does not use cheap tricks as speed seduction or advanced macking. He instead thrives for the hunt of seducing the woman he like. He will create love instead of lust because it is much more influential than lust itself. And Lust can be created from love and not the other way around. The harder it is to seduce a woman a Don Juan only find more appealing; as it may be a more fierce struggle. He does not give up just because the woman he desires has a boyfriend or any other obstacle. If he find himself overpowered the Don Juan quit directly and move one without a single thought about the situation. The Don Juan knows that he will not be able to seduce everyone, and that love to a person who does not love him back will tear him apart. Curiosity is what drives him forward; his personality is stained with toned down lust, a fragrance of another personality under his shell that women are transfixed by. He has since long abandoned the moralities of the world and rid himself of the guilt he feels for his actions. He does not make excuses that among other things are what makes him appealing to women.

I did not write this post just for giving techniques, but instead wrote to give some understanding. I will cover some techniques later as I evolve. This is my first instructional post ever on this site so comments would be nice to receive. If you like what I have written then I may write another part with a more technique-based approach.

Second part - How to Influence and become more attractive
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Don Juan
Dec 11, 2002
Reaction score
Thank you Dario, I really appreciate some praise after all that work. :D


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2002
Reaction score
Great post.

Thanks for all the work.