First Field Report


Don Juan
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
Hello people,
this is a simple report of a # close, more like an aim close. I do aim now because I like to do a major qualification before I go for the number so my reason is more valid for wanting a quick connection with them whenever I want. Also, they sometimes give me their number without me asking.

Ok, so I head to the cafe. I go to my HB9 friend. My main pivot because she is a gatekeeper to alot of the hot girls and plus she had a bf and i dont like break up relationships and making girls cheat. (Yea I know, I'm a f***ing wussy lol).

This is a three set.
I sit down. I open my friend.
Me: hey HBfriend, you miss me.

Before my HBfriend, my target in the set comes in
HBtarget: (to me) I'm not talking to you anymore
Me: (to HBfriend) I love how when people aren't suppose to be talking to you they keeping telling you like that isn't talking:)

HBfriend laughs, and I hear a small chuckle from HBtarget. I tap this other HB9. She shifts away. (O lord)
I use my disbelief neg. It is when I act like a pompous rich person from the 1800's who just go insult. Then I turn my head away. HB9 taps me and gives me a sad face and blows a kiss. I grab it out the air, and put in my shirt. SHe pumps her fist in the air:yes: . (If my target wasn't so hot, I would date this girl)

I talk to my HBfriend alittle while about math class. Then I turn to my target and comment to my friend.

Me: Awww, thats so cute. She looks like such a little kid.

Gets a laugh from my target and friend. then I decide to go for the close.
HBtarget: I'm not talking to you anymore.
Me: (completely disregard that statement) Hey HBtarget, you have aim.
( I pull out a pen)
HBtarget: (Nods her head)
Me: (Hand her the pen and the back of my hand, get the sn)

I say bye to my friend, half hug HB9, tell my target "I love you" in my joking style. And walk away smoothly.

Marvel IQ


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
lol, I want to hear your response to the number challenge from Shezz. Add on a solution to this simple fear while you are at it... What happens if you get her aim, DHV her some, get some major qualification(I want to see a write-up on your method), than she gives you her number, and when you call her she gets the gut feeling that she is stringing you along like a mouse and loses interest half way through the first phone call?

Oh yeah, I notice your very impersonal with your FR, what's with that? HB9, HBFriend, HBTarget... that sounds very out of touch with reality.


Don Juan
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
Most of what I learned are from really great naturals. I dont get the number because of what I said. This situation was simply because I feel you need comfort for a number, not to flack terribly. I wasn't really personal with it 'cause thats how its done on other sites I've been to.
I dont see the big deal of # closes. The one trick i use is i go for aim close if i don't have enough comfort, this is more about me than her, then i follow with a ****y funny statement.

Me: i don't trust you yet with my number, u could be a stalker so at least on aim I can block you with a click. Dont mess up *wink

The reason y she will never get that feeling that she is stringin me along is because of my ****y n funny. Due to learning alot from naturals, thats what I adopted. SO I've never got a reaction from a girl that shows she feels the power. If i did, i would just pull out, a simple takeaway not buying into her frame.

I understand why you think i should go for that number close. Get things going faster. good thoughts. I appreciate your critisms and your thoughts.

My method lol, i'll think about it and maybe post it later.

Marvel IQ