First Date...


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
I met this girl (Brittany) at the pool Thursday, talked to her a little in the group she was in, because I know one of her friends. I went back to the pool today, and again, didn't talk to her much at all, just got her name, introuduced myself, and said I had to get going, but I'd text her. I got her number in literally 15 seconds, because I actually did have to go. One of my other friends (Rachel) is friends with her, and it turns out Brittany texted Rachel and told her about me...and Rachel thinks Brittany's interested and I should get to know her better.

Screw that, I'm going to probably text her tomorrow and set up a date for this week. I've had a few ideas, but need input on what's the best thing to do now...

First...should it be a single, one-on-one date, or a group date with another couple?

Here are some date ideas I've had:
Putt-Putt and eat
Picnic at the park
drive-in movies and eat
outdoor concert festival thing, it's free and pretty popular with some big name artists (it would require like a 20 min. drive though)

Ideas? Help would be appreciated...I'd hate to make progress with this chick and screw it up so soon!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
Tomorrow may be too soon to spring for a date...but I'd almost rather be too agressive than to not make a move


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
I'd CALL her and forget the text messaging.

I say go play putt putt, shoot pool, bowl or do something with action involved AND then get something to eat.........movies and concerts in my experience have not been the best places to go on first dates, you can't talk and interact with the girl near as much in those circumstances


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
sandman6991 said:
I met this girl (Brittany) at the pool Thursday, talked to her a little in the group she was in, because I know one of her friends. I went back to the pool today, and again, didn't talk to her much at all, just got her name, introuduced myself, and said I had to get going, but I'd text her. I got her number in literally 15 seconds, because I actually did have to go. One of my other friends (Rachel) is friends with her, and it turns out Brittany texted Rachel and told her about me...and Rachel thinks Brittany's interested and I should get to know her better.

Screw that, I'm going to probably text her tomorrow and set up a date for this week. I've had a few ideas, but need input on what's the best thing to do now...

First...should it be a single, one-on-one date, or a group date with another couple?

Here are some date ideas I've had:
Putt-Putt and eat
Picnic at the park
drive-in movies and eat
outdoor concert festival thing, it's free and pretty popular with some big name artists (it would require like a 20 min. drive though)

Ideas? Help would be appreciated...I'd hate to make progress with this chick and screw it up so soon!
Whoa dude. First: the date should be ONE on ONE. I never understand guys who want a group date or another couple. Why would you risk having another guy there who she can fall in love with? You don't want her to be distracted in anyway whatsoever with any other couple or gorup. It should be ONE on ONE by yourselves, and not a 10 hour date either.

Why is Rachel telling you to text Brittany? Why is it any of Rachel's business? She could have told everything she knows about you to Brittany and she won't go on a date with you since she knows everything. Tell Rachel its none of her business.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
In my opinion i think they all sound like good ideas, but not sure about drive through, depending on if ur doing something other than watching the movie.