First Date (Urgent)


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2012
Reaction score
I finally landed a Day 2 with a girl who I was acquitances with at school (we have mutual friends, and we'd had a few conversations before, but were'nt good friends. We have been texting alot since school's been out (about 3 weeks ago) and I asked her to join me and my friends to the movies. She said she'd come (after like a week of being on the edge about coming).

I have never been on a real date (and I still think this doesn't constitute as one) so I don't know much about the rules except have fun and make her feel comfortable. Any tips or pointers would be appreciated.

(Btw, we're going to the movies tonight, to see a comedy and we all most likely will end up doing something entertaining before or after the movie)


Don Juan
Jun 17, 2012
Reaction score
Going to the movies is usually avoided for a "first date" because it does not allow you and your partner to get some alone time together. Instead, you are both focused on the movie and it is not like you can just start chatting her up unless you want some angry faces to surround you. Additionally, you have friends involved in that outing which makes it even harder to have some "bonding" time with her.

Movies are typically things you do once you have been seeing that person for quite some time.

I would say continue on with the movie outing and try to escalate (KINO if you can) and make her feel welcome (do not ignore her entirely).


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2013
Reaction score
This is not a date. This is you inviting her with your friends, to be another friend, while you watch a movie (also a mistake).

Do not do this. Movies are a huge waste of time unless you've already made out with her, or been on at least one or two successful SOLO dates. You don't invite girls you hardly know to the movies. It's a waste of money and a waste of time, and you sit there wondering if you should make a move, you don't get to talk, and she probably doesn't feel comfortable around you enough to lean on your shoulder etc etc. (Of course there is an exception to this rule, and that is if the girl is crazy about you, in which case it doesn't matter what the hell you do, you can do anything you want, but it doesn't sound like it to me).

Anyway, that said, you've probably already gone, so how was it? What's the dynamic like between you, is it friendly, flirty? At this point you really should be escalating to something more, or the only trip you'll be going on will be into the friendzone.

Think like that where you can isolate her and see if there's anything there.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
I agree with everyone else

it isn't a date if there are other people around(strangers and unplanned people you don't know don't count)

and there isn't much point in a movie date unless you don't need to do a whole lot of talking(or if you walk to the theater and home with her, and show up early and talk during the ads)

buuuut all that may only apply if you're in a city like mine where you can walk everywhere and anywhere, and if you're at the age where people still walk places