First Cold Approach Ever!


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
Reaction score
Alright guys. I never expected today to be my first cold approach. But it happened. Im happy with the results, heres the story:

I went to my first SAT class today. I came early, so i just sat in the classroom and called a few friends. Lo and behold, a smokin' hot (im picky but i would give HB 8.5 atleast) girl walks in. Immediately, i introduce myself (something i would never have done a while back). We make small talk, and i find out that she's a junior like me and she used to date my friends brother (who is now in college). She messed up his last name and i teased her a bit about not knowing her ex's last name (it was a great neg-hit) cause she laughed and blushed.

Right before class started, she moved to the chair right opposite of me so she could be closer. I was like a hawk noticing the subtlest body language. I actually caught myself mirroring her body language a couple times! (wow this stuff is really true). It was a small classroom so we couldnt talk while the lecture was goin on, but as the nerdy teacher made ****ty jokes, we gave each other EC and smiled at each other.

Class ended and i walked with her outside, i was so close to her that we were brushing elbows (a little kino). She didnt mind.

But when we went outside to our cars this is what happened:

Me-you know me you and my friend should hang out sometime (i was about to ask for her number. She clumsily dropped her folder and all the sheets came out, as she picked them up i acted like i didnt notice)
her (hurriedly)-Yea, well he has my number, call me sometime. Bye.

I dont know why she so hurriedly ran off. I really wanted to try to get her number, but i couldnt after she said that. Besides, i suddenly tensed up and my heart stopped right before i was gonna ask her for the number.

Overall, i felt pretty damn good. I found out from my friend that she is a varsity cheerleader and she won Teen Texas awhile back. I was driving home feeling like i lost, when i realized that i talked to this finneee girl with ease and i actually teased her and made her laugh! Well, i would love input, i wanted the number but im satisfied. Its practice for spring break when i leave on tuesday.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
good job for any approach, 1st or whatever. Don't stop now, after you get the first 10 or so out the way it becomes natural. Just work on getting better each time and you'll do fine.

What's up with ignoring her dropped folder though?:confused: It isn't AFC to help a person who dropped a folder. And it is alright to insinuate going out with her by yourself. Your friends werent with you during the SAT class and you did fine. That seems a little when Im talking to a girl if she says "I'll bring my friends" that usually means flag on the play. Like not enough rapport, or doesn't want to be alone with her.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
mentioing your freind was a big NO, what does that tell her? it tells her no romanitc intrest, you better climb out of the whole before you make it any bigger!


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by check_mate_kid_uk
mentioing your freind was a big NO, what does that tell her? it tells her no romanitc intrest, you better climb out of the whole before you make it any bigger!
yea i realized right afterwards that i made that big mistake. But i tensed up because I KNEW what i was gonna ask for. I knew that i was ultimately tryin to get a number or whatever. I just got so tight and nervous that i mentioned my friend so that......well...i dunno....i didnt want rejection. I know i know thats wrong, but people make mistakes. I still dont regret anything. I learn from my mistakes. I get better, i get stronger, i get smarter. YOu guys are good though, you immediately noticed the mistake ahaha. Ill always have you guys here to motivate me and help me. But i mean for my first approach, goin up to a girl that won a modelling competition and dates college guys im happy.


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
Hey great to hear man. Its hard approaching first time isn't it? I've only approached a few times with girls I do not know. I remember the first time I got a number from a girl I approached, it was a great confidence boost. Its just like when a girl a bit less good looking is approached by you you give off a vibe like "Hey I've just approached and number closed a girl better than you. So you're lucky I'm talking to you."

Good luck with her it's a shame mentioning bringing your friend. I've messed up a few times by saying something like that because I wanted to be absolutely sure that I didn't get blown out. I'm starting to lose my ego now though.



Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
Dont come on too strong too soon. No need to ask her out just becuase you two had a good convo. You are in the same class... let it flow smoothly.

Chances are you would have blown it right there by asking her number... be careful, she barely knows you man, make her want to get to know you better

remember, dont push, let her pull ;)


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhere between the cities of Lost and Found
Dude that's awsome, keep up the good work and keep us updated. :cool:


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
Reaction score
alright dudes.....i had SAT class today again (its on Saturday and Sunday) but since me and Model HB8.5 missed the first few classes last week, we both had separate times today, so we didnt see each other.

But, when i came into the class i saw a decent lookin girl HB 6.4 and i talked to her a bit. She wasnt very receptive at the beginning. I talked with her a bit and she only loosed up very little. Nevertheless, i also think i asked too many closed-ended questions.

This other chick then walks in. Shes pretty hot HB 7.3. Class starts, and after an hour we finally get a break. I observe her led zepplin T-shirt and ask her if Zepplin is her favorite band. She says no so i ask her a few of her favorite bands and make small talk. Turns out she knows one of my classmates. Its such a small world!

Anyways, i didnt get her number either. I have no excuse. But my heart tells me that im not ready for getting numbers now. I dont care, im having fun talking to people i dont know. Ill see this chick a lot more often anyways. I work better when i take things step by step.....

Anyways, Im goin to cabo on tuesday so my next post will probably talk about Cabo.