first call jitters


New Member
Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
Orange County
i didnt even know this was possible but im way too nervous to call this girl.. i got some good advice on my last thread so i was hoping for some more.. i just broke up with my girlfriend recently so im just gettin back in the game.. anyways i went out with my buddies the other night (thursday) and got the most beautiful girls number..seriously smokin the bouncers and the owners were chatting her up so i guess im still kinda in disbelief that after a few minutes of conversation she accepted my invitation to come have a few drinks with myself and my buddies anywys all the signs were there, the eye contact the laughing and before i left, her number...only one problem, i have absolutely no idea what to say to this girl when i call her.. id like to ask her out but im pretty sure ill make some mistake if i just try to wing it, so maybe you guys could give me some tips.. i figured tomorrow evening would be the best time since i didnt make that rookie mistake of calling her the next day or any help from you DJ's out there would be greatly appreciated


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Hey man :)

What you should do is if ur nervous, still call anyways.or take a breathe first. Then u talk with her for about a minute or so of who u are, where u met, she remembers you. after that...then its time to set up a right to the point. ;-)

Good luck man.

Guy Incognito

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
it sounds completely retarded, but I like to lie in bed and scratch myself....*ahem*

while I'm talking to girls on the phone. Dunno, I sound less tense or fake when my hands are playin' around w/ my junk.



Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
First call jitters are AFC. Or least in my case they were. If you are talking to multiple girls at once, there should be no first call jitters unless you really believe maybe the girl is special...even then.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
Its perfectly normal to be nervous when your just getting back into the market after breaking up w/ your g/f. Here's what I use to do when I was starting out. Before I call, I would make a list of conversation topics that I might want to bring up during the call, have a variety of things, current events, hobbies, questions to ask her etc... You might even want to practice saying to yourself a couple of times before you make the call. Then visualize it, have a positive mindset and see yourself being successful.

However your first call, you don't want too long of a convo, you want to get in, built some quick rapport, aka remind her who you are and your connection, then go in for the kill. Just ask her to do something. The most important part is to have something specific planned for a specific time. If she is truly busy, she'll counteroffer or make it known.

And if you screw it up, who cares. You hardly know her, you just got her number, its GOOD practice. You can go out and get another number next time your out with your buddies. Remember she chose to give her number to you over all the owners/bouncers etc... so she is obviously interested in you.

Remember just have fun.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
hell no don't make a list of conversation topics. Just call up, ask her how things have been during the past few days since you met, tell her maybe one or two things that you've been up to, and then SUGGEST A GET-TOGETHER. Have ONE (1) backup alternative in mind in case she doesn't sound real keen on the first idea.

Then say, "Ok, I'll meet you at [time]" or "pick you up at [time]". "Cya" and hang up.

Do not turn this into an actual conversation. Just call her to remind her who you are, and suggest a date. Maybe drink a beer first if you have serious anxiety.

it sounds completely retarded, but I like to lie in bed and scratch myself....*ahem*
rofl :crackup: