Fire Discussion: Boozin N Schmoozin


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
Whats going on fellas.....wanted to get another laid back discussion going on. The topic today is DO YOU FEEL YOUR GAME IS ELEVATED OR HINDERED BY ALCOHOL? Tell us your opinion, tell a funny story(or a bad one), or maybe go into detail about your "drinking/bar approach".

As always ill go first......

This topic was most prominent in my college years where I would drink literally every Friday and Saturday night and head to the bars. 2 Big things that stand out big time when Im drunk......and theyre obvious

1. Im bolder/Give less of a sh1t - Not more bold as in trying to start fights with the entire football team.....more bold as in I would talk to everyone. Didnt matter whether it was an HB9+ or some other fellas. It seemed as if "approach anxiety" was completely eliminated.

2. Women are hotter - Obvious as it gets if youve ever been drunk. Ive hooked up with some very very average looking women. Looking back on it, I still cant imagine myself actually finding some of them attractive. It is what it is....and it was good for experience. Id definitely rather have sex with an hb6 than not having sex at all. That was my exact approach when I was in college. I definitely am out of that phase now and can truly appreciate "quality" when it comes to women.

Have at it guys....


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
Reaction score
It totally depends for me.
-Today I felt like I did an excellent job gaming the dental hygenist, obviously stone cold sober.
-For me, there is a sweet spot when I first start to get a buzz on, but if I go past I loose my wit, which is my best game asset right now.

That being said, I managed to get a very ferocious girl back to her place last weekend and I was pretty drunk. I must have not made too much of a fool of myself because she is coming over for 'dinner and a movie' at my place.

When I was in college and had NO IDEA what I was doing, i always went with wasted game, but I think the best is to be excellent when stone cold sober. That is much harder, but more effective.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2014
Reaction score
Great thread.

I think alcohol has been doing me a lot of harm recently. When I drink I drink to excess. I slur my words and get sloppy. I think girls find it a turn off.

My personality is very different drunk from sober. Sober, I'm an introvert and drunk totally extrovert. Also, drunk I don't really care if they're talking rubbish and essentially having nothing to say. Whereas sober I'm much less tolerant (with conversation as well as looks).

The problem is I don't really have nearly as much fun if I'm sober. But if I'm drunk I'm probably less likely to get laid.

Still debating this whole thing and which way to go, going forward. They both have merits and drawbacks.

I've gone on dates where the girl had nothing to say and I've got so drunk I could barely stand then blacked out later on, with no recollection at all of a couple of hours during the evening, just disgust from the girls when trying to contact them subsequently. So clearly that level of drunkenness isn't doing me any good. It still amuses me though.


Master Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
New York, NY
I believe that alcohol is a hinderance to becoming very good at PUA

I will tell you why.

The whole point of becoming a Don Juan is getting to a point where we are not dependent on things. Whether that be dependent on others for money, dependent on women for emotional support, dependent of 1 female for sex, etc etc. We as men should be moving towards bettering ourselves every single day and becoming INDEPENDENT

Being good at PUA is of course fundamental to being a great man. A man should be able to go up to a woman at any given time and be able to turn it into sex, or relationship, or date, or number or whatever he wants.

I find that a lot of guys use alcohol as a crutch to pick up girls because they lack confidence when they are sober and they suffer major social/approach anxiety and alcohol obviously helps them.

BUT when a man uses alcohol he is NOT getting better at game. It is merely the by-product of the effects of alcohol. It is SHORT-LIVED confidence.

In reality your social anxiety does not go away. The next day it will still be hard for that beginner to approach a girl, his confidence will lack the same vigour and he will fail. Therefore he continues to use alcohol to suffice for that, and it turns into a downward spiral of dependance and the man truly never gets good with women.

Therefore a man must go through the trials and tribulations of SOBER game in order to actually improve as a man and with women in general. He must be rejected for his lack of confidence. He must put himself in situations where he will feel social anxiety to its fullest. He must get shut down bc his game is sh1t.

This is the only way a man will ever truly improve. It is CRUCIAL that such a man goes through mistakes and fumbles, in order to improve on those mistakes. When one is drunk they don't consider these mistakes and its extremely hard to be introspective while intoxicated. Thus never truly improving.

Dependence on alcohol

Another thing. I would surely hate to be dependent on something that I have to pay for in order to talk to b**ches. Or be dependent on something that without it I couldnt achieve my intended goals. Its like "oh Im good at getting girls, when im drunk" "oh i can easily approach girls and get there number, after a couple drinks"

I would rather be the type to go through all of the turmoil and say "yeah Im so confident that i can go up to any girl any time no matter what and get their number, Im dependent on myself and only myself"

Same thing as dependence on wingman

Its essentially the same thing as being dependent on one of your really good wingmen to pick up girls. If you have a friend who is a true don juan and he helps you get girls you can end up using him as a crutch. So much so that eventually you can ONLY get girls when you are in his presence.

I say this

Go out by yourself, sober and get good at gaming women in general. This is the only true absolute way that you can become independent in your PU artistry.

By the way I'm not saying alcohol is bad, sure i love to drink a little here and there, but NEVER use it as a crutch. Only use it if you know that you could crush the situation even if you were sober. It should never be your go to support. Your inner game and inner confidence and who you are as a fundamental person should be your only support!!!! :up:


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2013
Reaction score
The Golden State, USA
MtnMan said:
For me, there is a sweet spot when I first start to get a buzz on, but if I go past I loose my wit, which is my best game asset right now.
I'm right there with you and it's a fine line. Of course my need for wit is relative to how drunk she is, so if she's tipsy I say let's drink up!

Stringer_Bell said:
Still debating this whole thing and which way to go, going forward. They both have merits and drawbacks.
I go through peaks and valleys, some nights I'll need the extra bump a nice buzz gives me but some nights I'm just sipping a beer and my game is surprisingly tighter. One thing is for sure, sloppiness is not appealing AT ALL.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
narcissist said:
I believe that alcohol is a hinderance to becoming very good at PUA

I will tell you why.

The whole point of becoming a Don Juan is getting to a point where we are not dependent on things. Whether that be dependent on others for money, dependent on women for emotional support, dependent of 1 female for sex, etc etc. We as men should be moving towards bettering ourselves every single day and becoming INDEPENDENT

Being good at PUA is of course fundamental to being a great man. A man should be able to go up to a woman at any given time and be able to turn it into sex, or relationship, or date, or number or whatever he wants.

I find that a lot of guys use alcohol as a crutch to pick up girls because they lack confidence when they are sober and they suffer major social/approach anxiety and alcohol obviously helps them.

BUT when a man uses alcohol he is NOT getting better at game. It is merely the by-product of the effects of alcohol. It is SHORT-LIVED confidence.

In reality your social anxiety does not go away. The next day it will still be hard for that beginner to approach a girl, his confidence will lack the same vigour and he will fail. Therefore he continues to use alcohol to suffice for that, and it turns into a downward spiral of dependance and the man truly never gets good with women.

Therefore a man must go through the trials and tribulations of SOBER game in order to actually improve as a man and with women in general. He must be rejected for his lack of confidence. He must put himself in situations where he will feel social anxiety to its fullest. He must get shut down bc his game is sh1t.

This is the only way a man will ever truly improve. It is CRUCIAL that such a man goes through mistakes and fumbles, in order to improve on those mistakes. When one is drunk they don't consider these mistakes and its extremely hard to be introspective while intoxicated. Thus never truly improving.

Dependence on alcohol

Another thing. I would surely hate to be dependent on something that I have to pay for in order to talk to b**ches. Or be dependent on something that without it I couldnt achieve my intended goals. Its like "oh Im good at getting girls, when im drunk" "oh i can easily approach girls and get there number, after a couple drinks"

I would rather be the type to go through all of the turmoil and say "yeah Im so confident that i can go up to any girl any time no matter what and get their number, Im dependent on myself and only myself"

Same thing as dependence on wingman

Its essentially the same thing as being dependent on one of your really good wingmen to pick up girls. If you have a friend who is a true don juan and he helps you get girls you can end up using him as a crutch. So much so that eventually you can ONLY get girls when you are in his presence.

I say this

Go out by yourself, sober and get good at gaming women in general. This is the only true absolute way that you can become independent in your PU artistry.

By the way I'm not saying alcohol is bad, sure i love to drink a little here and there, but NEVER use it as a crutch. Only use it if you know that you could crush the situation even if you were sober. It should never be your go to support. Your inner game and inner confidence and who you are as a fundamental person should be your only support!!!! :up:

Great response.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Hindered, my approaches spike up but the quality goes way down and I am not in my element at bars/clubs anyway. It can help on dates though.
The date bit is especially interesting to me....

A simple concept but:

Alcohol consumed by male = hinders male game

Alcohol consumed by female = improves male game (makes things easier for us men)


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
Reaction score
I can't answer this since I've never been drunk. I should get wasted just for curiosities sake, I've always wondered what my drunk personality is like. I'd imagine I'd turn into an extreme extrovert.

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
I do my best work when drunk. I have a very high tolerance for the booze and the more I drink, the more in the DJ groove I get.
In fact, I actually think I've been able to hone my drunk game to a point where it actually helped me gain the confidence to implement sober game.
Without booze, I would never have had the confidence to use the techniques I learned on this site. But once I saw the techniques working, I gained the confidence to execute those same techniques sober.

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
I become more bold and witty when I'm half drunk. It certainly improves my game! Just need to make sure that I don't drink too much and go past that 'sweet spot'.

However, when I put enough effort into it, I can push myself into this bold and witty state without alcohol. It's hard to analyze coz there are so many things factoring into a succesful night of sarging at the club, but I would say that my game is better in this 'naturally induced' state than in the 'alcohol induced' state. It's just not easy to force myself into it...
But like someone else said, I believe I should strive to get better at naturally achieving that state so I won't ever need alcohol as a crutch. If you want to be a DJ, you need to go beyond 'club game', you need to be able to game girls in ALL situations.
What are you gonna do on a normal day when you see a cutie in the supermarket or at the bus stop? You don't have the option of improving your game with alcohol at such moments...
Game needs to be there, inside of you, it needs to be a part of you, not induced by some liquid.