Finishing College while in the Reserves ?


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2009
Reaction score
I'm in the Millitary ( Air Force).

I plan on staying in but I'm going to be in the Reserves so I can go to college and get my bachelors and finally pursue my goals.

While I go to College, I want to atleast get some sort of Job that would be great for my resume ( I'm going to major in Business Administration). What I'm worried about is finding someone that will hire me in the long run while I'm still going to school. As I understand that my Veteran reserve status can cause a lot of concerns for some employees.

I just want to find a good part time job that will pay the bills while I'm completing my degree and who will be back me and not screw me over just in case they send me back to Afghanistan.

Any vets out here whose gone what I'm about to go through? How was that transition like? The Lifestyle? The people? please elaborate. Thanks


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2011
Reaction score
I can't answer your question since I'm currently a senior in High School. I have a question to ask if you don't mind. How is the Air force like? Do you enjoy it? Also do you recommend anyone joining the airforce or the military In general.


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2009
Reaction score
StateOfMind said:
I can't answer your question since I'm currently a senior in High School. I have a question to ask if you don't mind. How is the Air force like? Do you enjoy it? Also do you recommend anyone joining the airforce or the military In general.

I can't say that I enjoy it, but it's DEFINITELY made a Man out of me and gave me time to think about what I'd like to do with my life. It's made me more discipline, made me more socialy aware especialy with dealing with a diverse group of people everyday and gave me the confidence to know that I can handle myself emotionaly and internaly even in the most sh*ty situations. Being in the Millitary was my " right of passage" if you will.

Do I recommend joining? That's up to you and that's something to think about. Most people join for the purpose of gaining benefits and all that crap, and that's fine. But you have to realize what the Millitary stands for, your there with the possibility to get shot at and blow stuff up and if you're not willing to do that, then it aint for you.