finished it before she finished me


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
Well in a nutshell me and my girlfriend (hannah - 19years old) were really doing good.. been together 5 months and were still total lovey dovey.

I met her about 6 months ago- she is my sisters mate but i hardly ever seen her, had only seen her a couple of times in life and thought nothing special of her. But then my sis told me she fancied me loads so i decided to get her number when i was drunk one night.. and she came across very nice through the txs but was askin wat jodie (another one of my sisters mate's who faniced me) was doing chatting me up when jodie should know that hanna likes me (hannah had lad by the way but thought i shud be off limits cos she liked me) so anyway we started meeting and getting on really well. then after 2 weeks of sneaking around i said either u end it with him or i cant do this anymore.
2 days later she split with him and we started going out. Evrything was amazing! she did the lushest things for me like make my bed in morning, open my window, fold my clothes up, tidy my room (i just meant the gesture was nice of her to do when i was at work) and if i went to her house she wud have a glass of juice waiting on my side of the bed, a hot water bottle already on my side and the cussions puffed up.
I have a son to a girl i was with for over 5 and half years but we have been split for 3 years. So after christmas we fell out and the only way she ever tells me what is wrong is through txt so i went for walk along beach to cool off and she sent txt sayin she thought i would get back with my ex so i could have a family and make it work.. after that we were still amazing but she got more and more insecure.
She would take days off work to come and see me (i think just to check up on me) she would txt me all day askin wat i was up to who i was going to see, wat ui was watching etc.. at first i was flattered but then felt she was just checking on me. Couple of months later it was now where she didnt want me leaving house when she was at work, didnt want me doing nothing with my son when she wasnt there, not going out drinkin unless she was there, i had to go to her work and just sit and wait till she finished, she hardly spoke to me but i think it was so she could keep an eye on me. If i stood up when lying on bed she would say very sharply "where u going!?" and i would tell her am going to bathroom and she would tell me to hurry up or grab my arm so i couldnt go. IF she went in bath she would want me to sit and talk to her which is nice, but i couldnt be left alone ever.. even if she was in shower and wasnt talking she wanted me to stand outside shower and talk to her.
I did something stupid after we fell out a couple of weeks ago because we had agreed to get house and then after money had come out of my bank she decided the next day to tell me she wasnt ready for it as her mam and dad were against it. SO i was extremely annoyed and went to see some mates, got little drunk, she kept txtn askin me to go over.. but i said no and i was strong.. so eventually i gave in and went to see her but she gave me the silent treatment and i said i wouldnt put up with it (her ex was obbsessed with her and im not, so think she thinks i dont love her sometimes because of this) so i txt my mate to come and pick me up.. and when i got in his car i started getting everything off my chest and todl him i wanted to finish it with her and lots of nasty stuff.. and she heard it all. so she wasnt very happy. We went on holiday skiin with her mam and dad the next morining and we never really talked about it but the whole holiday i found myself snapping at her for nothing and couldnt understand why. we got back.. i hadnt seen my family or my son all week so i wanted to go and see my mam for mothers day... but she got upset and thought i didnt show her i loved her enough and she went out drinking with her mate. (her best mate who has always wanted us to finish because my lass's lad is her best mates lads best mate if that makes sense) and after she had been with her mate she was weird .. then all week she has been weird very weird.. so i finished it on friday.. she says her head is all over place and doesnt know whats making her werid around me... she is with me every second she has spare so she hasnt cheated.. any idea as to why she is acting like this? how can she go from being so in love and obbsessed to nothin??


Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
use paragraphs please, and haven't u ever been taught proper grammar ?


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
no not really mate i dropped out of school early and never really went to class's. wouldnt mind bit help about the situation though?