Find Your Own Style


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
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Now don't get me wrong, a lot of the information on this board is very useful and helpful, but you don't want to use all of it down to the letter. You need your own style. Remember in the days when people who acted like someone else was called a "poser?" Well, if you follow all the advice on here down pat, your not standing out. Your FOLLOWING! As a DJ, you can NOT afford that. Here's a little story that I want to share:

I was a major AFC. Flowers, candy, gifts, poems, constant phone calls to girls I liked, but did I ask them out? NO! I sat back and said to myself, "wow, maybe today is the day she walks over and kisses me!" How wrong I was. December 2001 changed everything. I found this site. No, I didn't have instant sucess overnight, but I started getting more confident. But I made a major mistake. I followed all the advice and tried to change EVERYTHING about myself. Finally, I woke up one morning and said "this isn't me, I am not comfortable." Out went the expensive clothes, back came my comfy jeans and long sleeves shirts with various cool designs. Out went the "trendy" hairstyle, gel, and blowdrying. Back came my "skin fade" haircut, combing, and hat. Out went the "I'm the best there is" attitude. In came an adjustment. Here's a quote that I told one of my friends earlier today: "Beauty is only skin deep to most people, but personality is forever." You can NOT change your personality. You can only modify it. Me? I had confidence and I'm good at being humerous. I built up confidence and humerous side of me. Now I get shout outs by various hot girls in my school. Is it because I look the best? No. Is it because I think I'm the best? No. Is it because I followed the advice on here all the way? No. How is it that I, a skinny, poor, mediocere looking kid can get looks by 8's and 9's? I found my style. That's right, MY STYLE. I can't tell you what your style is, because I am not you. But I can offer tips that you may or may not want to use:

- Be comfortable with yourself. If dressing fancy isn't for you, then dress in what makes you comfortable (but I will agree with this part: must be clean!)

- Don't change everything about you. If your funny but couldn't approach and talk to a girl to save your life, set a goal for yourself. Cool Runnings said it best, "if he knows what he wants, and wants it bad enough and is willing to work for it, he'll get it someday."

- Don't forget the simpler things in life. Women come and go. Good friends don't. Sure, I talk about girls and try and hit on them more then my friends, but we are always at one of our houses atleast once a week with "Guys Night In" where we sit back, relax, watch a few movies, play some PS2, and eat hotwings, pizza, KFC, and various other foods. Those times are honestly the best memories I have.

-Set the bar high and try to achieve it. I just recently got out of a good relationship due to various reasons. Am I a little down? Yeah. Am I staying down for long? No. I already have another target that I want to get with. She's popular and one of her family memembers is famous. Look at my "I'm FREE" thread in the High School Section if you want more about that.

- HAVE FUN!! This is the most important thing. What's the point of waking up in the morning if you know your days going to suck? Life is never bad enough to just give up on it. You always have something going for you. I look around my High School, and everyone has friends. Everyone has great friends. People that will help them when in need. People to hang out with. People to dream with.

That's my story and I'm sticking with it. Remember, your style comes from within yourself, not a thousand people telling you what works and what doesn't.


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score

People write alot of things about 'AFC' this and 'DJ' that, when the truth is that these are just arbitrary distinctions, they don't mean anything.

You cannot change your personality, but you can emphasise different PARTS of your personality.

Everyone has ALL of the different 'personality traits'. They all take work to bring out. (Actors are good at this, of course.) You cannot do it all at once.

What is the most attractive thing about a 'personality' however?


This, anyone can achieve.


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Bump. Come on, 115 views and 1 reply? Is it really that bad?