To indulge the OP, I just spent $ 48 on OnlyFans costs over the past month, bringing my total account balance to near $ 120. The between paycheque parts are very low. But, I can tell you the people I have subscribed to is not going to make statements of buying a home or living it up with that money. I'm more upset at the circumstances that I am in, where a payment of $ 48 would feel hard rather than feeling ripped off or wanting to curse someone who I paid the money too (which I don't feel that way).
The way I see it, even if I went with a cheap escort, it would still have cost $ 80 / hh, so that's a savings of $ 32 on what may have been a totally fleeting moment at best, whereas with OnlyFans you can take your time and look at the pictures/videos on there. The point is, when you are just fvcked financially, you can't afford nothing, no girlfriend, wife, or escort, or whatever. I know if I lost my job then my car would get repoed (while I"m almost finished paying the loan too) so I'm in a pretty crappy spot in life, on top of taking care of elderly folks who interrupt me frequently.
I've also spent near $ 120 in tithe payments (ie money going to ministries, spreading out the gospel). There is still more money spent on good purposes then indulgent ones. However, OnlyFans never promised to help me financially, I think that's more of God's department (ie yeah, the tithe thing) so at the end of the day, the buck falls with God, not with OnlyFans, which is there to distract when God is not coming through fast enough with what you are believing Him for.