Finally, a tip for you all.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2004
Reaction score
I just pulled this thing off and I can't believe how well it worked. So you know about that old chivalry is dead crap. Well, this girl and I were out and we were taking a long walk around the neighborhood. At on point I said, hey you know, not all men have forgotten chivalry and I moved to the outside of the sidewalk to be close to the curb. I then proceeded to tell her about where that came from and then added something about how stupid they guy must be if in fact he does become that human shield for crap from the street. She immediately started talking about how much that would mean to a woman if some guy did that. Now here's the killer part, as we walked the way things would work out she would wind up on the outside of the sidewalk. I would gently put my hands on her hips and move her into the inside. After about doing this three to four times I could tell she was waiting for another opportunity for me to move her around. Next time it happend, I put my hands on her hips and instead of moving her inside I turned her around to face me and kissed her. She went nuts with that move and asked why I waited so long. Jokingly I said I've only kissed two women in my life, my mom and my grandma, and that was only on the cheek. She went nuts for that one and immediately grabbed me and kissed me again, and let me know that she didn't buy it. Straight faced I told her that if I knew kissing girls would be this much fun I would have done it more often. Of course, delivery is everything so be careful with that one.

So summary, try the chivalry thing, it worked for me.



Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
that is so cool. I had that experience like yours long time back. Only thing was it did not work out with our relationship as I found out that she is a pothead!!! thanks for your advice..
what do you think of my dillema that I had posted?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 29, 2001
Reaction score
Great tip, homey72! You combined being natural, confidence, and kept chivalry alive too.