Fighting! Without the feel of it - I am like vagina!


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
I am coming from a country where guys FIGHT when they diss each other! Cops don't come, people don't get arrested for that, and you can't screw up your life this way unless you get injured really bad. Most of the time your nose will get broken or something.

Now in USA I am in college and I can't get arrested or I lose scholarships and **** up my life!

However, often you see these alpha male taking up space, STANDING IN MY WAY and when I say "Hey dude, let me through" they don't do squat! If I say "Are you depth, buddy?" then they walk up to my face!

What do I do then? I want and I can kick his ass! I am 6'2 and 180lbs and like 90% of the time nobody will mess with me! However, when it does happen I don't know what to do because I can't allow fighting!

I'm not scared to fight, I'm scared of the consequences and screwing up my life!

My best friend got arrested and is now on probation from my university for a freaking FIGHT.

Girls don't always like these types of guys. Often, in fact, they don't, but I take their action as disrespect and I want to ****ing kill them!

What do I do!??!?!??!!? I'm not the best at talking sh*t back, because I am used to my fist doing all the talking!

When I can't do anything in such a situation I feel like a VAGINA and it bothers me!


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2005
Reaction score
I always say lets fight down the street or whatever. But if people hear about it gets busted by the school cops and teachers or what ever but thats when you run. I know my way around no security guard/cop/teacher is gonna catch me when im on my feet. Thats how I live, dont be scared to take a risk, but dont be stupid either. But im also under 18 so that helps with my philosophy. Anyways fight off campus and dont get busted


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Babnik said:
I'm not scared to fight, I'm scared of the consequences and screwing up my life!

In america that would be seen as a mental problem. Not caring about what happens to your life? I knew a guy (now 54 years old) who had the same mentality as you did. He was a great boxer and a hometown champion. Was even in the newspaper. He didn't give a care about anybody. Anyone who stepped up to him would get knocked out. Well a situation happend before his big match. He was shooting dice in the alley with a couple of shady people and one guy didn't want to pass over the money he owed him. My friend didn't give a shi.t so he started wailing on the guy. He had no idea until he got from ontop of the guy that his shirt was covered in blood. His own blood.

The shady guy, while being tapped over and over on his goofy head, managed to sneak in a few pokes with his concealed knife. This happened while my friend was 20 years old, at the height of his career and stabbed in the liver in an alley somewhere. He couldn't box after that. He was my supervisor at the security company I worked at. Worked security for 15 years and then at a car manufactuer years before that.

Point being is that you SHOULD give a shi.t about what you do with your life. There are people out there who care about you and don't want you hurt. Your life is not your own, as a good friend once told me.

Why don't you join a wrestling team or something?


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
Thunder Bay Ontario
Nah man, you have two options, Fight it out, or dare the guy to hit you, when he does it's self defense and take the ****er out. Option two, you push past him, and act like hes nothing don't even listen to his ****, he's just trying to get a rise out of you, he will either a **** off, or be hit you, then you **** him up in self defense. Either way you can't lose, and if he doesn't move yell at the ****, be all like " Get the **** out of my way *****" Will set him off, tell him to take a swing at you, and tell him it will be the last thing he ever does, let him swing get out of the way and beat him to a pulp. And of course claim self defense on the ****er. Cops can't say ****, say you feared of your safety.



Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
i was going to say, the solution is to grow up.. but seeing you're coming from another culture, i will say adapt to our culture. Nobody is going to start a fight with you if you say "hey man, let me through" Those aren't fighting words. You're not a vagina if you don't go around fighting people, i don't understand where you're coming from.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2000
Reaction score
Never be the one looking for the fight. When you do fight make sure it's with someone you're bigger than or know you can take. Nothing more embarrasing than havin your asss wooped.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
Like the others said, sometimes the biggest fight is fighting your own demons. That mentality that makes you want to fight? It's really pride. Nothing wrong with it really. But take that pride and anger and energy, and put all of it into some place more productive.

Man Of Adventure

Master Don Juan
May 21, 2001
Reaction score
Illinois USA
Theres something other than fight or flight

Babnik said:
I am coming from a country where guys FIGHT when they diss each other! Cops don't come, people don't get arrested for that, and you can't screw up your life this way unless you get injured really bad. Most of the time your nose will get broken or something.

Now in USA I am in college and I can't get arrested or I lose scholarships and **** up my life!

However, often you see these alpha male taking up space, STANDING IN MY WAY and when I say "Hey dude, let me through" they don't do squat! If I say "Are you depth, buddy?" then they walk up to my face!

What do I do then? I want and I can kick his ass! I am 6'2 and 180lbs and like 90% of the time nobody will mess with me! However, when it does happen I don't know what to do because I can't allow fighting!

I'm not scared to fight, I'm scared of the consequences and screwing up my life!

My best friend got arrested and is now on probation from my university for a freaking FIGHT.

Girls don't always like these types of guys. Often, in fact, they don't, but I take their action as disrespect and I want to ****ing kill them!

What do I do!??!?!??!!? I'm not the best at talking sh*t back, because I am used to my fist doing all the talking!

When I can't do anything in such a situation I feel like a VAGINA and it bothers me!
Sometimes its good to know how to talk to people. It takes practice but you can make friends with some of the biggest ****s in the market. You may know that youre not afraid to put up a fight but sometimes its good to show some humility. Humility does earn respect. It doesnt make you a ***** if you show some respect. If you can lighten up the situation as well then do it. Its really really hard to say what you should do step by step exactly, but alot of my friends now used to be people that I would have hated so much if I didnt learn how to switch the mood from hostility to friendliness. Its often you that has to do the switching. Some people are just really ****ing drunk.

Not all situations can be handled this way but it can definately get you out of a lot of misunderstandings. Plus you can make some pretty big ****s into yur equals. (Guys that can help you when **** goes down for sure)

When this preemptive step fails well you may have no other choice but fight or flee. Thats why its important to do something to prevent this final option in a confrontation. If you fight you will lose. If you flee like a ***** you will lose respect. Ultimately fleeing will keep you out of trouble with the least scratches and will save you unless self defense is permittable. Of course you have to stop hitting when theyre down unless they try again.

Practice switching the mood setting. Ultimately youre gonna have to figure out what works best for you when you encounter a confrontation.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
I've been in many a fights, as I'm sure you have also.

These were my early years. Now a few years older, I've learned that there's almost always a way to talk yourself out of a fight while holding your pride. Bumping into someone is easiest fight to avoid.

An alpha male doesn't need to fight. It's just like the real alpha male doesn't need to goto the gym everyday to stay on his game. An alpha male is confident in himself, and has his own inspirations. Fighting is a last resort, because in reality fighting does not improve who you are.

While all the meatheads are out there in the gym 5 times a week, I'm out there making clients and improving my social status everyday. While all the meatheads are looking tough at clubs and looking for a fight, I'm out there just enjoying the vast amount of ladies I could easily lay that night.

And the most ironic thing is I'm having fun and they're not! You see, a woman doesn't want a man who can just defend her physically. A woman wants a man who can defend her with the idea that you're a bigger man and you're onto bigger and better things.

Think about it. Would a woman rather want a meathead who's #1 care is his body, or would she rather want a man who moves onto new things every day. Improves himself, and inturn improves her also.

Next time someone bumps into you, ignore it. There's better things for you ahead.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
It's just like the real alpha male doesn't need to goto the gym everyday to stay on his game.
Im not sure how you can use this as a comparison. This sounds like a rationalization for you not going into the gym every day. I agree that you dont need to, but going to the gym often does not make you any less alpha. It is not a matter of what you do but how you do what you do.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
However, often you see these alpha male taking up space, STANDING IN MY WAY
This is definitely a cultural difference.

Actually, are you from Eastern Europe?? I've met guys from there, and the tone of their voice sounds harsh and aggressive to American ears. I've seen them nearly get into fights, but in hindsight, Slavic guys just tend to stand less than 3 feet away and raise their voice a little in conversation. This makes you look like a toughguy looking for a fight.

I think it's just your mannerisms. Nobody gives me any crap when I say "excuse me".


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
You're just an idiot. You even admitted you're not smart enough to think of a comeback to people to so you fight people. Only uneducated people want to fight like that so my advice is to you then yeah fight because college is going to have no part in your future when you're cleaning toilets.

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
I think that fighting sometimes is necessary, but alot less often than the things most people fight over.

Being able to fight isn't as important as the power you display.... and there are more types of power than just power by force.

Forgot to remove the signature... I haven't been here in long enough to make such claims yet...


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
Charm said:
Im not sure how you can use this as a comparison. This sounds like a rationalization for you not going into the gym every day. I agree that you dont need to, but going to the gym often does not make you any less alpha. It is not a matter of what you do but how you do what you do.
I keep myself in decent shape :) :box:

I guess what I said was a little unclear. Just as some men need to fight to impress women, there are men out there who's whole lives are dedicated to the gym, only going to up their chances of getting laid.

I saw this mainly back in college where some of my best friends really had nothing else going for them than working out; which is fine. What isn't fine is an obsession with the gym for attraction purposes. You don't need to goto the gym everyday to attract women. Hence, you don't have to fight either to attract women. The whole meathead mentality relies on image and muscles.

There are other (and much better) ways to show women you are a confident man other than fighting. Thats all I was trying to say :)