Field Report!!!


Don Juan
Nov 4, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, so... For those of you who have been following my posts, you all know that i have gone from a total afc to the master DJ!!! Well I decided to try to school pickups. I have been going to college for 2 years already and have not tried my skills yet over there. So on tuesday morning in my first class which is physics it is a big auditorium class with 500 and some odd people in it, which means plenty of HB'S, normally i just sit in the front and focus on the material, well yesterday i decided to focus on the hb's, so i get to class early and sit right next to a hb9, I strike up a conversation about the teacher and we both mention that he sucks at teaching and then she mentions that she is doing horrible in the class, well this was my chance to use some good
c & f on her, so i start calling her a stupid bytch and telling her how stupid she is, all while keeping a ****y smirk on my face, I was also applying mad kino here!!!! touching her breasts, her stomach, her arm, etc...well she was pretending to get mad, and then after about 3 min of me ripping on her bad grades she decided to play hard to get and she got up and moved over 2 seats, so I decide I will play her games and I move over next to her, well I saw another hb10 in the class and I wanted to go for her, so I asked this girl for her number and she started laughing(she was just shy and probably not used to such a DJ like me hitting on her), she wouldnt give me the number but I decided to try to kiss close her, so I just go right for her lips, she quickly backs off and starts screaming about how she is going to go to the dean and have me charged with sexual harrassment, I can't stand girls who have pms and like to play games, while she was running out of the room, I simply shouted at her to make me look good 'HEY I TOLD YOU I WASNT INTERESTED IN YOU'. After that I was going to go to the hb10, but a bunch of stupid afc guys came up to me and wanted me to leave the class or else they said they were gonna kick my azz. I was upset at that girls games she was playing with me, so i just left and decided to hit the library for a couple pick ups. So i go in the library and I notice a hb8 studying by her self, I go up to her and ask what she's studying and she replies she is studying for her calc test, I pull some c & f and tell her that she must be stupid if she has to study for a calc test and I proceed to sit down next to her, she tells me to please leave her alone because she has to study, I tell her to stop playing hard to get, but I noticed another hb9.5 walking in, so I decide to try to #close her and then move on the hb9.5, she tells me she has a bf, I simply tell her 'HEY BYTCH, I DIDNT SAY LETS GET MARRIED, I JUST SAID LET ME HAVE YOUR NUMBER AND WE CAN GO OUT SOMETIME'. She didnt say anything, and then I told her again to give me her number, she replied, 'IM BUSY!! I told her I will hit her up again when she is not busy, she replies 'YEAH OK, WHATEVER!!" So I know I got her in the bag next time I talk to her SCORE!!!!!!! I decided that I better go study for my psychology class, and that was all that I tried for yesterday, but you can guarantee I will go for more tommorow!!!

I RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Don Juan
Nov 4, 2003
Reaction score
U of H


Senior Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Oh h3ll nawh!!!!!!


These type of threads are actually funny as h3ll because it's so stupid! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

You call yourself a pimp.(lol) But you type and sound more like a limp.

An impairment! HAHAHAHAHA!

But that's who are so I ain't mad at cha, just laughing!HAHHAHAHAHAHA!
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
This shyt isn't real!!!!

You guys are being had...this is probably starman playing jokes again. Notice the number of posts this goober has!!!

I always wonder why can't fools just be real up in here. Must be the maturity level.