Field Report & what to do when she confuses you with another guy...?


Don Juan
May 13, 2007
Reaction score
Whatsup guys, I've been aware of this community for awhile now but I never really made any effort towards getting better with women so I've decided to finally take some action and work on my game. I'm going to start going out to more clubs and bars and also try to work on my "day game" esp. while I've still got some time off school for X-mas break. As a matter of fact my friend and I are planning on going out everyday this week.

At this point everything I'm doing is just practice and I'm obviously not trying to take anything seriously like find a girlfriend or anything but at the same time if things do go well with some of the girls I meet then why not try and f**k them lol.

This past Friday we went out to a club and I grew some balls and talked to some girls. I was talking to this one group of girls with a really hot brunette (she was about a 8-8.5) that was my target. I think I was doing "OK" as far as how well I was gaming her and I ended up dancing with her and her 2 friends, which was awesome by the way. I was looking like the man having 3 girls dancing on me while all the other guys were standing on the side of the dancefloor looking "cool" The HB8 was dancing all sexy grinding against me and stuff, good times lol. Me and my friends decided to go to some other clubs in the area so I got her # and left.

So today (Sunday) I decide to text her for the hell of it, mostly just trying to see if it was a fake # or not because I'm sure she gets hit on all the time and a lot of girls give out fake #'s. It was her real # and she wasn't sure who it was at first so I told her my name and we met on friday night blah blah blah, just had some bs fluff talk or whatever you wanna call it and we were flirting pretty good and stuff too. I was saying things like "so you're pretty cute, what else do you have going for you besides your looks" and she seemed to be loving it. Then she started referring to some things from Friday and I had no idea what she was talking about because it wasn't anything that we talked about that night. Then I figured out that she thought I was some other guy the whole time we were talking. So after telling her who I really was I just felt like the conversation went from being fun and flirting to awkward I guess. I teased her a little bit saying even though you have alzheimers I still think youre cute. But like I said, I felt awkward for some reason so a few texts after that I just stopped texting her.

I feel like I should have called her out on confusing me with some other dude but I wasn't really sure how to go about doing that. I know it's really not a huge deal and I'm not trying to blow anything out of proportion but it annoyed me and pissed me off a little bit. I have to realize the fact that hot girls get hit on all the time and probably have lots of guys pursuing them at any given time. I just want to learn how to handle certain situations so I can get better and know what to do in the future. Any advice? Should I even pursue this girl any further? She seemed like she was interested at the club and was into our "texting conversation" up until I started to feel awkward at the end. Plus like I said earlier everything I'm doing right now is just for practice so why not.

Hopefully I'll be posting up some better field reports this week when I go out.


Master Don Juan
May 26, 2006
Reaction score
Belle Vernon, PA
Props to you! Not a bad start at all, seems like your picking up on things quite well. That's also good that you are not putting your expectations too high with the girl you are talking to, you don't want any added pressure while you're learning the ropes. Keep us updated and I hope you have more field reports. Im going out on new years eve, so I'm hoping to post a field report myself. Good luck man!


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
Portland, OR
If you had called, there would have been less of a chance of this happening.
Next time when you call start out by mentioning or alluding to something you talked about when you met the girl, or just calling her by some nickname you may have given her that night. That will take care of any ambiguities and will let you continue from where you left off. If she still doesn't remember, then chalk it up to a drunk girl in a club giving you her number.