Last Sunday I was hanging out with two buddies of mine and we run into these two girls that one of my friends knows (HBFaketits and HB7+) - so we hang out all night and come back to my house for afterhours (I just moved into a phatty new apartment
So I'm getting a good vibe from HB7+ and she winds up taking one of my long sleeved shirts with her (it got kind of cold later in the night so I gave it to her to keep her warm).
So the next day my buddy talks to HBFaketits and she proceeds to tell him that HB7+ was quite taken with me and that she just kept talking about me, etc, etc.
So on Wednesday HBFaketits calls up my buddy and wants me and him to hang out with her and HB7+ - I decline as I have to work early the next morning.
So last night I'm out at a local club and run into a bunch of girls that I know and am chatting it up with them when HB7+ and HBFaketits walk in - I say hello, give them both the gratuitous kiss on the cheek and then go back to talking to the girls that I was orignally talking to. (Side note: it happens to be HB7+'s birthday).
So after I'm done talking with the girls HB7+ comes up to me and we chat. I wish her a happy birthday (24) and she goes on to tell me that she's been meaning to stop by and drop off my shirt - I tell her no big deal and that she should take my number so she can call to make sure I'm home first - she says great, that I should have her number? and then says that she doesn't think I will call her?? So I tell her that I have to go to another bar to meet my other friend and that I might be back but if I don't see her to have a good time and enjoy her birthday.
So as me and my buddy are walking to the next bar he proceeds to tell me that HB7+ is really into me and that she told him that she wants me to give her a "birthday present".
So at this point things are all good. I was pretty much planning on going back to that bar before last call and closing the deal.
Then things got a little wacky.
I meet up with my other buddies at bar #2 - we're all hanging out having a good time, throwing back a few drinks when not even 30 min later, guess who shows up - HB7+ and her friends. She walks right up to my buddy and says "Tell Ronin, I've given him two chances already and he's blown both of them. Tell him that I'm going downstairs to dance and that when I come upstairs he'd better be man enough to do something.."
I'm sitting two seats away from my buddy the whole time and the whole time he's yelling at her, "He's right there. You tell him!!"
Anyway, he tells me what she says and at this point I was completely turned off. First of all I was turned off by the fact that she followed me to the next bar and secondly I was turned off by the fact that she tried to bait me into action by challenging my manhood. I guess I was supposed to take the bait and "prove" to her that I am a man by fvcking her brains out - whatever. Add to that that while we were at the first bar when she first came up to talk to me she started grilling me about who the girl was that I was talking to (acting all jealous - like it was any of her business) - anyway, this girl clearly identified herself as being a few cards short of a full deck - so I wound up leaving that bar and going back to bar#1 to finish my night off.
In some ways I feel kind of stupid turning down such easy pvssy like I did but I'm at the point where I refuse to put up with stupid little girl antics just to get some ass.
So I'm getting a good vibe from HB7+ and she winds up taking one of my long sleeved shirts with her (it got kind of cold later in the night so I gave it to her to keep her warm).
So the next day my buddy talks to HBFaketits and she proceeds to tell him that HB7+ was quite taken with me and that she just kept talking about me, etc, etc.
So on Wednesday HBFaketits calls up my buddy and wants me and him to hang out with her and HB7+ - I decline as I have to work early the next morning.
So last night I'm out at a local club and run into a bunch of girls that I know and am chatting it up with them when HB7+ and HBFaketits walk in - I say hello, give them both the gratuitous kiss on the cheek and then go back to talking to the girls that I was orignally talking to. (Side note: it happens to be HB7+'s birthday).
So after I'm done talking with the girls HB7+ comes up to me and we chat. I wish her a happy birthday (24) and she goes on to tell me that she's been meaning to stop by and drop off my shirt - I tell her no big deal and that she should take my number so she can call to make sure I'm home first - she says great, that I should have her number? and then says that she doesn't think I will call her?? So I tell her that I have to go to another bar to meet my other friend and that I might be back but if I don't see her to have a good time and enjoy her birthday.
So as me and my buddy are walking to the next bar he proceeds to tell me that HB7+ is really into me and that she told him that she wants me to give her a "birthday present".
So at this point things are all good. I was pretty much planning on going back to that bar before last call and closing the deal.
Then things got a little wacky.
I meet up with my other buddies at bar #2 - we're all hanging out having a good time, throwing back a few drinks when not even 30 min later, guess who shows up - HB7+ and her friends. She walks right up to my buddy and says "Tell Ronin, I've given him two chances already and he's blown both of them. Tell him that I'm going downstairs to dance and that when I come upstairs he'd better be man enough to do something.."
I'm sitting two seats away from my buddy the whole time and the whole time he's yelling at her, "He's right there. You tell him!!"
Anyway, he tells me what she says and at this point I was completely turned off. First of all I was turned off by the fact that she followed me to the next bar and secondly I was turned off by the fact that she tried to bait me into action by challenging my manhood. I guess I was supposed to take the bait and "prove" to her that I am a man by fvcking her brains out - whatever. Add to that that while we were at the first bar when she first came up to talk to me she started grilling me about who the girl was that I was talking to (acting all jealous - like it was any of her business) - anyway, this girl clearly identified herself as being a few cards short of a full deck - so I wound up leaving that bar and going back to bar#1 to finish my night off.
In some ways I feel kind of stupid turning down such easy pvssy like I did but I'm at the point where I refuse to put up with stupid little girl antics just to get some ass.