Field report - some advice on follow up


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
I have not posted a field report in some time, and the community needs some non-feminism topics to chew on. I also need some advice on how to proceed.

Like all stories, it starts out the same. Last weekend I met a cool chick. Lately, dating prospects have been somewhat lacking. In some cases, its looks, personality or location, I have opted out of what has been available so far. The setting was in Boston where myself and roughly 10 people were there for an all day and all night event. A few women who knew some mutual friends came by and I (inadvertently) started getting business done. I started talking to one friend and made the other jealous , and got all of their contact info. The chick I was into turns out to have a legit personality, and a pretty good body as well. Jackpot. The trick here was to get all of them having a good time without pining over one. This worked very well.

That night, the chick I was interested ended up coming to the same venue that the rest of us went to. Met up with her, one thing led to another and went home with her. She seemed to put the breaks on when it came to sex ( lets face it, if a chick brings you home, this is what one expects). Turns out we did everything but sex, but thats okay considering I just met her and what not. As I keep talking with this chick, it seems like she's actually a pretty good prospect to see again. Her apartment was legit, and her reading collection was impressive ( Julius Siezer - she had fountainhead and atlas shrugged near her bed). The next morning, she invited her friends and I invited some of mine and we all socialized for a few hours. All in all, a fun time.

My question to the fine folks at SS would be how to proceed. I told her that I would be in town today and that we should meet up but she had a lame excuse as to why she couldn't. No other communication has been made so far so I feel that I have not messed up my text/calling game. She seemed interested in hanging out again.

This is typically where my game needs some polishing. Sometimes I feel that I was desperate in my attempts at trying to get them to hang out and go out. This turned attraction into indifference and has been a sticking point in my game for a while. Any advice on how to proceed without giving off any desperate vibes would be appreciated greatly!


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
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Standing At The Crossroads
The answer is very simple. Just ask her out. That's not desperation. Then step it up and mount her. Good luck.

The Gambler

Senior Don Juan
Aug 8, 2012
Reaction score
Great post...

Since you hung out last weekend, with just one communication since, I wouldn't think there's anything wrong with sending her a text to see if she wants to do something this weekend... Maybe send it tomorrow?

If she makes an excuse and doesn't seem like she's even trying to accommodate another meeting, you can either STOP COMMUNICATING IMMEDIATELY, or send one final reply along the lines of "Hahaha... I get the picture. Enjoy your weekend." (I love this kind of statement, because it is guaranteed to generate an explanation from her if she is still interested).

The Gambler


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
The Gambler said:
Great post...

Since you hung out last weekend, with just one communication since, I wouldn't think there's anything wrong with sending her a text to see if she wants to do something this weekend... Maybe send it tomorrow?

If she makes an excuse and doesn't seem like she's even trying to accommodate another meeting, you can either STOP COMMUNICATING IMMEDIATELY, or send one final reply along the lines of "Hahaha... I get the picture. Enjoy your weekend." (I love this kind of statement, because it is guaranteed to generate an explanation from her if she is still interested).

The Gambler
Normally with a low sign of interest I just move on and delete the phone number. I actually like this one and want to meet up again.

Will give it a go and post how the response goes - if any.


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2011
Reaction score
synergy1 said:
Met up with her, one thing led to another and went home with her. She seemed to put the breaks on when it came to sex ( lets face it, if a chick brings you home, this is what one expects).
what? you expect not to have sex with her when she takes you home with her?


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
0 said:
what? you expect not to have sex with her when she takes you home with her?
No, he just worded it weird. When a chick brings you home, or goes home with you, sex is implied.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
Ulysses said:
No, he just worded it weird. When a chick brings you home, or goes home with you, sex is implied.
More or less. there have been instances when going home with a women doesn't necessarily mean anything is going to happen. In those cases, the chicks have usually pursued for more. In most cases though, meeting a chick for the first time and going home with them means sex.

In this case, it didn't bother me that nothing happened. I don't mind meeting up a few more times and seeing where things go.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
Met up last weekend and things went pretty well. She even spent the night and indicated interest in hanging out this weekend. Weds/thurs rolls around and i check to see if she wants to hang out and nothing all weekend. Still don't get the whole hot cold thing.

My best guess is that there might be an ex and that I am a rebound or something like that. Probably won't pursue this for the time being. Too bad too, this one seemed cool.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Good attitude to have man, the oh well attitude , works perfectly . Your most likely right about the having an ex thing. She doesn't seem to want to start anything just yet. Anyway good FR, time to move on :p