I know its not much,
But I read Senor Fingers Weapons of Mass Seduction last night, & finally a little light clicked off! (especially about talking LOUD and PROUD)
Man thats some deep $hit
Now I have a problem approaching girls when sober, this is a milestone for me.
I was a McDonald's waiting in Line, when in front of me were 2 girls.
One had a really bad inked tattoo on the back her neck
She places her order, and waits for her friend to order.
As soon as she was done, 3 sec rule
"Wow! Nice tattoo! Did the artist run out of ink??"
She laughs and goes into how she got a discount on the tattoo, and then proceeded to show me the rest of her tattoo (one on her upper breast)
I then Showed her mine and we talked about tattoo parlors a little.
Then it was my turn to order , so I order a Double Cheese Burger..when she decides to step back a little..
then she says to the other cashier "Ohh! Can I have a double cheeseburger with my order too (mirroring?)
Then as Im waiting for my food she says
"So? you dont like my tattoo?"
I said, "Nooo, Im just teasing, just have your friend fill it out with a magic marker when you get a chance" (she laughed lightly)
then I asked for her # when she left and she gave it to me! but she was only 18 and Im 27
I know its a baby step! but I was damn elated!
Then I drove off! I was feeling the adrenaline, and had Music pounding from my car
this other girl in front of me turned her head around for a REALLY extended period of time, So I waved to her.
She smiled and we drove away
I really hate the fact that I have to get sloshed to get confidence to talk to women, but this time I did it sober!!
But I read Senor Fingers Weapons of Mass Seduction last night, & finally a little light clicked off! (especially about talking LOUD and PROUD)
Man thats some deep $hit
Now I have a problem approaching girls when sober, this is a milestone for me.
I was a McDonald's waiting in Line, when in front of me were 2 girls.
One had a really bad inked tattoo on the back her neck
She places her order, and waits for her friend to order.
As soon as she was done, 3 sec rule
"Wow! Nice tattoo! Did the artist run out of ink??"
She laughs and goes into how she got a discount on the tattoo, and then proceeded to show me the rest of her tattoo (one on her upper breast)
I then Showed her mine and we talked about tattoo parlors a little.
Then it was my turn to order , so I order a Double Cheese Burger..when she decides to step back a little..
then she says to the other cashier "Ohh! Can I have a double cheeseburger with my order too (mirroring?)
Then as Im waiting for my food she says
"So? you dont like my tattoo?"
I said, "Nooo, Im just teasing, just have your friend fill it out with a magic marker when you get a chance" (she laughed lightly)
then I asked for her # when she left and she gave it to me! but she was only 18 and Im 27
I know its a baby step! but I was damn elated!
Then I drove off! I was feeling the adrenaline, and had Music pounding from my car
this other girl in front of me turned her head around for a REALLY extended period of time, So I waved to her.
She smiled and we drove away
I really hate the fact that I have to get sloshed to get confidence to talk to women, but this time I did it sober!!