Field Report: Advice and constructive crit please (newbie)


New Member
Dec 16, 2005
Reaction score
Johannesburg, South Africa
Hey DJs,
I've been inspired lately by constantly reading the forum so last night (friday night) I decided to hit a trendy bar round the corner from me to practice my game. Firstly, some brief background: I'm 21, decent looking and have never struggled before, just want to improve myself.

The first thing that set last night apart from all other nights was my mindset.. for once I wasnt going out to pick up girls, I was going out to practice my routine and my new tips and see what worked and what didnt. So basically, it was all about me and my game. Also, my friends are all on holiday, So at the moment I'm sarging alone, but have found a few ways around this, which I'll go into.

I arrived at the bar wearing a white button shirt, schoolboy style tie, jeans and leather sandals and as I went to get a water to get my voice smooth, I overheard the two girls I was about to approach (about 7 seconds had elapsed) talking about my tie. So I leaned in and said something along the lines of "you know, I'm standing right here and I can here everything you girls are saying. Its rude to talk about someone when they're right next to you". The response was decent, a little smirk but the set was still very much closed so I added one of Style's lines "Since I've got your attention, can I ask your opinion on something... a friend of mine got two puppies and wants to name them after an 80s or 90s pop duo, any opinions?". I was in. The girl I was interested in is a HB7 and her friend a 5 at best. I didnt ignore the HB7 as Ive been taught, mainly because the group was only 2. I gave them both pretty much equal attention. When they asked me more about the puppies I said that the best names I could come up with was Duran and Duran but that it was a bit ****. This set me up to show off a bit of humour with one of them even saying "we need a guy like you at the party we're going to, everyone is so stuck up and we need a comedian" - IOI.

Now I also gave myself a time limit - though it wasnt finite. I said that my friends are at the club next door but that the bouncer wont let me in with sandals so I can only stay a while before we all go somewhere else.

The fluffing went well - they asked what I do to which I used my favourite line "Actually, Im retired, I invented dice when I was a kid" but they pressed and I divulged my real job (mistake?). The 5 wasnt too bad and seemed interested and worth a go, but as soon as she mentioned she was divorced, I freaked out a little - I like women older than me, but that might be a bit hectic. Still I continued chatting to both of them and at one stage conversation got on to bad things we have done - I gave them some story which was fine and after the HB7 asked if I believe in karma (what goes around comes around). I said I'm not sure but Ive been reading some ESP lately and did the ESP test (purely as an oppertunity for some kino). I didnt guess right and told her that "she wasnt concentrating hard enough - its your fault!". At some stage the 5 also bought me a drink - major IOI and there was some shoulder touching. I noticed that the conversation was dying down a little so I went for the close.

I said something to the tune of "would love to continue this conversation but I need to go, why dont we do a tea" and asked for hb7's number. I also told the 5 who is an interior designer that she needed to help me with my place (they showed me pictures - cute mutual friends!!). Things got a little complicated here: the HB7 said she doesnt give out her number because she was stalked a while ago and had to change it. I tried saying "get over yourself, just give me your number, it will be ok" but she refused point blank. I reached a compromise and got her e-mail.

Now to the crit and questions

Is an e-mail close worth chasing up on? When and what should I say?

Did I stay too long (I chatted for around 30 min)

Another problem I've noticed is that after saying you have to go, I had to leave the bar because they would see me talking to other girls and it wasnt that full.

Still, overall - I felt a huuuge improvement in my game last night - notably in changing a corny opener or just a plain hi into something that gets the conversation flowing. I feel so much more confident and just keep telling myself that its not real and just a game. Going out to a popular nightclub tonight - only the girls are a bit young so probably wont do much there, just use some techniques for fun.

Thanks for the input dudes.



Don Juan
Dec 19, 2005
Reaction score
not bad dude.. did quite well... an email is a decent close..... this way if u send her an email she can reply a ther leisure and as your only llearning at the moment you have time to think about your replies to her.......

as for the job thing.... simply DON'T tell 'em.. i like to use the line "you wouldnt believe me if i told you".. this keeps em wonderin constantly and u will have them on the hook for as long as u want.....

you went out on ur own though and went for it so well done....


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
If I'm in a bar I want to stay in, I push/pull women. I'll give them a bit of attention, and then go talk to other people. I'll return many times during the night, but only for short convos. That way you can also build social proof, and you won't be "clingy". At the end of the night, number close.